I was originally worldsk8er6785. I post music but they don't get enough votes for me to see scores. I used to post all the time on the forum but I don't anymore.
I was originally worldsk8er6785. I post music but they don't get enough votes for me to see scores. I used to post all the time on the forum but I don't anymore.
At 8/15/20 07:59 AM, TomFulp wrote:@Susanowoo suggested that we create an OLD User Introduction thread, for old accounts that have never introduced themselves or have just returned to NG after years of absence. I've seen a good number of returning visitors in recent years so this sounds like a fun idea.
If you're an old user who has been lurking, this thread is your opportunity to let yourself be known!
so uh its been a HOT minute
i think i'm too late but i'm still getting used to the newer ways of newgrounds but I've gotten comfy in the minuscule amount of years I've returned lol! (you can see the date this account was created)
Hi i'm PreciousCherub and I've been on this site since around the 2010s! i love meeting new people and exploring the wonders of this website! i aspire to be a creator on this site!...for now i usually just chat with my friend @Rim and post stuff on forums and im slowly getting into collaboration! (this information might not be correct as i tend to forget things) i first found out about newgrounds when my friend told me about a little certain game about certain stickmen coloured after the primary colours who climb a tower. at the time i also found out about a certain series about certain friends who wear hoodies. at the time i couldn't believe my eyes! me and my friends used to play flash games on a lesser known (and worse than newgrounds but still ok) website called friv. to me newgrounds was wondrous! it had everything ranging from games to movies to forums and more! "this sure beats fire boy and water girl" my younger self thought as i played my current favorite game (primary) on newgrounds.......but slowly.....flash drifted away from my life as it eventually shut down....now fast forward to 2020 where at the time i was (and i still am) interested in old flash media and uncovered a lot of stuff (with the help of youtube videos and the way-back machine) i stumbled upon newgrounds again with the "announcement" of eddsworld beyond and certain (i should stop saying that word) rhythm game about hot-topic hair boy and demon daughter girl beat-box against some people. and then boom i created this account under very long notice. soooooooooooooooo
At 8/16/20 06:08 AM, EinMeister wrote:I am EinMeister, and even if I made my account in 2020 I have started to use this site since 2009 or 2010. Flash games made a huge part of my childhood and I decided return to the site recently. I like creating content of any kind so hanging around other people that do the same thing is pretty cool.
i feel you man
flash did the same thing for me too! i love seeing old users come back to this website!
I used to be obsessed with this website. I feel like the age of cell phone web browsing took away some of the fun of the site. Am I really to lazy to use my laptop lol.
At 1/4/23 01:04 PM, Scrotaculous wrote:I used to be obsessed with this website. I feel like the age of cell phone web browsing took away some of the fun of the site. Am I really to lazy to use my laptop lol.
The desktop experience is definitely still best! We're also due to add an image rotating option, to account for things like phone camera photos that are turned 90 degrees (like your profile picture).
At 1/4/23 11:20 AM, PreciousCherub wrote:At 8/16/20 06:08 AM, EinMeister wrote:I am EinMeister, and even if I made my account in 2020 I have started to use this site since 2009 or 2010. Flash games made a huge part of my childhood and I decided return to the site recently. I like creating content of any kind so hanging around other people that do the same thing is pretty cool.
i feel you man
flash did the same thing for me too! i love seeing old users come back to this website!
You wrote this at an iconic moment, because I was thinking about leaving newgrounds lately. I thought that the lack of an algorithm when it comes to frontpaging was an advantage, but it is not. It sucks to be an artist on Newgrounds, especially if you aren't involved in those collabs. Those collabs seemed like a good way to have fun, now they are just intimidation tools: "Participate in this or you will never get people to see your work". Most of mine is from one I participated in, which is a shame.
Unless you have an active admin constantly following your posts there is 0 chance to get art on the frontpage. There is this "frontpage suggestion thread" in which apparently you aren't supposed to post your stuff. I am pretty sure most of my frontpages are from asking friends to post my new art there.
