At 7/29/16 04:15 PM, ChryseusWitch wrote: Hello! I'm Cheyenne and I'm an aspiring artist! I'm still a high school student, but one day I hope to go to school for animation. I decided that I will be posting some artwork over on my profile. So if anyone wants to check my work out, it's there!
Hello Cheyenne, and Welcome to NewGrounds.We can always use more artwork.
I came to Newgrounds because of the music honestly. I was trying to scout for some new songs to help me draw and get my ideas flowing. I just figured I would make an account so I can keep everything saved!
You should check out the movies, games, and more we have to offer.
It's a pleasure to be here! It would be cool to talk with other artists too! :D
There are plenty of good artists and other creative users here. Enjoy your stay.