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New User Introduction Thread!

482,450 Views | 3,983 Replies

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-15 20:02:56

At 6/10/15 11:46 AM, XxKeldeoxX wrote: hello, im a new member for less than a week, ive usually taken part in blams and saves, but im also timid because i dont know how to introduce myself, especially when i feel like im in the wrong place like right now. and i am NOT A PONY, for the last time im not a pony im a pokemon for crying out loud, it seems everyone here is severely different than i am, so im pretty much just timid for now until i learn the ropes, i might as well make a clan soon, well soon, anyways nice to meet you all. im Keldeo.

Hello I am new to New grounds as well, I haven't been able to go on my account much but I find this site to be fun :D, my friend and I have been trying to make a video game. If you have any idea on how we can upload our stuff that would be great. This is my first time posting anything here xD. I heard from a friend you could get paid through posting your work. Maybe we can work together one day ^_^ it would be nice to have a friend here. Anyway it was nice meeting you. take care



Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-16 14:01:39

Hey, I've been on NG for years now, but just recently decided to make an account.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-19 00:36:59

At 6/19/15 12:24 AM, chriscts wrote: I came to Newgrounds as a place to upload my games. I'm interested in programing, and I know java. Recently, I've been learning Unity. I've been working on games, and I'm uploading them here. I've only just started, but this seems like an interesting place. I like this website.

and it likes you.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-19 14:56:25

Sup NG. I finally decided to create an account here after playing games and foolin' around in the adult section for about 6 or 7 years ....yeah.
Anyway I'm a pixel artist and plan on making animations once I get more experience.

New User Introduction Thread!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-20 06:18:18

Heya all. I registered a few days ago, but I've been so focused on my drawings that I forgot to introduce myself after (only made a post on the profile) xD.

I'm 28 and only recently have I been dedicating myself to digital drawing/art and animation more thoroughly, practicing and watching tutorials all over. Better late than never! .... it's not that 28 is late .. and.. er .. but sooner would be better. Well, you know what I mean.

I've never been one to have accounts on media sharing websites, although I visit them a lot, as I felt I didn't have many things to post. But now that I started dedicating myself to this, I felt it was a good time to share the things I start making with everyone, so I can get feedback and tips and learn from all of the pros out there! :)

See ya out there!

Art shall never fall !

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-22 17:18:54

Hi there,been following this badass site for years but never made an account. I'm not posting any games,etc because I have no coding knowledge or anything. I'm just gonna be chewing bubblegum and chatting around in the forums and of course play some games and earn some medals. So thanks for listening.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-23 04:54:25

Hi everyone!

I love Newgrounds style and all its stuff and I was obliged to make an account to join this fantastic community :D

I hope to upload something in here in order to support this site.

Thank you,

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-23 09:18:31

Hello there,I've been on Newgrounds from 2010 but I've never made an account. So I finally did and proud to be a member of this badass community. I'll be here chatting around and playing games so hail to the king baby !

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-23 12:52:27

Hello there peeps,I discovered Newgrounds a couple years ago when I was looking for some flash games. I JUST created an account right to know to be a badass member of this community. I wont upload any movies or games because I don't know how to do any of that stuff. Oh yeah let's have some fun.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-24 08:59:18

Hello there everyone and man it's great to be a member of this community.I've been on this site for years playing games and watching these fantastic movies and stuff. I don't have any coding knowledge or art skills so I will just hang around in the forums and play some games like I used to do expect with a account this time.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-24 09:53:41

At 6/24/15 08:59 AM, ChainerGreen wrote:

Hello there everyone and man it's great to be a member of this community.I've been on this site for years playing games and watching these fantastic movies and stuff. I don't have any coding knowledge or art skills so I will just hang around in the forums and play some games like I used to do expect with a account this time.


Enjoy your stay here! Make sure not to make any enemies :)
Warning you!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-24 19:08:01

Hahahaha im new in newgrounds and i like the madness series

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-25 21:12:26

Hello everyone. I've never introduced myself here. My homosexual name is Jamie.

