At 3/1/22 08:49 PM, ChillyAbe wrote:Hi! My name is Abe, I'm a 15 (16 this month) year old slacker. Before Friday Night Funkin' I had already known this website all long time ago, albeit I really only knew the website as the site that contained Madness Combat, Skincraft, Dad 'n Me, and Riddle School, I did know about Pico from some videos on Youtube. I enjoy drawing even though I'm somewhat subpar at it. I'm currently learning HTML and CSS even though it's at a snail's pace, hopefully I won't be so unmotivated to draw or code. My favorite series on this site are Madness, Brackenwood, Blockhead, Pico, and Riddle School. I'll hopefully submit my art onto this site.
FYI: I do what I want. If you don't like what i do, LEAVE