At the same time I see the same few artists showcased constantly, those are the ones to grow to large numbers of followers, those are followed by some admins that keep posting their friday night funkin fanart on the front page. I don't believe most of the people that do fnf fanart even like it, they are just farming views.
I thought that maybe it is because I don't do characters, didn't know NG is an art platform that focuses on characters, then it should say so, so I don't waste my time posting anything else. I spent weeks or months on a single project, because 3D art is more complex than 2D art, and I get less than 100 views, meanwhile Joe Schmoe makes a stylized low poly brick with anime art in under 2 hours and gets over 1000.
It isn't about art quality, the hand curation doesn't mean much, it is just local site politics. I will either stop posting here altogether or start shitposting only. I will upload the art I'm passionate about on ArtStation.
I do 3D art and stuff idk
At 1/4/23 02:14 PM, EinMeister wrote:At 1/4/23 11:20 AM, PreciousCherub wrote:At 8/16/20 06:08 AM, EinMeister wrote:I am EinMeister, and even if I made my account in 2020 I have started to use this site since 2009 or 2010. Flash games made a huge part of my childhood and I decided return to the site recently. I like creating content of any kind so hanging around other people that do the same thing is pretty cool.
i feel you man
flash did the same thing for me too! i love seeing old users come back to this website!
You wrote this at an iconic moment, because I was thinking about leaving newgrounds lately. I thought that the lack of an algorithm when it comes to frontpaging was an advantage, but it is not. It sucks to be an artist on Newgrounds, especially if you aren't involved in those collabs. Those collabs seemed like a good way to have fun, now they are just intimidation tools: "Participate in this or you will never get people to see your work". Most of mine is from one I participated in, which is a shame.
Unless you have an active admin constantly following your posts there is 0 chance to get art on the frontpage. There is this "frontpage suggestion thread" in which apparently you aren't supposed to post your stuff. I am pretty sure most of my frontpages are from asking friends to post my new art there.
At the same time I see the same few artists showcased constantly, those are the ones to grow to large numbers of followers, those are followed by some admins that keep posting their friday night funkin fanart on the front page. I don't believe most of the people that do fnf fanart even like it, they are just farming views.
I thought that maybe it is because I don't do characters, didn't know NG is an art platform that focuses on characters, then it should say so, so I don't waste my time posting anything else. I spent weeks or months on a single project, because 3D art is more complex than 2D art, and I get less than 100 views, meanwhile Joe Schmoe makes a stylized low poly brick with anime art in under 2 hours and gets over 1000.
It isn't about art quality, the hand curation doesn't mean much, it is just local site politics. I will either stop posting here altogether or start shitposting only. I will upload the art I'm passionate about on ArtStation.
oh well, i get it. Newgrounds does often forget about art. i can see that they are including them more but the algorithm ruins it for them. Come to think of it art (other than news and forum posting) is the most easy and accessible thing you can do on this website and it's a shame it gets forgotten. 3D art is way harder to do so i get it. and im not gonna tell you to "LEAVE THE WEBSITE IT SUCKS!" but i'm also not gonna say its all sunshine and lollipops and to not leave but i am gonna say this: you cant give up just because a couple of people bring you down. now i know its cheesy but even that one scum of the earth that's like "I WORKED SO HARD ON THIS" and they make some circle tool fnf fan art can be more successful (because of view farming those sons of b*tches) but you cant let the green monster out. i know it's cheesy but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. you can promote your work or do commissions (only if you can and want to of course) and if not you can keep trying!
i really don't have much or anything else to say but i don't want you to leave. i knew you since what like an hour ago but still every member of newgrounds is important.
At 1/4/23 02:14 PM, EinMeister wrote:You wrote this at an iconic moment, because I was thinking about leaving newgrounds lately. I thought that the lack of an algorithm when it comes to frontpaging was an advantage, but it is not. It sucks to be an artist on Newgrounds, especially if you aren't involved in those collabs. Those collabs seemed like a good way to have fun, now they are just intimidation tools: "Participate in this or you will never get people to see your work". Most of mine is from one I participated in, which is a shame.