"you hate gays, believe in god, and dislike my posts, I still think you're cool"-FurryFox

"TarahlovesJBKscawk"-Tarah, "Those (under)pants are just adorable"-Gagsy


BBS Signature

I am just a new user in this forum, but I find myself very interested in each game promoted here. Of course, it is a must to consult Forum Rules to know what should do while being here. Can you give me some ideas of fascinating games? I like creativity-based games!!!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-26 11:57:49

At 6/24/15 07:08 PM, 5H4DY wrote: Hahahaha im new in newgrounds and i like the madness series

lol hey welcome to newgrounds

The New Signature By Orange Beef

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-26 13:33:03


Sig made by Decky

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-27 00:13:36

At 6/25/15 09:37 PM, idlegamesonline wrote: I am just a new user in this forum, but I find myself very interested in each game promoted here. Of course, it is a must to consult Forum Rules to know what should do while being here.

Welcome to Newgrounds, home of the Newgrounds. Can I take your order?

Can you give me some ideas of fascinating games? I like creativity-based games!!!

Comin' right up:

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-27 20:35:10

hi everyone! I'm PussyShark! and someday, I'M GONNA BECOME HOKAGE!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-28 07:12:28

Wow, First time logging in to this account in like 10 years

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-28 10:47:46

Can someone scout me, or see if i can get scouted... I saw that my work isnt published and its not alive, so i would like if my songs get on Audio Portal... Pls scout...



Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-29 12:45:08

I'm on a crusade. A crusade to bring justified chaos to the gaming industry EVERYWHERE.

Punishment and reward means nothing to me.
My intents are never abusive.
Proud coordinator of the nexus movement!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-30 11:08:39

Hey! I'm new here and I recently got back into gaming after a long hiatus.

I am an International Relations major and I participate in social activism. Don't worry, I promise I'm not a social justice warrior come to crack down on all the political incorrectness-- I will notice and point things out, but I will not be a buttwipe about it.

ANYWAY-- I enjoy tea, reading, writing, watering my plants, photography, and music . I also like poetry, culture, history, and art so watch me geek out every now and then about those things every now and then. Especially the culture thing. Like, dude, I cannot even begin to describe how excited I get when I learn about culture things and then share them.

Look forward to my time here-- thank you and have a lovely day.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-06-30 19:09:04

At 6/30/15 11:08 AM, saphiragranger9 wrote: Look forward to my time here-- thank you and have a lovely day.

I'm new here as well. Welcome to the hatefest - courtesy of all those against me.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-07-01 01:46:02

At 7/1/15 12:44 AM, NekoMika wrote:
At 6/30/15 07:09 PM, developous29 wrote:
I'm new here as well. Welcome to the hatefest - courtesy of all those against me.
There would be much less hate if you actually contributed to threads rather than acting like a stuck up kid wondering why you get booted off every forum.

Welcome to Newgrounds, NekoMika. I'm sure you'll contribute all sorts of cat-themed antics to the Newgrounds BBS.


Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-07-04 01:14:36

At 7/3/15 01:39 AM, dem0lecule wrote: If you have any question, feel free to ask.

you sure? what about the penis jokes and hostility that newbies get

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-07-04 02:36:41

Hello Everyone. I am new here and looking forward to collaborate on projects. I mainly create, rap/hip-hop, electronic and r&b. I also have miscellaneous cinematic instrumentals and sound effects. Check me out on social on here and social networks

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-07-04 14:09:55

Hi StydianX here from StydianX GameTV :D
i have a Youtube Channel, i hope you guys dont mind me sharing :D
just look me up, StydianX GameTV. i have a playlist solely for Flash Games.
if any of you guys have a personal favorite that you would recommend, that'd be great!

anyways, nice to meet you all :D


Welcome to Newgrounds. I think you'll find that our site is a good creative outlet and place to gather feedback.

New User Introduction Thread!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-07-05 07:42:51

Hey hey, I came here cuz this place has cool music & games % stuff

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2015-07-05 16:28:13

I know this thread is for new users, but I was outta the game for a while (not really, just a couple of months at most), and would like to just make the announcement that...

I still don't know if I'll be back on NG Gen. BBS for sure ;D BUT I wanted to drop in for a bit and see how're things going <3 AND--I gotta be honest--I did miss hearing from a lot of you guys (even though a lot of you guys have the potential to be obnoxious twats and I'm pretty sure most of you never gave a fuck about me to begin with).

So...what's up?