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Old User Re-Introduction Thread

81,609 Views | 612 Replies

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-12-19 15:06:44

At 12/15/20 07:18 AM, Earfetish wrote:Hi to @jadetheassassin, @bobbyjenkins, @nuscarab and anyone else I recognise since I posted itt. @shitonastick I believe I already said hi to you maybe

BobbyJenkins, you probably don't remember me as you were leaving around the time I started off. However I remember you made some potentially-troll thread about the issue of abortion, and I came down heavily as an anti-abortionist. I was like 13, gimme a break. Anyway, apologies. I still feel ashamed about that and I shouldn't have said the things anti-abortionists say, they are hurtful.

I mean, I argued a whole load of dumb things here all that time ago, but I feel particularly bad about guilt-tripping a woman about abortion. My position has evolved, in fact it probably evolved a year or two after that thread.

Hello @earfetish. I don't know if you'd remember me. My original account was nohimn, and I'm pretty sure you were active on UCFD. My memory of that time is a bit fuzzy.

People grow. There's a lot of things I did or said on NG that I'm not proud of. In some ways, having a record of your past self is a blessing. Sometimes looking at who you were can give you a better perspective on who you are. It keeps me humbled and helps me chart who I want to become.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-12-23 15:09:53

Well I've been meaning come back with seeing all the stuff on reddit about the end of flash.

Brings back of old time memories of this. and some fun times.

I was never super active on the forums, but I figured I post and say look at all the noob posting thinking they are old :P

PS. I married a myth and legend at the same time.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-01 04:48:52

Totally didn't see this thread and made my own post. I have been inactive on this account since around 2009 because I forgot my password. Just crazy how everything on newgrounds has stayed pretty much the same while the internet changed around it.

Quando paramucho mi amore de felice carathon

Mundo paparazzi mi amore cicce verdi parasol

Questo abrigado tantamucho que canite carousel

Great trip down memory lane with this thread. I remember all of the old people. @madcow come back man :(

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-03 12:48:36

@rabid-echidna you too

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-04 04:20:12

Are 07 users still trash?

speedycat sure is speedy!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-04 18:27:01


Part of Newgrounds furniture since 2000.Clicky, clicky.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-05 09:54:38

At 1/4/21 06:27 PM, Cally wrote:Yo.

i think u were the first user to bring a baby to a meet up.


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-06 05:58:11

At 1/5/21 09:54 AM, Luis wrote:
At 1/4/21 06:27 PM, Cally wrote:Yo.

i think u were the first user to bring a baby to a meet up.

Yeah that baby is 10 now 🥺

Part of Newgrounds furniture since 2000.Clicky, clicky.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-08 12:27:30

Hi...I have been a member since 2016 I believe and I started posting some short animated films on here as I was working through tutorials ...

and today I found out about the forums...

I had no bloody idea these existed and probably would have made finding answers to a lot of questions I had a lot easier.

Still, I found it now and hope to find some folks who might be interested in working with me. I write my own scripts and do all the animation and some of the voice work.

I am going to try and create a short film every 2 months while I am also working on a 10-15 minute short film based on a script I did years ago which I hope to have out to festivals in 2022...as long as we still have a world where people would go to festivals.

Anyway, hope everyone is well and if you do want to see some of the shorts under my account I recommend

Quarantine 2040 a Roger Rabbit style live action/animation hybrid

The Letter: A short done like a parody of Donald Trump in Charlie Brown.

and finally Interesting Deaths Episode 1 (Hopefully to complete #2 shortly),


I think those are the best work I have done so far.

I am very open to criticism, suggestions and love any form of tips that will help me speed up my work and would be up for helping write/rewrite scripts, doing some voice work, etc.




greetings everyone, my name is "Mattedda", i've been in newgrounds for a full fledge 5 years but didnt had a account to create to do so...back in 2016, i discovered or heard of this site, not much but played the flash games that were from this certain site, and guess what, now it is my new home. and yes, i'm a lurker too--lololololoLSOISOISOISOISOISOIOIOSOISOISOISOISOISIOSOISOISOISOSSOISIOSSOISOI

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-16 02:31:40

It's cool to see some old BBS users posting in this thread. I recognize a few.