This post got me curious so I looked through your 2022 art.
You had three of 11 pieces featured. Of the 8 that weren't featured, three are untextured 3D models, one is a pencil sketch (although the full page has more angles), one is the 3D printed glock, one is props over a wireframe (I'm not saying these aren't well done, they just come off as unfinished pieces at a glance) and then your latest is your By the Ocean Diorama from December 30th, which I'm assuming is the one you're most upset about not being featured?
Looking through your movies, you were featured with your Somewhere In Nevada teaser, then not featured with an alt version of that teaser, and not featured for a spin around of a 3D Neon Among Us model.
You've said a lot of hurtful things about NG in this thread, trying to discourage others because some of your work didn't get featured. A lot of work goes into finding and featuring a lot of great artists on this site, I don't know what else to say but enjoy Art Station I guess! Sorry NG didn't work out for you.
At 1/4/23 02:31 PM, TomFulp wrote:At 1/4/23 02:14 PM, EinMeister wrote:You wrote this at an iconic moment, because I was thinking about leaving newgrounds lately. I thought that the lack of an algorithm when it comes to frontpaging was an advantage, but it is not. It sucks to be an artist on Newgrounds, especially if you aren't involved in those collabs. Those collabs seemed like a good way to have fun, now they are just intimidation tools: "Participate in this or you will never get people to see your work". Most of mine is from one I participated in, which is a shame.
This post got me curious so I looked through your 2022 art.
You had three of 11 pieces featured. Of the 8 that weren't featured, three are untextured 3D models, one is a pencil sketch (although the full page has more angles), one is the 3D printed glock, one is props over a wireframe (I'm not saying these aren't well done, they just come off as unfinished pieces at a glance) and then your latest is your By the Ocean Diorama from December 30th, which I'm assuming is the one you're most upset about not being featured?
Looking through your movies, you were featured with your Somewhere In Nevada teaser, then not featured with an alt version of that teaser, and not featured for a spin around of a 3D Neon Among Us model.
You've said a lot of hurtful things about NG in this thread, trying to discourage others because some of your work didn't get featured. A lot of work goes into finding and featuring a lot of great artists on this site, I don't know what else to say but enjoy Art Station I guess! Sorry NG didn't work out for you.
I am focused on a specific niche which is hard surface modeling, I am a technical artist, I mostly model guns. What I posted this year is mostly art for the sake of a product rather than art for the sake of art, I showed improvements of terrible Valve models through normal maps made from high poly models I modeled myself for 3D "baking". This required perfection of geometry.
This piece has 10 models, each of them took from 10 to 20 hours to create.
This one is an example of one of those high poly models I mentioned above, took about 12 hours.
This one took about 30 and it is only my half of the work, because it is a collaboration. It required a lot of experimenting, we did something new, a design that cannot be found in this amount of detail on the workshop.
This is the piece I put the most time in, I spent most of July and August working on it, finding hundreds of reference images of a gun that has never been made in 3D as art before because of its age and modeling something worthy of a modern Call of Duty. I spend day and night working on art, when I am into a project I work from 6 to 14 hours on it daily for weeks in a row without break and I feel good about it, my longest hour streak was 30 hours in a row.
Those are the things I did recently for my game art degree, which I chose to study because THIS website and other flash websites developed my love for games.
I try to achieve perfection in one field, no need to do everything, and I am sharing things that are not shared by anyone else, perhaps someone on NG is interested in game art considering that the platform itself is known for video games. I love videogames and I want to work with them because NG introduced me to flash games a long long time ago. I am highly specialized, because nowadays it is impossible to do everything 3D related and be good at it. I am not a texture artist (yet) and I will play my part in the development of future projects, my pieces are finished in what they were supposed to be. I loved this platform and I recommended it to many people, especially artists, there are people I persuaded to start posting their art on this website and they contributed a lot to it. This is why it hurts that every single time I put a ton of effort into something it gets ignored, might as well not spend the time to post it at all, the only times I get showcased is when I cheat my way through it, and it feels dirty. Feels like if I don't do what everyone else is doing then nobody will care, I don't think art stands for this. I explain what I do and what my projects are for in my descriptions, which I strategically put between artworks so they are easier to spot. It has been lots of times that I spend lots of hours making art pieces (not movies, I don't do those usually), get excited to post them here, the only platform that I post those kind of things on, they aren't necessarily for my portfolio, and then get hit with silence, it sucks.
