At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.
If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!
Welp we have introduce to Tom Fulp time ago but here's our introduction! ^^

Our name is Lagartimations Media Entertainment, we're a multimedia production and distribution studio who are dedicated to the variety of content creation such as E-Books, Comics, Music, Animations, etc.
We're being hangin' out in newgrounds since the first years of the website, but is right now where we have now the courage to be part of this awesome community!
Anyway, if you guys don't know what we are or we're we currently creating, here's some facts to get us know quickly ;)
1.- We're a studio that is based in Venezuela, but our objective is really out of hands for a place such a Latin America, so for that, we have made our mark out of the origin site and move to places that can make us know internationally, for example, Newgrounds.
(And we are very proud to have take that decisition, not like the major people of Latin America that they're completely closed to this kind of media. I hope that in this process we don't need to be involved with the guy that starts with D and ends with O... Only latin lolcows experts will understand what we're saying XD)
2.- We're currently working in comic series, music production, dubs and translations. Our comic series are available in the website "Tapastic" and for spanish speakers, in "Faneo".
So if you're curious about it, you can check them without no hurry ;)
3.- You know the Brown Lizard Kobold that has been appearing this days on the forum? If you don't know is because you're not following us and you need to do it Right Now. (hehehe, JK.)
That Kobold's name is Hornet and she's our most iconic mascot of our entire studio, meaning that she even is the face of our entire studio and social medias. and, come on, don't blame her but she's hella cute and you guys really want to hug her so bad. ^^

And welp, besides all of this, we also want to say that we're really grateful and excited to be part of this enormous community of really passionate people with their projects. (Cause fuck! there is a ton of talented people here.)
We hope we can be part of the history of this website between our most great inspirations such a Tom Fulp, Ninja Muffin, Joel G. And of Course, the big daddy Harry Partridge. ^v^
Huge hugs to all the community! Hornet will still here hangin' out in the site and fucking around between the memes and the art you're putting in the forum. ^^
- With love, Lagartimations Media Team.