My name was Pkmn2 and I was a sprite animator back in 2007. Fug, that's a long time ago.

I had the sudden urge to go back to Newgrounds since Friday Night Funkin' is gaining traction on other sites.

Well, it's awesome to see NG still thriving. With lockdowns and stuff I got more free time on my hands and after browsing the portals the past weeks, I feel like staying for awhile again.

Not doing much besides office slaving the days away, but I have recently started learning game development.

I was thinking of making some content here again, but I'm not sure if people are still interested in silly sprite animations.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-19 13:28:37

Wow, going through this thread has been a blast from the past. A lot of names of people I used to know back in the day.

I was very active on the forums from basically 2003-2009 or so. Somehow against all common sense, I was a forum moderator for a couple years and met a ton of awesome people at the two mod meats I attended in Philly. Some of the mods I'm still Facebook friends with, which is kind of a trip.

I'm glad I was bored enough to check out the forums today.

Also, oh snap...we can post two images AND video clips now? The future truly is here.

I used to be with it. Then they changed what it was.

Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

It'll happen to you!

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-19 22:38:23


I am known as Yew.

I used to have an account long ago, early 2000's I believe, however it has long since been lost to time. I wasn't well known for anything or did anything remarkable due to my tendency to drop projects before I finished them, and I used a different username back then, but I just feeeeel like I should introduce myself here cause why not. Newgrounds certainly has changed since I last looked at it.

Feel free to add/message me or check out my stuff on my Github/Youtube/Steam or whatever, which are linked on my profile.

I plan on releasing some small projects here if I ever finish them.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-23 18:53:31

Hey I used to post here way back when I was like a preteen and early teen years. Lately I've been popping onto these boards and it seems like most things have stayed the same. I even see a few people who were around back then. How have you stayed around so long?!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-25 08:28:46

Well, I used to have a Newgrounds account, and while I'm pretty sure I remember the login credentials, I've already gotten further with this newer account, and I distinctly remember leaving a lot of awful reviews on the other one, as I was, like, eleven.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-30 05:46:07

Hey, I used to be heavily active here around 2014-2015. I won't say what my old username was since I'm heavily embarrassed by everything on that account, but rest assured I loved this place during my time here. I got into other communities and shit, got into drawing and am currently trying to get into music. Seeing Newgrounds rebuild its presence on the internet was encouraging to see in my time away from here. I always love seeing this site get support. I decided to make a new account and see how much changed around here since I went inactive. I don't know how active I'll be, but it's worth a shot.

(doc·tor pack)

"Nixon had powers including, but not limited to: telekinesis, super speed, superhuman strength, invisibility, and mind control."


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-30 21:11:45

Oh, didn't realized that this thread exists! LOL!

I used to be active around 2005-ish when I was like... 14-years-old? I'm 29-years-old now, and boy, this site has changed a lot! I'm Girla PurpleHeart, PurpleGallys or Lily Rose; whatever you called me.

I'm started to draw more often, but I wanted to share my art on here too. But since Newgrounds has gotten a lot better over the years now, I decided to come back.

Hope I can see old and new friends on here! :3

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-31 10:34:53

I am recently getting back into NG. I was active in 05-07, then posted like once a year after that, then completely silent since 2013.

Last time I was here, The Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom was popular. I remember a user named Maus. But that's about it.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-01-31 17:36:58

At 1/31/21 10:34 AM, afliXion wrote:Last time I was here, The Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom was popular. I remember a user named Maus. But that's about it.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to her.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-01 23:25:15

At 1/31/21 10:34 AM, afliXion wrote:Last time I was here, The Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom was popular. I remember a user named Maus. But that's about it.

I remembered that series, that's what I first discovered this website. Too bad the VDGC community was toxic back then, and that's why I left this site because of it. Never heard of the user Maus, but I think that name does ring a bell.


The name is June, this wasn't the case back then but after certain events, I changed my name to something that fits me better and doesn't hurt as much to hear whenever someone mentions it

I've had an old account, an really old one, I think about 6 or 8 years old, since I do recall myself playing games daily on Newgrounds and eventually wanted to earn medals myself, but I've left it behind ever since I changed names aswell, and started everything from scratch

My current objective as of now is to reconnect myself to Newgrounds and my roots, and possibly kickstart my carreer in here just like many other Newgrounds users did in the past, but in general, I'm just glad to be back, I loved this site back then, and I still love it now, and I always will

I hope I can eventually bring you all a smile.

