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New User Introduction Thread!

483,515 Views | 3,983 Replies

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-20 12:46:27

Good Evening, the name's Sereph-Philemon (real name Davide), i'm Italian, Autistic, and have been lurking on the internet since the mid 2000s. I've always knew of Newgrounds' existence, but never really delved into it due to me sticking to other Flash-based gaming sites and having chosen Youtube as my streaming platform of choice (even in the early years, when NG's player was of a higher quality than Youtube's). Friday Night Funkin's popularity eventually convinced me to at least finally make an account in here, though there's a good chance I'll just be here for consuming the content rather than producing some (Although, many people that I talked to in real life told me that I would be a decent voice actor. Probably due to my extremely neutral accent, probably due to my autism spectrum). I'm also not a supporter as of yet, so I can only interact with the community via Forum posts, so a friend request or two is very much appreciated.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-22 07:47:54

I'm retro-n-new, and I joined because I heard the community was good for artists. I hope to show off my stuff here and participate in the community. :)

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-22 19:18:00

I'm a weepul. If you see money on the sidewalk. I put it there. So buy some candy .https://blogimg.ngfiles.com/338000/iu_338329_9468951.jpg


Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-23 02:38:37

Hello! My name is Nefalox and I'm Palestinian-Filipino, I used to use newgrounds alot and play flash games (ones I remember being super mario 63 and koopa's revenge 1 and 2) on here some years ago but I only made an account last year as I didn't really know how to make one back then lol, I like making art and programming/coding games (primarily in godot) and want to learn music, I've also been getting into madness combat recently too!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-23 18:26:49

At 2/23/15 05:22 PM, TomFulp wrote:New to NG or the NG forums? Introduce yourself in this thread! What brought you to NG?

:Alot of the animators i watched growing up came from newgrounds

You should also check out the Forum Rules and the FAQ while you're here!

:bet will do

Everyone else, feel free to welcome new users are they arrive!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-24 11:18:55

Hi guys! Name's Captain Smiles! Nice to meet y'all!

I just made my account few days ago and I'm hoping that I can gain the confidence to post some of my mediocre works.

Never knew I'd hear Newgrounds and it's wholesome and child-friendly browser flash games that made my unsupervised internet access childhood radical when I was a little kid in the 2000s. I do hope that I can make awesome stuff like the stuff that this website gave to the internet, but for now, I'm just starting small by overcoming my crippling insecurity towards sharing my work-

Then again, I hope that I enjoy my time here and who knows, make something awesome. Again, nice to meet y'all again, Newgrounds!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-25 01:12:06

Hi everyone, I'm not exactly new but the last time I was here was a decade ago, I'd like to share with you the art I make now, and I hope you like it, I try and put out new art as much as I can so please, check it out!

Comic OC

Comic OC 2

Natalia Garnet from Levius

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-25 07:32:10

hello everyone! I'm new here :D

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-27 03:35:47

At 2/23/15 05:22 PM, TomFulp wrote:New to NG or the NG forums? Introduce yourself in this thread! What brought you to NG?

You should also check out the Forum Rules and the FAQ while you're here!

Everyone else, feel free to welcome new users are they arrive!

Hello newgrounds people

Tom Fulp is cool

and I am a dumbass

Signature image is from GuraQuest

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-27 14:39:08

Well. Hellueh. Came here honestly bc of FNF. Heard about newgrounds through the years but never rlly thought it to be a platform for for me. idk. i was young then and prolly scared hah. Prolly healthy though to be wary online.

Older now and thanks to the decay of some other platforms, curious for this place. First impression is that here you got more freedom to develop your own stories and projects?

So yeh, Hi

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-27 15:47:40

new users thread :0 hello!

I barely used this account since I made it a long time ago, partly because of a long hiatus, until I came back recently; I posted in a thread for my first time no more than 2 weeks ago, and am still getting used to the idea of forums.

maybe it doesn't quite count as "new user" but I still feel as unfamiliar/disoriented as one lmao

  • I create stories / draw / animate / make music / learn gamedev as hobbies. carrd with other social media here.
  • animesque humanoid characters with animal or plant elements.
  • main projectPsiridea Systemate— centered around empathetic mindlinks, collective lucid dreams and abstract creation. I'm in the process of releasing stuff for its new, updated iteration, starting with this:

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-28 04:36:12

ay ayyy. i am jiynxx n i stumbled upon dis by coincidence just this night but I am v v intrigued. i have no clue how all of this rlly works, I just hope I wont step on anyone toes :)

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-06-30 16:24:31

hey! i'm mumi, and i'm a new member! i've known of pico's school, tankman, and friday night funkin for a bit now but never got into it until about a month ago. i decided to create an account to meet other newgrounds enthusiasts and share some content that i'll be making in the future. my current mission is to finish my pico cosplay and begin my cassandra cosplay! :) can't wait to get more engaged with this lovely community!


BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-01 02:55:36

Hey y'all. I'm Anton (he/him), a composer, rapper, aerophonist, sometimes saxophonist but not much these days, who does stuff for games and cartoons sometimes but mostly I just do shit that I like.

Lately I've been seeing people on Twitter talk about how there's a lot of dope art that continues to be uploaded here, and they weren't wrong. I've been seeing a lot of cool stuff here and I love it! I decided to upload some of my music as well, and figure I'll continue to do so occasionally. Thanks for featuring some of my songs so far!

I used to look at Newgrounds like, damn, 18 years ago, and remember enjoying a lot of flash cartoons and games and stuff here. A lot of us would log into to the site during computer class til the instructor told us not to play games, and then we would continue to do so but more discretely... Youngins reading this- do better than I did and try not to distract yourself with the internet during class LOL, especially with how accessible it is to anyone with a phone now.