It is fine, at the end of the day the 3D art field doesn't require followers or views for someone to succeed, some professionals don't have public portfolios at all and no followers to their names, they don't live on commissions nor need a personal audience for marketing the projects they work for. I don't need followers either, I don't get overly excited about it unless it is someone that works in a company I'd like to apply at or someone that created something I enjoy. However every artist wants their art to be seen, because they make it for people, otherwise their art would be worthless. I don't want pity showcase. I just wish that this platform can take more art types into consideration.
I do 3D art and stuff idk
Hello the names DerangedKnite Fooormerly, Scoutkaboom
"But wait DerangedKnite Your from 2020"
This is an old account of mine that I had lost access too, I thank tom fulp hard for helping me out on putting a message on this account's profile, And without him I would have not been posting in this thread in the first place, I am not sure if he can help me actually return it, All I want really is to just change this account's email to my new main email and speaking of which
If you are wondering how I lost scoutkaboom my 2015 (And I swear there might be a 2013 one somewhere) Well buckle up, Back in 2019 Around the beginning of december my computer had died out, It was old, It was crappy and can barely run most of the games, But with that computer I had access to a firefox account that all of my account's passwords including my gmail and hotmail
When I got a new kickass laptop for christmas around that, I had completely forgotten my password for both emails. And boy was I really dead inside. I have basically lost access to most of my accounts expect for my steam which I am really thankful that, That had happened but the rest, Poof all gone google support didn't even bother helping me at all.
Yes what just happened was really stupid, And I wish I didn't repeat that mistake ever again, But anyways one of those accounts was lost, Was of course my beloved 2015 newgrounds account that had a whole history with it. So I had no choice only to go with this. So I am not sure if I do gain access to my old account that I should switch to the old one or stay with this one.
Anyways, May as well come around how I have come here and what not, I had discovered about newgrounds since back on the glory days of the internet, I was playing flash games on those shoddy sites like y8 I was only a mere kid, But there was a specific logo of a tank I kept seeing on most of my games, And got curious, For here I discovered a whole new website, That I really liked, And basically where I had revolved in most of the time on the internet, Fine I didn't communicate on forums but I played most flash games and watched most of the animations there
Newgrounds was a flash site that stood out to me the most, And a site I cherish deep inside my heart over how much I love it, Around that time, I had discovered games like alien hominid, And pico school (Which was a whole different experience I tell you what now I am just used to it) Anyways with newgrounds and along with the pack like armor games and kongregate, I had discovered much more games like, The Shark series made by mausland which are pretty rad in their own, And a plathera more of so called flash games
I also used to be a really social one, Back then I used to add so much people and talk to so many Its amazing how much guts I had talking to people and adding people as friends despite meeting them only once, Unlike know where I am really shy with talking to anyone even on the internet, And I would like take some few times to even add someone, Really wish I could be helped on that cough
Anyways, I had so much memories with this site like playing that one raybot game that was pretty popular around that time, Or that one I am not sure of, It was like a art game that certian dubstep music play in the background and people shared their art all around which was kick ass, I used to draw crappy stick men and one of them was a red and black stickman that I used to draw alot
And speaking of drawing, I wanna thank newgrounds since newgrounds is the sole reason, Why I started drawing in the first place, Because newgrounds had a massive art/animation community, It was a place for artists (And I pray it still is) and animators, Basically creatives in general to sit around and just have a chat and talk about what projects do they do, Basically I drew alot because of newgrounds. Hell i used to hate drawing but I did draw alot in my entire life (Still my art hasn't improved much tbf which is why I am overworking my self these days)
Hell even my account used to have alot of fans not sure if it was a old one or not, And I will admit on one thing tho, I was not that liked by much of the users there, And I am not sure now, I do know for a fact tom fulp and wiesi are my first pals for this account and soon to be others
Now onto what brought me back to this site, Like now, I was dealing with a massive loneliness issue, Basically I was really anti social and only had a small group of friends to talk with, No communtiy to hangout with or new people to talk to, I was really lonely, And I was shy with talking to anyone, Most of my conversations with people only lasted 1 day or 2 and never more, I wished I was more social and open but I fear deep down, I would be found annoying and what not
IT was the day before new years eve, And Of curiosity for some reason, I decided to check on with newgrounds, And hang out around the forums, I did fear a bit that twitter or the brand new fnf communtiy blood may have influenced the site much, But...Well it did but not that much, I still see some old bloods from time to time, And the spirit of the communtiy still did not change, It felt like kind of like old times really so I decided to start feeling comfortable and staying there.
