It already had the Daily feature, Weekly 3rd Place, and Review Crew Pick awards, but it didn't receive a frontpage, and I hope they give this animation a frontpage, I really liked it
It already had the Daily feature, Weekly 3rd Place, and Review Crew Pick awards, but it didn't receive a frontpage, and I hope they give this animation a frontpage, I really liked it
we chillin
i think more need to see this one
Please, give this movie a chance for this beautiful award. 🥺
Where else am I? Sheezy.Art ꟾ Geometry Dash ꟾ Reddit ꟾ BlueSky
AKA fe3l1ngsk1lled, Skilled, SkilledFeller... :3
Where else am I? Sheezy.Art ꟾ Geometry Dash ꟾ Reddit ꟾ BlueSky
AKA fe3l1ngsk1lled, Skilled, SkilledFeller... :3
I'd love for this to be featured. Pretty proud of it. I am new to this site and I don't think that people here know that I am like a real animator. It's frustrating when people don't understand you are doing things in art on purpose cus you want that style not because you can't. It'd be nice to have something cool like this shown to people en mass so they can understand the caliber of my work...that caliber being a crocodile with boobs. Lol Idk
I podcast, make documentaries, cartoons, games and art. I also hate lawns. Love weasels. Am neutral on Snow Cones. I feel nothing about snow cones. Sometimes they are nice.
insane that this classic got nothing back in the day