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New User Introduction Thread!

482,820 Views | 3,983 Replies

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-08 11:32:26

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to announce my presence here on NG.
Umm, a bit about me I guess I could bore you with is that I'm a novice animator that uses ToonBoom Harmony and has an affinity for doing way too much FNaF fanart as well as some personal stuff too.

I'm also an experienced commissioned artist and character designer that has done some indie gaming work for the studio HollowRobot who just released their first greenlight on Steam.

I also dabble in comics and cartooning as well.

I hope to meet lots of new friends and connections here on NG.
My other social media which can be found in my profile.

Hopefully I'll have a short Halloween animation up soon and then begin development on a larger film that this will be the only place to feature some of the development art for.

Otherwise Iove critique! As long as it's respectful I am more than open minded to feedback!
I'm also known to stream quite often on my picarto.tv channel!

Hope you all aren't too bored reading this...haha

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-08 11:33:00

At 9/5/16 09:55 PM, aidannibbles wrote: Im also new to forums Tom.
I just start posting things at the forums a few months already.


Nice to meet you! I'm new here too!

At 9/8/16 11:32 AM, PoutyBat wrote: Just wanted to announce my presence here on NG.
Umm, a bit about me I guess I could bore you with is that I'm a novice animator that uses ToonBoom Harmony and has an affinity for doing way too much FNaF fanart as well as some personal stuff too.

Welcome to NG, I'll be looking out for your Halloween animation! Hoping to have a fun Halloween site skin this year, planning to base it on characters from our Creep Jam animation jam.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-08 11:43:39

At 9/8/16 11:42 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 9/8/16 11:32 AM, PoutyBat wrote: Just wanted to announce my presence here on NG.
Umm, a bit about me I guess I could bore you with is that I'm a novice animator that uses ToonBoom Harmony and has an affinity for doing way too much FNaF fanart as well as some personal stuff too.
Welcome to NG, I'll be looking out for your Halloween animation! Hoping to have a fun Halloween site skin this year, planning to base it on characters from our Creep Jam animation jam.

Thanks for the warm welcome Tom!
I'd be honored to offer banner art if you need any.
I love this place already! Everyone is so nice!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-08 12:39:10

At 9/8/16 11:32 AM, PoutyBat wrote: Hi everyone,
Just wanted to announce my presence here on NG.

Hello PoutyBat, Welcome to NewGrounds.

I'm also an experienced commissioned artist and character designer that has done some indie gaming work for the studio HollowRobot who just released their first greenlight on Steam.

Nice to see another artist and character designer here on NewGrounds. Make sure that you check out the art and more we have to offer.

Hope you all aren't too bored reading this...haha

No worries.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-08 12:40:33

At 9/8/16 11:42 AM, TomFulp wrote: Welcome to NG, I'll be looking out for your Halloween animation! Hoping to have a fun Halloween site skin this year, planning to base it on characters from our Creep Jam animation jam.

The Halloween animation is always good, but should be amazing this year.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-08 14:32:39

At 2/23/15 05:22 PM, TomFulp wrote: New to NG or the NG forums? Introduce yourself in this thread! What brought you to NG?

You should also check out the Forum Rules and the FAQ while you're here!

Everyone else, feel free to welcome new users are they arrive!

I started for the dress down games when I was a little boy. I was 10 years old. I was hypnotized by your hentai playground ads.

Weather Modification INC.

It's Just Going To Get


Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-08 20:43:32

At 9/8/16 02:32 PM, DomainAdministrator wrote: I started for the dress down games when I was a little boy. I was 10 years old. I was hypnotized by your hentai playground ads.

Those game were nice, but the ads were great way back then. lol

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-09 13:33:26

At 9/9/16 08:17 AM, jericawinters wrote: Hi, I'm new.

Hello jericawinters, Welcome to NewGrounds. This is the place to be, you found it. Check everything out that we have to offer.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-09 21:05:13

hi new members, welcome to lumby

trimming armour, swordies for sale, jagex blocks your pass - here's mine ******

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 00:40:47

At 9/9/16 10:03 PM, Mirodim wrote: Hi, all. I've had a Newgrounds account forever, but only now decided to start actually using it.