And here I am writing this because I am kind of feeling comfortable now being back on newgrounds, While my art is decent but not that good, I can atleast have some bearable drawings and now I might hang out with a certain community
Sorry for the long text, But, Thank you newgrounds for inspiring me to be what I always wanted to be and helping me strive further, Thank you tom fulp for being so nice, And thank you everyone for being so welcoming, Love you all
I just wish someday we would go back to the 2000s internet thats all
Kill for the sake of killing, Let there be blood! LET THERE BE GENOCIDE! (Hi Btw Did you know that I am a old NG user from 2013? Its true! Click on this link, For this is a new account of mine!)
It's been a while since I was a regular visitor, but someone linked me some Derpixon a few months ago and I remembered why I loved this place. There was also a big tumblr post I saw today that was talking about how cool Newgrounds is for being still around, run by the same old indie crew, and how there is still an active community space, so that's why I'm in these forums now seeing what it's like in here. Made my account when I was 16, which was half my life ago haha. Hope to figure out this place more and participate.
At 12/22/22 04:54 AM, Modjo wrote:I doubt anyone here remembers me.
I remember you. I am one of the older accounts that still visits NewGrounds daily.
At 1/3/23 07:05 PM, Dog-Green wrote:Testing..testing
This is ground control. your test post was received.
Well, hello there!!! I could not recover my original account as I’m pretty sure I had it deleted?? It should just be Haybaybee lol unfortunately I was deemed the biggest “attention seeker” of the forums back in the hay day 😉
At 1/8/23 01:44 PM, AbbAsilli wrote:It has been a while hasn´t it?
Are you just back to visit, or you going to stay for a while?
I'm back. Sort of? Also shout-out to @FinaLee and @CaptKirby for the sweet messages I recieved from them during my absence
Hi everybody, I'm Smokey. I actually came here to see if the site still existed as I was on here a LOT as a teenager and been wanting to add things I enjoyed from my childhood into my weekly routine to take a break from life. Very happy to see newgrounds is still around. This isn't my old profile so sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place regardless of how long ago I was originally on here lol
At 1/11/23 07:39 PM, Haybaybees wrote:Well, hello there!!! I could not recover my original account as I’m pretty sure I had it deleted?? It should just be Haybaybee lol unfortunately I was deemed the biggest “attention seeker” of the forums back in the hay day 😉
Will you ever try to earn “attention seeker” again?
not sure if 2017 counts as old for NG standards but i think i been around for atleast 5 years so thats something
Yo, I'm M3tabble! or M3ta for short. I draw, write stories, but I mostly make games and stuff. I originally came to newgrounds because I wanted to know more about the site and wanted to become a part of the community, but funny thing is that i never actually ended up doing much of anything lol. Currently coming back to Newgrounds in support of the exclusive comic i've been working on, and I feel like This comic would help me in becoming more involved with Newgrounds so birght skies ahead!!
