So, hey. I'm someone who's been poking at Newgrounds on and off for... oh, I dunno, about 15 years? I've always just lurked, coming around once in awhile to play a game I heard about or browse some toons or the audio portal, but I've never, ever even made an account until now. The truth is, I'm now a grown-ass man but I find my interests are still strongly aligned with the kind of stuff on this site (games, animation, digital music, cool indie/amateur-created content, etc) and I thought I'd finally give signing up a go.
I'm actually really lucky to find myself in a position where I have a lot of free time at the moment and have been wanting to use it to get serious about all kinds of hobbies I've wanted to try getting into over the years like art, digital music (especially game-style stuff, i.e. Famitracker) and possibly even animation and simple gamedev. I'd really like to try all these things and see what sticks, and maybe chase an old dream or two, and to this day I've never found a site that combines all those things in an organized kinda way with related forums and communities, newbie help, and everything else -- just a good overall catch-all hub for creators that isn't all stuffy and serious. Even with all the crap I hear about how less-relevant the site has become in the grand scheme of things, I can't think of a place more ideal for finally getting into all the types of creative stuff I'm interested in, even if I'm starting a bit... late. And considering I'm pretty much a newbie to all of it I can't say when I'd actually start uploading stuff, but you can bet I'll be using the creators' forums and utilizing the hell out of tutorials and all that, while enjoying what other people put up here.
tl;dr: Dude around egoraptor's age who should've joined and worked hard on the same kind of shit as he did back when he did is finally getting around to it a decade and a half later. Proceeds to attempt learning fun creative shit at an age most people with any interest in any of it would've long since gotten good and made a career out of it or moved on. Hopes to enjoy making use of finally having a dang account and keep this place less-dead for a little bit longer.