Oh yeah. By the way... if you guys are douchebags enough to get out-moralled by a fourteen year old that says alot about you, on top of the fact that it's pretty embarrasing.
This club is about skating, flashing, and other stuff worth our time.
I'm not saying we've broken these rules, or... I don't know what you'd call them..
But I'm laying some down.
1. No GAY deroggatory terms. You can all fuck yourselves.
2. No RACIST deroggatory terms. You can all fuck yourselves again.
3. No deroggatory terms about people like [emos.] or maybe [jews.] or maybe even [george bush...] well, fuck it. GB is a dumbass. But you better be getting the point by now.
4. ALL VIEWS are appreciated.
5. Just because you dont like it, listen to it, or do it, doesnt make it "gay" or "retarded".
Those five should be enough to start us off. If you guys break those guidelines multiple times I'm leaving the club. The only person that can start it up again if he wishes to is Lambofactor cause he's smarter than all of you put together.