At 6/10/15 11:46 AM, XxKeldeoxX wrote: hello, im a new member for less than a week, ive usually taken part in blams and saves, but im also timid because i dont know how to introduce myself, especially when i feel like im in the wrong place like right now. and i am NOT A PONY, for the last time im not a pony im a pokemon for crying out loud, it seems everyone here is severely different than i am, so im pretty much just timid for now until i learn the ropes, i might as well make a clan soon, well soon, anyways nice to meet you all. im Keldeo.
Hello I am new to New grounds as well, I haven't been able to go on my account much but I find this site to be fun :D, my friend and I have been trying to make a video game. If you have any idea on how we can upload our stuff that would be great. This is my first time posting anything here xD. I heard from a friend you could get paid through posting your work. Maybe we can work together one day ^_^ it would be nice to have a friend here. Anyway it was nice meeting you. take care