Hello Mirodim, It is better to start late than never.

I'm a 28 year old dude, and just decided that I want to get serious about learning to draw. I'm an absolute beginner, and I'm going to use this site to document my progress.

Welcome to NewGrounds. You can learn just on NewGrounds. Make sure you check out the art, films, and all we have to offer.

Nice to meet youse.

Nice to meet you as well.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 00:43:05

At 9/10/16 12:28 AM, VenomationsTV wrote: If you ever need music or voices for your stuff, I can help ya
If ya need female voices, @TrinaTan is good for that
If ya need a deep voice, @freakinbehemoth is good for that

That is very helpful information for everybody, not just the new users. Nice work.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 00:47:32

Hi all! My name's Skylar, but you can call me Skylark (all of my friends do). I'm super shy, really awkward, and I kinda get distracted a lot, but I try my best to be a good civilian, and I hope we can get along. :)

I've created an account because I'm majoring in Game Development, and am going to use this site as a way to get some good criticism as I improve. I also like covering songs (mainly Japanese songs, especially Vocaloid) and will also get some pointers for that here as well.

Anyways, sorry for the rambling, and it's nice to meet you all!

New User Introduction Thread!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 02:20:19

At 9/10/16 12:47 AM, Sweet-Song wrote: Hi all! My name's Skylar, but you can call me Skylark. I'm super shy, really awkward, and I kinda get distracted a lot, but I try my best to be a good civilian, and I hope we can get along. :)

Hello Skylark, Welcome to NewGrounds. You can just be yourself here, nothing to be shy about.

I've created an account because I'm majoring in Game Development, and am going to use this site as a way to get some good criticism as I improve. I also like covering songs and will also get some pointers for that here as well.

We can always use more games. Make sure to check out all we have to offer.

Anyways, sorry for the rambling, and it's nice to meet you all!

It is nice to meet you as well.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 02:22:42

At 9/10/16 12:48 AM, Mirodim wrote:
At 9/10/16 12:40 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Welcome to NewGrounds. You can learn just on NewGrounds. Make sure you check out the art, films, and all we have to offer.

Nice to meet you as well.
Thanks for the reply. I've been browsing the "latest" feed for a bit now. There's actually a lot of neat stuff on there! I actually really like the interface, and the community doesn't seem half bad at a first glance. Don't know why I wasn't on here before, to consume art if nothing else.

Glad that you have been enjoying the latest feed. The community can be very nice, if you need help just let us know.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 08:38:12

At 9/10/16 12:47 AM, Sweet-Song wrote: Hi all! My name's Skylar, but you can call me Skylark (all of my friends do). I'm super shy, really awkward, and I kinda get distracted a lot, but I try my best to be a good civilian, and I hope we can get along. :)

I've created an account because I'm majoring in Game Development, and am going to use this site as a way to get some good criticism as I improve. I also like covering songs (mainly Japanese songs, especially Vocaloid) and will also get some pointers for that here as well.

Anyways, sorry for the rambling, and it's nice to meet you all!

Welcome to NG, we look forward to your games! You should get a lot of good feedback here - lots of people are nice and even the mean ones can still provide helpful insights.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 09:20:28

Hi, im Ibrahim, and i'm new here, dont know why it toke me so long to join, like to share my animation and flash game that some of them dated to 2003. nice to be here :D

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 16:18:06

At 9/10/16 09:20 AM, ibrabdo wrote: Hi, im Ibrahim, and i'm new here, dont know why it toke me so long to join, like to share my animation and flash game that some of them dated to 2003. nice to be here :D

Hello Ibrabdo, Welcome to NewGrounds. You can always share your animations and games with us. Make sure you check out all the content we have to offer.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-10 16:23:13

At 9/10/16 01:40 PM, BlackSpiralDancer wrote: Hi everybody. I want to be an animator someday.

