Oh, This is a thread that exists!
Glad I found this otherwise I would have had to make my own thread, And that's no fun. This will, However, Be very long winded.
For reasons yet to be imparted (Asperger's Syndrome) - I can't get a full read on this site whatsoever.
Allow me to explain, and potentially max out the TMI Meter trying to give a test run for my Modus Operandi, because a Forum Post seems to be the most logical, old-fashioned, and reliable way to do this. Hell, I browsed the "Confessions" thread, Taking solace in the fact that I am not the weirdest of the weirdos on here. A massive problem I have with myself is that I keep setting myself up to fail by inventing false standards of normalcy that I simply would never stack up to because of the many behavioral quirks I've gained over the years of having unrestricted internet access far too early for my own good. Anyways.
I've ended up on this website because of 2 other users, Not naming them yet, But they follow me and I follow them, and one of them offers sage advice (pun intended) About how I should proceed with acting not just on the internet, But with life in general practically. Why I decided to put myself on NG Is because I want to do 3 things - But all of which lump themselves into the neat little package of; I want to have a place where I can follow creative muses uninhibited and in a place that encourages musings that entertain such metaphysical wanderlusts. (if that isn't one of the most pretentious things I'll end up typing, I don't know what will be.)
To be more specific...
- I'm here to chase, I'll be blunt here, a Delusion of Grandeur, of reaching the foreseeable end goal of bringing myself and friends along for the ride of founding a massive game development studio and launching one or two multi-media franchises that already have a full year's worth of creative writing to back them up. I've already ended up job hunting for 2 of those friends and have namedropped this site as a "Path Seldom-trotted (in recent times)" for them to potentially invest in too.
- I swore a solemn vow to never ever use Facebook or Tw*tter. No offense to those who do use it, You either possess either a staggeringly high tolerance of the acidic verbal-deluge that Twitter provides as a social media service, Or a yet un-diagnosed, and un-researched version of Stockholm Syndrome fueled by Herd Mentality (/s). It's because of this, That I've effectively locked myself from a very very very large potion of the internet and therefore, need to find other ways of disseminating my brainwaves and also knowing what's up with the world. I have plenty of, I hate to say it, But, Liaisons for certain communities, Or fragments of certain communities, So I already have some, like, precedence. The only problem is reason 3 I'm here. Probably the strangest reason of all.
- I want a community that's crazy, if not more, than I am, And yet tolerant of most if not all eccentricities. Newgrounds ticks all those boxes.
This needs more of a breakdown, But I don't want to overwhelm with information in this already dense wordbrick, So I'll just say this. I've had a very strange mental development cycle, And since the world has literally frozen in place, I've ended up with more time to think about my future than I've ever had, And it hasn't been sucked up by real life issues. It just so happens that I could very well qualify for the "Eccentric Risque Trailblazer" Stereotype that I've seen spring from NG many a time. I want to see if that holds true to this day, And weren't just flashes in the pan.
I leave with two words,
Vibe. Check.
Tl;dr, Just a Transient Mind wondering if this is a good place to call HQ.