There's always a tomorrow, I guess.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-10 08:54:08

Hi I'm MrFlipside I'm learning to animate on Flash I will post stuff on here. I created this account last year of September I'm mostly at the forums

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-14 05:13:59

Hellow friends!!

Last year I finally started to actually submit art after being on this site in some form since the beginning.

I don't have many viewers or votes and I was hoping I could get feedback on whether or not my art is actually good.

I hope you do like my art or can be a friend and constructively tell me what I can do better.

My Art

Smile! It's going to be Awesome!


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-21 02:11:15

Been thinking about this place for a while since I saw flash was being discontinued, but I hadn't stopped by in a while. I went by a few different names here but michelinman and gastro are probably the two I did the most posting with. I remember when I started, it didn't take much to get into the top 100 posters, so I posted a whole lot of spam to get my post count up and made it onto the list over the course of a summer. Kinda funny that was a point of pride when I was like 12 lol. Hope all the old folks are doing well.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-23 20:17:57

At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.

If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!

Welp we have introduce to Tom Fulp time ago but here's our introduction! ^^








Our name is Lagartimations Media Entertainment, we're a multimedia production and distribution studio who are dedicated to the variety of content creation such as E-Books, Comics, Music, Animations, etc.

We're being hangin' out in newgrounds since the first years of the website, but is right now where we have now the courage to be part of this awesome community!

Anyway, if you guys don't know what we are or we're we currently creating, here's some facts to get us know quickly ;)

1.- We're a studio that is based in Venezuela, but our objective is really out of hands for a place such a Latin America, so for that, we have made our mark out of the origin site and move to places that can make us know internationally, for example, Newgrounds.

(And we are very proud to have take that decisition, not like the major people of Latin America that they're completely closed to this kind of media. I hope that in this process we don't need to be involved with the guy that starts with D and ends with O... Only latin lolcows experts will understand what we're saying XD)

2.- We're currently working in comic series, music production, dubs and translations. Our comic series are available in the website "Tapastic" and for spanish speakers, in "Faneo".

So if you're curious about it, you can check them without no hurry ;)

3.- You know the Brown Lizard Kobold that has been appearing this days on the forum? If you don't know is because you're not following us and you need to do it Right Now. (hehehe, JK.)

That Kobold's name is Hornet and she's our most iconic mascot of our entire studio, meaning that she even is the face of our entire studio and social medias. and, come on, don't blame her but she's hella cute and you guys really want to hug her so bad. ^^


And welp, besides all of this, we also want to say that we're really grateful and excited to be part of this enormous community of really passionate people with their projects. (Cause fuck! there is a ton of talented people here.)

We hope we can be part of the history of this website between our most great inspirations such a Tom Fulp, Ninja Muffin, Joel G. And of Course, the big daddy Harry Partridge. ^v^

Huge hugs to all the community! Hornet will still here hangin' out in the site and fucking around between the memes and the art you're putting in the forum. ^^

  • With love, Lagartimations Media Team.

We do comics, guys! Check it out on Webtoons, and for spanish, check it on Faneo! :3

If you want to know more, check out our Wiki-Fandom ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-26 11:57:11



BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-26 15:35:09

Im ImLunchBoxx im not that funny but always on

Wut wut


Buy ImLunchboxx dm me NOW!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-02-27 09:04:57

2003 isn’t that old, is it

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2021-03-02 18:48:24

I'm in that weird middle ground where I wouldn't consider my account too old or too new. I guess 2 years is something more than nothing, anyway

Hi, I'm Zar. I joined newgrounds after using it a lot when I was a kid without an account. I draw mostly, occasionally animate, but I mostly write and draw. I like drawing mostly fantasy stuff and I am very inspired by dark souls and the like, as you could probably tell. I play a lot of D&D with friends too, which probably also isn't surprising. I guess I wear my intrests more on my sleeve than I thought...

Anyway, I really like newgrounds, and I never got a chance to interact with the community because I never had thought to before. Most of you seem nice :)

What? Still Here?

BBS Signature