Hi everyone,
Just wanted to announce my presence here on NG.
Umm, a bit about me I guess I could bore you with is that I'm a novice animator that uses ToonBoom Harmony and has an affinity for doing way too much FNaF fanart as well as some personal stuff too.
I'm also an experienced commissioned artist and character designer that has done some indie gaming work for the studio HollowRobot who just released their first greenlight on Steam.
I also dabble in comics and cartooning as well.
I hope to meet lots of new friends and connections here on NG.
My other social media which can be found in my profile.
Hopefully I'll have a short Halloween animation up soon and then begin development on a larger film that this will be the only place to feature some of the development art for.
Otherwise Iove critique! As long as it's respectful I am more than open minded to feedback!
I'm also known to stream quite often on my picarto.tv channel!
Hope you all aren't too bored reading this...haha