Anyway, pleased to meet you. Much love.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-01 07:35:46

At 2/23/15 05:22 PM, TomFulp wrote:New to NG or the NG forums? Introduce yourself in this thread! What brought you to NG?

You should also check out the Forum Rules and the FAQ while you're here!

Everyone else, feel free to welcome new users are they arrive!

Hello i am Picofnf2021 and i am working on IMPOSTOR'S WRATH and STEVE ADVENTURES so stay tuned

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-02 15:54:10

Hello my name is アンディ and Im an artist, I guess.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-03 15:27:41

Hi nice to meet you I'm Yosos and i don't go outside and i love Newgrounds cause it's a part of my childhood

Hi Nice To Meet You I'm Yosos

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-06 17:59:30

I forgot to respond to this earlier. My bad.

Hey fellas, I'm Mr. Matchstick. I found my way here as a result of Friday Night Funkin (shameful, I know), but I realized this is a great place for me to make my potential start as a voice actor. Will I ever actually take action and do something about it? No clue, but I like to think I'll hop to it in some way.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-06 21:19:07

At 2/23/15 05:22 PM, TomFulp wrote:New to NG or the NG forums? Introduce yourself in this thread! What brought you to NG?

You should also check out the Forum Rules and the FAQ while you're here!

Everyone else, feel free to welcome new users are they arrive!

i've been on newgrounds for a couple months now but I've somehow just never learned about the forums on here, so I will probably start using them. I'm Lafio, I don't really post anything here as im not an artist, animator, or game dev but I like newgrounds sense of community and creative freedom in comparison to most other places on the internet. While you are at it, go check out the user Zukoix, he is my friend and makes really cool games and posts them here.

If you are seeing this signature go play celeste and monkey ball deluxe.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-07 00:27:16

Howdy, i suppose i'm new here but I'm joonslivtzz!

I've been to NG a couple of time here and there while browsing games and videos (some that were re-uploaded on YouTube.) on my family's computer while being unsupervised, i always admired the humor and wacky stuff from this site. Coming back now makes me feel happy :) Really nice to see a free website with cool people!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-08 03:18:25

Hi, I'm magpyfeather, and I only just relatively recently signed up to Newgrounds, home of cool things, to contribute to it and hone my crafts and hobbies and all that stuff.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-08 07:56:24

Sup! I'm Rallejo or just Rall for short.

As many other people probably did, I pretty much got here through Friday Night Funkin', although not exactly.

I had heard about Newgrouds in the past, but I never really knew what was it about and I simply didn't check it out, but this changed some days ago. I was playing around with plenty of FNF mods, and one of those was the VS Tricky mod, which I really love (and even more now), but I didn't really get the concept of it. I wanted to see what was the mod all about, so I checked out Madness Combat. It was confusing at first but once I got the stuff cleared up thanks to the wiki, I binge watched it all and now I'm really into it. I watched it on YouTube, though, so I signed up on here to go further and get into it more.

To recap, you could say it was partly thanks to FNF, but also to Madness Combat that I got here, and so far I'm loving it. I read part of the history of Newgrounds and found it pretty interesting too. The amount of talent in this place, with so many people that are so skilled and creative within any of the web's sections is incredible as well as overwhelming, because there is a lot of it. And on the other hand, well, here I am. I don't have much to offer, but I would love to get into this.

I think that's pretty much it for an introduction.

In fact it might be too long.

I don't even know.

In any case, I hope I can learn more about the community and enjoy the talent in here. See you around!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-08 14:56:27


my name is sagi and i am new here

i am an artist and a beginer animator

i am here to meet new pepole and make the things i like

i don't really know how things work here

Hello dear people,

my name is Lukas, i am 23 years old and I come from germany.

I am a small indie developer who is studying games while getting my masters degree.

Right now we are a team of 4 and i am one of the 2 programmers!

Usually i developed solo games for pc, but this changed after I got my team this year.

I am using Unreal Engine and Unity.

Hope we will have a great time,

See ya, Lukas

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-09 02:26:34

I came to newgrounds because one of my friends suggested it to me and I heard about it before I just didnt know what it was. But its nice to be here now.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-09 09:30:55

it's funny i forgot to introduce myself here lmao,anyways it's never too late to introduce yourself aye?


the name's alysha (pronounced as ahh-lee-shyeah) and uhh im an artist. im just here to make new friends and try my best to communicate! im kinda act awkward sometimes :P

"fnf soft mod is just what if ninjamuffin was raised by tumblr - Roza 18/8/2021"

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-10 07:19:27

Wow! Didn't do it too.

So, I'm a gamer looking for new games and a new vision of games.

Hope you all have fun,


LIfe is a Game

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-11 05:15:49

At 2/23/15 06:37 PM, someaveragechap wrote:
At 2/23/15 06:33 PM, krumpingkatie wrote:so what do you guys do around here for fun ;O

decrying the decline of Newgrounds

Newgrounds is declining?

“We are not rich by what we possess but by what we can do without."Immanuel Kant

"A computer is like air conditioning - it becomes useless when you open windows"Linux founder

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-11 15:18:37

At 1/6/17 02:14 PM, awildeground wrote:Checking in after 6 and a bit years, how's it going and what've I missed?

I never thought I'd see you in the wild after so long! Although it's 4 years since...

Slint approves of me! | "This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com" - WadeFulp

"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-07-11 19:13:05

Hi, 2007 or 2008 was the first time I used Newgrounds. I had multiple accounts years ago, but now I made a new one to start over fresh. I hope to post my art on here.