Hey cool drawings, i recommend you start using micron pens or something similar, it will make your drawings pop out more cuz it's kinda hard to see the pencil in these pictures.
I ressurected again btw I have a new art criticize me if you want because i want to hear some opinions and what i need to change
At 10/17/22 03:10 AM, Waterina wrote:I ressurected again btw I have a new art criticize me if you want because i want to hear some opinions and what i need to change
It's quite nice, but the line work seems a bit uncertain. The lines representing the hair should follow the the way the hair would flow.
Looks to me like you should practice ink line work. You have a number of pencil work that could look amazing inked.
Below a quick inking over of your image.
See my profile page for link to showroom
hey folks I have a new drawing again, I have a question(please reponse)
which version do you think is better? 1 or 2?
practice drawing
hows my drawing skills?
any suggestion or critiques are welcome
At 4/2/23 02:12 AM, Waterina wrote:Kalis of Exiled Kingdom
It's published
Spirit Blossom Riven(unfinished)
Hello, there does appear to be a good amount of improvement in your drawing ability in general. It’s a bit hard to be 100% sure, but by the looks of it you’ve been getting more comfortable with getting away from the tracing/heavy referencing. It would help to give more conclusive feedback if you included the references along with your work.
In the immediate you can improve your art by ditching the lined paper. I’m sure someone along the way has told you this before, but getting some decent drawing paper with some texture can do a lot to help your work look more complete. On top of this the texture and thickness of the paper will hold graphite better than very thin and smooth lined paper will, resulting in less smudging and more depth potential in your values.
Also if you haven’t seen it here’s my guide for documenting traditional art, getting good photos of your work will also do a lot to help your audience respond and appreciate the work.
At 5/1/23 09:58 PM, Waterina wrote:Ashley from RE4(unfinished)
Its done
I dont have a name for this so maybe if i finish this one
Ricalene Arnea(OC)
1st version
2nd version(in progress)
The art here is not the image i show in this comment