At 5/15/16 03:33 PM, rinnythekitty wrote:
I'm kind of new.
Always trying to make new friends and such.
Welcome to Newgrounds! There are plenty of nice people here on Newgrounds to become friends with. :) You just gotta watch out for the trolls.
I voice act, write, and may or may not get into drawing in the near future. o:
If you do get into drawing in the near future I hope you submit your art to Newgrounds! We always need more art.
The name is Rin, and since I've been here I've enjoyed starting up Hangout calls with the awesome people from the NG Chat. Love it here.
The NG chat is pretty fun as long as the right people are in there, haha. I'm glad you love it here. :p
If you have any questions about the site, feel free to ask me. :)