Good Evening, the name's Sereph-Philemon (real name Davide), i'm Italian, Autistic, and have been lurking on the internet since the mid 2000s. I've always knew of Newgrounds' existence, but never really delved into it due to me sticking to other Flash-based gaming sites and having chosen Youtube as my streaming platform of choice (even in the early years, when NG's player was of a higher quality than Youtube's). Friday Night Funkin's popularity eventually convinced me to at least finally make an account in here, though there's a good chance I'll just be here for consuming the content rather than producing some (Although, many people that I talked to in real life told me that I would be a decent voice actor. Probably due to my extremely neutral accent, probably due to my autism spectrum). I'm also not a supporter as of yet, so I can only interact with the community via Forum posts, so a friend request or two is very much appreciated.