Hello BlackSpiralDancer, Welcome to NewGrounds. Good luck becoming an animator. Let me know if you have any questions.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-11 08:24:55

Hey NG,
been lurkin for a while and finally decided to join
I like to doodle, if you want to see some of em check out my thread happywires art

love this site, can't wait to dive deep into the community, <3

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-11 16:13:23

At 9/11/16 08:24 AM, HappyWires wrote: Hey NG,
been lurkin for a while and finally decided to join
I like to doodle, if you want to see some of em check out my thread happywires art

Hello HappyWires, Welcome to NewGrounds. We can always use more artists and great doodles.

love this site, can't wait to dive deep into the community, <3

We do have a great community here on NewGrounds. Make sure you check out all of our content.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-13 16:04:01

At 9/10/16 01:40 PM, BlackSpiralDancer wrote: Hi everybody. I want to be an animator someday.

Welcome, BlackSpiralDancer!

That's great that you want to become an animator one day! If you achieve your goals, I hope you share your animations with NG!

Good luck!

At 9/11/16 08:24 AM, HappyWires wrote: Hey NG,
been lurkin for a while and finally decided to join

Welcome! I see that you joined almost a year ago, but that's okay!

I used to be a lurker myself. I wish I made an account sooner, haha.

I like to doodle, if you want to see some of em check out my thread happywires art

I had a look at your art and you have talent, that's for sure! Your art could use some cleaner lines, though.

love this site, can't wait to dive deep into the community, <3

Make sure to check out all of the forums and the chat! That's where all of the fun is.

It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-13 16:04:08

At 9/13/16 01:03 PM, VenomationsTV wrote:
At 9/9/16 09:05 PM, Dromedary wrote: hi new members, welcome to lumby

trimming armour, swordies for sale, jagex blocks your pass - here's mine ******

Welcome to you too

The cake is a liar!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-13 16:06:16

At 9/8/16 11:43 AM, PoutyBat wrote: Thanks for the warm welcome Tom!
I'd be honored to offer banner art if you need any.
I love this place already! Everyone is so nice!

Oh. And welcome

The cake is a liar!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-13 18:02:50

At 9/13/16 01:03 PM, VenomationsTV wrote: welcone

This is the best place to Welcome somebody.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-16 02:40:03

At 9/11/16 08:24 AM, HappyWires wrote: Hey NG,
been lurkin for a while and finally decided to join
I like to doodle, if you want to see some of em check out my thread happywires art

love this site, can't wait to dive deep into the community, <3

Welcome to Paradise, today's the first day of the end of your life!

New User Introduction Thread!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-19 21:30:35

Hello everyone.
My name is Evan Scale. I have recently joined Newgrounds. I learned about the website by Youtube, through "Draw with Jazza" channel. Upon my first submission for his challenge of the month, I started uploading artwork.
It looks like a very active community and I enjoy how easily I can find other people's art!

Through Newgrounds I hope I can get some feedback that will help me -along with hard work and practice- to get better and better. Since I am active in a lot of communities and social media, it would be really helpful if people that like my work follow me. I believe Newgrounds can be really helpful for new artists.

I am interested in illustrations but I Love comics! I am writing and drawing a few mini-comics, trying to develop a few skills before writing anything longer!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-19 21:33:07

At 9/19/16 09:30 PM, EvanScale wrote: Hello everyone.
My name is Evan Scale. I have recently joined Newgrounds. I learned about the website by Youtube, through "Draw with Jazza" channel. Upon my first submission for his challenge of the month, I started uploading artwork.
It looks like a very active community and I enjoy how easily I can find other people's art!

Welcome to NG!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-20 11:06:45

At 9/19/16 09:30 PM, EvanScale wrote: Hello everyone.
My name is Evan Scale. I have recently joined Newgrounds. I learned about the website by Youtube, through "Draw with Jazza" channel. Upon my first submission for his challenge of the month, I started uploading artwork.
It looks like a very active community and I enjoy how easily I can find other people's art!

Hello EvanScale, welcome to NewGrounds. We can always use more art. Make sure you check out all the art, movies, and more that we have to offer.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2016-09-20 15:12:11

Hello Newgrounds, Im pretty new here and Id like to meet some of you!

Wake me up inside

BBS Signature