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-Skate Flash Club-

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-14 16:41:27

good job synching all of it to the music.

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-15 07:27:23

hey im back from holiday what up

nice jestar but a few pointers use a diffrent song just remined m of tony hawks it has the same song in the bails video and i very much dislike that song.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-15 11:13:53

you guys know i changed my sig from hackysac to this, right?

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-15 22:11:40

At 8/15/06 11:13 AM, GatoGrande wrote: you guys know i changed my sig from hackysac to this, right?

"Sig" means the stuff underneath your post...
So you mean "Alias" and no we didnt.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-16 09:51:26

At 8/15/06 07:27 AM, cronic_22 wrote: hey im back from holiday what up

Woohoo Cronic's back!!!

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-16 10:15:16

At 8/13/06 08:46 PM, Jestar wrote:

I just made....

is that you skateing?

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-16 10:43:41

Hey I am a skater through and through and like I always say: It's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle. I definately watch all of the skate flashes I can and I need some help with the createing part of that, but by the sound of things you guys can help so if you want, add me and i'll help in any way I can. I good at drawing boards, riders anything skating- related

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-16 16:28:58

At 8/16/06 10:43 AM, drummerkylet wrote: I good at drawing boards, riders anything skating- related

But bad at english.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-16 17:05:24

At 8/16/06 04:28 PM, bakerrr wrote:
At 8/16/06 10:43 AM, drummerkylet wrote: I good at drawing boards, riders anything skating- related
But bad at english.

lol, is that all you ever say.

anyway yeah the problem with this club is that we all skate and you konw what skaters are...lazy!

were all to lazy to ever finish(or sometimes start) our flashs!!

i wanna do anotehr skate collab :)

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-16 17:12:12

So do i, but i don't want to do anything, i just want a BA, one more flash and i'll get it...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-16 22:30:05

At 8/16/06 10:43 AM, drummerkylet wrote: I definately watch all of the skate flashes I can and I need some help with the createing part of that, but by the sound of things you guys can help so if you want, add me and i'll help in any way I can. I good at drawing boards, riders anything skating- related

Sounds promising... but I doubt you'll post here that often :(

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-18 09:55:38

At 8/16/06 05:05 PM, cronic_22 wrote: anyway yeah the problem with this club is that we all skate and you konw what skaters are...lazy!

I'm not that lazy.. In bed.

were all to lazy to ever finish(or sometimes start) our flashs!!

Lol, Thats True!

i wanna do anotehr skate collab :)

Same and Welcome back cronic.

I'm picking up on the idea this guy said in the 'SK8 Crew' about a virtual skatepark.
As in Online Multiplayer S.K.A.T.E Games. I'm starting to teach myself XML so I'll soon be able to start on that.

Wish me luck.


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-18 10:46:19

At 8/16/06 05:05 PM, cronic_22 wrote:

:: i wanna do anotehr skate collab :)

can i be part of the collab. my idea is that ill send you guys my skate comics and one of you guys could animate it cuase i realy want to do a flash but im broke right now i have to buy my gf a ring so we can be engaged. we have been going out for like 6 years and i think its the time so yeah until then could i get some emails so i could send you the comics and one of you guys could animate it.plz plz plz . thx.

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-18 18:53:55

woops. Jestar, learn anything new on a skateboard lately?

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-19 08:49:43

At 8/18/06 06:53 PM, GatoGrande wrote: woops. Jestar, learn anything new on a skateboard lately?

Just don't post here dude.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-19 10:45:03

At 8/18/06 09:55 AM, I wrote: Online Multiplayer S.K.A.T.E Game.

OMSG - Oh My Skating God (Online Multiplayer S.K.A.T.E Game)

Gotta make it less.. Scoreboardy.. ^_^

The result will end up so you can see each other skate and have a chatroom so you can ask people to play skate with you and winner will get like some sort of cash to buy new decks n clothes n tricks n stuff.