At 1/14/23 09:25 PM, smokeykurosaki wrote:Hi everybody, I'm Smokey. I actually came here to see if the site still existed as I was on here a LOT as a teenager and been wanting to add things I enjoyed from my childhood into my weekly routine to take a break from life. Very happy to see newgrounds is still around. This isn't my old profile so sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place regardless of how long ago I was originally on here lol
Hey Smokey, what was the name of your original account?
Dropping in just to say hi. Hell of a blast from the past, pure childhood nostalgia right in the veins. Anyone have recommendations to binge on a rediscovery tour? I vaguely remember going through a tonne of clock crew stuff and Johnny Rocket Fingers back in the day.
At 1/21/23 04:34 PM, grimblade wrote:Dropping in just to say hi. Hell of a blast from the past, pure childhood nostalgia right in the veins. Anyone have recommendations to binge on a rediscovery tour? I vaguely remember going through a tonne of clock crew stuff and Johnny Rocket Fingers back in the day.
The Clock Crew is still celebrating Clock Day and last month I made a post highlighting animators from the 2000s who made stuff in the past year, if you want to start there!
At 1/21/23 05:18 PM, TomFulp wrote:At 1/21/23 04:34 PM, grimblade wrote:Dropping in just to say hi. Hell of a blast from the past, pure childhood nostalgia right in the veins. Anyone have recommendations to binge on a rediscovery tour? I vaguely remember going through a tonne of clock crew stuff and Johnny Rocket Fingers back in the day.
The Clock Crew is still celebrating Clock Day and last month I made a post highlighting animators from the 2000s who made stuff in the past year, if you want to start there!
Spot on - perfect way to spend the weekend. Cheers!
"Who the fuck are you?"
Oh, just some idiot that joined way back in '03, but only NOW STARTS POSTING IN THE FORUM!
Anyways, I am finally getting much more serious about my art and plan on getting into animation (any suggestions on where to start? Not like I can just go grab a copy of Macromedia Flash; now there are plenty of other choices.)
(There is also that dream of making a game, but that is for some other time.)
At 1/19/23 09:37 AM, M3ta6 wrote:not sure if 2017 counts as old for NG standards but i think i been around for atleast 5 years so thats something
2017 is not old. Normally, something is considered NewGrounds old after at least 12 years.
Yo, I'm M3tabble! or M3ta for short. I draw, write stories, but I mostly make games and stuff. I originally came to newgrounds because I wanted to know more about the site and wanted to become a part of the community, but funny thing is that i never actually ended up doing much of anything lol. Currently coming back to Newgrounds in support of the exclusive comic i've been working on, and I feel like This comic would help me in becoming more involved with Newgrounds so birght skies ahead!!
Welcome. Good luck with your comic.
At 1/22/23 01:26 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:At 1/19/23 09:37 AM, M3ta6 wrote:not sure if 2017 counts as old for NG standards but i think i been around for atleast 5 years so thats something
2017 is not old. Normally, something is considered NewGrounds old after at least 12 years.
Yo, I'm M3tabble! or M3ta for short. I draw, write stories, but I mostly make games and stuff. I originally came to newgrounds because I wanted to know more about the site and wanted to become a part of the community, but funny thing is that i never actually ended up doing much of anything lol. Currently coming back to Newgrounds in support of the exclusive comic i've been working on, and I feel like This comic would help me in becoming more involved with Newgrounds so birght skies ahead!!
Welcome. Good luck with your comic.
i think 12 years is a little over estimated....maybe 8+ or something, i mean 2017 was like 6 years ago but ig it doesn't matter much
At 1/20/23 10:50 PM, BlastoiseTheNGUser wrote:I am one of the 2013 users, I mostly made stuff around 2019-2022 though
(I done Kill Hitler)
Are you thinking about coming back for good?
At 1/21/23 04:34 PM, grimblade wrote:Dropping in just to say hi. Hell of a blast from the past, pure childhood nostalgia right in the veins. Anyone have recommendations to binge on a rediscovery tour? I vaguely remember going through a tonne of clock crew stuff and Johnny Rocket Fingers back in the day.
Welcome back to NewGrounds. There have been so many great video game spoofs over the years. You can start with 8 bit Mario and work your way up.