I also might need an artist ^_^ I will do bg's n effects n AS



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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-19 17:36:54

i cant play it. : ((((((

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-19 22:39:21

At 8/19/06 05:36 PM, DnX_Danefex wrote:

i cant play it. : ((((((

I can. ASDW are move controls.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-20 06:02:52

A,D = Left n right
W = Ollie
Space = Boned Ollie
Right = Varial kickflip

Im gunna make more tricks and make grab n grind tricks 2 so you have to press D+Right to do a kickflip or something.



BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-20 09:24:29

At 8/20/06 06:02 AM, Night-Mare wrote: A,D = Left n right
W = Ollie
Space = Boned Ollie
Right = Varial kickflip

Im gunna make more tricks and make grab n grind tricks 2 so you have to press D+Right to do a kickflip or something.


Good ideas. Good ideas.
This is gonnna be pretty sick when you're done.
Then add a smiple background and turn the alpha down for a super secksie effect.
And then submit to NG!

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-20 09:28:12

Oh yeah. When I was skating Rye, NH...
I was boardsliding a flatbar [Which I did get on film. Easy thing.]
And I heard a snap about once every three times I got onto the rail.
So I looked down at my board and it looked a little wierd...
My friend Ben called over from this huge box and shouted "YOUR BOARD IS BENDING WHEN YOU BOARDSLIDE!"
I put the board flat down and hit it with my heel and it popped a little more, so I went all out and focused the damn thing.
Pro Matt Fenell was onlooker.
I rode it around for the rest of the session while it was broken and then I ripped the griptape in half so we could duct tape around the middle and make a really small board :D

Then I got a Baker and some Emericas.
Wish me luck in breaking the new shoes in....
~Jestar <3

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-21 03:05:35

At 8/20/06 09:28 AM, Jestar wrote: I put the board flat down and hit it with my heel and it popped a little more, so I went all out and focused the damn thing.
I rode it around for the rest of the session while it was broken and then I ripped the griptape in half
Then I got a Baker and some Emericas.

Same story with me but i just focused my old board.

And I was skating with it half broken then the griptaped ripped soon im gunna try and stick it back together :D

And that was when i got my new baker board and new adio shoes

Wish me luck breaking in my shoes man.

Talk about dasévu (However you spell it)

<3 Me.


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-21 03:07:08

At 8/20/06 09:24 AM, Jestar wrote: Good ideas. Good ideas.


This is gonnna be pretty sick when you're done.

I know.

Then add a smiple background and turn the alpha down for a super secksie effect.

Lol might do that.

And then submit to NG!


I also might need an artist for it. because on my opinion my animations suck :P


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-21 14:48:41

At 8/21/06 03:07 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
I also might need an artist for it. because on my opinion my animations suck :P

No comment.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-22 01:08:13

walla walla bang bang!!
i missed a couple of pages. wats been going on?
wats this myspace stuff

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-22 02:35:51

At 8/22/06 01:08 AM, G_F_D wrote: walla walla bang bang!!


i missed a couple of pages. wats been going on?

Fuck all.

wats this myspace stuff

Apparently myspace does stuff like 'OM G THIS IS A MESSAG E' (Spaces in words)

At 8/22/06 01:08 AM, Jestar wrote: Well.
No comment.

Pointless Post? No seriously I hate my skate animations. I like my graphics and stuff just hate the style I draw with.

I could do it by myself But i like Collaborating :P


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-22 07:05:06

yeha the best thing to do witha board thats about to break get some duck tape (strong tape) tape you feet over the bolts and skate around 360s have nvr been so easy

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-23 06:57:37

At 8/22/06 07:05 AM, cronic_22 wrote: yeha the best thing to do witha board thats about to break get some duck tape (strong tape) tape you feet over the bolts and skate around 360s have nvr been so easy

This board I have is already broken.
I was gunna get some random skate footage today
But I didnt.


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-23 17:36:31

hey jestar, heard ya got worse at skating! = D

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2006-08-23 17:39:18

At 8/23/06 05:36 PM, GatoGrande wrote: hey jestar, heard ya got worse at skating! = D

Hey fucktard, heard ya came out of the closet! = D

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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