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New User Introduction Thread!

483,710 Views | 3,983 Replies

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-01 14:16:02


this is what i made for pico day 2021


Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-01 21:51:23

welllllll....i guess i might as well introduce myself......

hi! my name is lana and im very new to the forums! i've been using newgrounds since i was very young, around 5? but i never made an account for obvious reasons lmao. newgrounds was the only site i would visit for YEARS. i was a huge ng kid :)

i cant remember what happened or why i fell out of it, but thanks to fnf (yeah yeah i know i know you can leave your complaints in my complaint box) it helped me rediscover the joys of this website, and now i actually have the brain capacity to enjoy the mascots instead of just being like "lol flash game site funnie" (although i really enjoyed madness and blockhead as a kid)

im an artist, you might've seen me on the frontpage today ;D STILL stoked about that tbh

so if you'd like to show my art stuff a little love please feel free! i'm always willing to make friends here!!!

so uhhhhhh, yeah! that's about it, uhhh to fill some more space ill list some other stuff i like

my favorite ng creators are johnnyutah and krinkels

i like the taste of ginger ale

my favorite game on ng as a kid was interactive buddy

i also was super into super mario bros z

i learned about what 9/11 was thanks to newgrounds

alright that's REALLY it. happy to be here :D

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-02 09:23:11

hello! i'm rust! i haven't exactly used this account for a good while now since i was occupied with other platforms, however now with newgrounds being more prominent as of late i think now's a good time to get used to this site again. over the last few years i've been steadily improving with artwork, done a few animations (those of which i do not know if they meet newgrounds guidelines, but here's an example), and on the occasion i do some video editing, although normally in a YTP sense

i'm not sure when i first checked newgrounds out. i think the flash site i used to go on was like. any? i never had a "go-to", rather it was something like. a mental list. here's what i remember!

  • ninjakiwi (btd5 only, but i do remember giving btd4 some time)
  • stickpage (the SHOCK series is still a personal favorite)
  • Y8 (this site really did fall from grace honestly. such a shame to see it now. wait how did fnf get on this)
  • kongregate (i had an account on that. then i didn't. i think i played learn 2 fly on that)
  • addictinggames (the worlds hardest game is still an interesting concept to me i just think having it be "the hardest" ruins a good chunk of it)
  • arcadeprehacks (fuck you i'll hack papa's freezeria ALL I WANT)

series like madness combat and super mario bros z i actually went and watched on youtube. it's a sad fate, yes, but i'm definitely willing to go and check it out now in the purest format possible, right on where it started. i think. i'm actually not confident about it.

least the music's nice here

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-02 23:06:05

I am on Newgroundsa because I heard everyone talking about it.

And it was a flash site I used when I was like WAY younger.

So I started playing games from here, later creating an account.

I like the videogames here.

I will go take a massive shit.

And nobody can stop me.

Sup, I'm DreamSpectre, friends call me MK!

I float around the net in search of art spaces to hang at. I've been using Newgrounds forever, but just recently decided to make an account.

I like scary things, zigzags, pixel art, exaggerated lines and cute girls.

Fun facts about me are I'm a colorblind artist and I made the Mr. Needlemouse romhacks.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-04 14:09:08

Hi! Im Chokz/Chaps, both are fine. I've indirectly known NG since i was a kid from youtube uploads of Madness Combat, mini games and such. I never really got into the site because of my lack of english at the time. I hope it's not too late to jump in! And hello to old and new users :-)

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-04 18:41:13

Hi I'm Chrys. I like things but I also like stuff. I might check the forums out idk yet.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-04 23:10:10

At 2/23/15 05:22 PM, TomFulp wrote:New to NG or the NG forums? Introduce yourself in this thread! What brought you to NG?

You should also check out the Forum Rules and the FAQ while you're here!

Everyone else, feel free to welcome new users are they arrive!

ok cool i am epic funny pro gamer! indeed.

i found newgrounds through friday night funking (yes i put a g and yes i am one of those people)

i didnt exactly join it until i discovered madness combat, that stuff was really good

eventually i joined newgrounds and now i want to create stuff like that

so yea cool

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-05 00:45:52

I might as well introduce myself.

Hello! I'm Tommy! I came to Newgrounds after hearing things about it especially that it was more of an artsy place if anything. As an artist, I feel I should fit right in. I draw more anthropomorphic animal art, but I can draw people and humanoids too. I try not to limit myself to one type of...species? I love to talk a lot, too, if you couldn't tell.

Hope to meet you all! I'm happy to be here.

𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓲𝓽 - 𝓽𝓸𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓸𝔀 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓭𝓪𝔂!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-05 14:59:42

Made an account recently because I wanted the medals for fnf lol. Other than that I've been lurking and playing games every now and then on the site back when pico was used as the rating system. Feels good to be active on the site and I should have done it sooner :)

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-07 20:12:55

Hi. I'm Graywulf, and Ninjamuffin99 brought me here, as well as my edgy teenage ass not having anything else to do. So now I'm here, playing games, watching animations, and being an all-around doofus. I just downloaded Pencil2D animator to make a nice little animation/shitpost while I'm here. Nice website, great people on here, and I think I might stay.

Your (former) resident furfag on NG!


BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-08 17:46:53

Ayy lmao

Call me Moses, all I can say is I review stuff and do art

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-10 07:15:26

At 5/7/21 12:46 AM, IndianGuy6 wrote:Hi my name is Taurun and I'm young and stupid. I made an acc mostly cuz of FNF (saw it first from JackSepticEye), and now I come to this website to look at art (and cool movies), play games, and prob to create stuff in the future.

Hey there Tauran! Welcome aboard! Here is the place we all grow old and wise on eventually. :P

Good call. Plenty of such pastimes to find here.

At 5/8/21 05:46 PM, lmaoMoses wrote:Ayy lmao

Call me Moses, all I can say is I review stuff and do art

lmao! XD Welcome aboard Moses!

Good stuff. We can always use more reviews here too.

At 5/7/21 08:12 PM, GraywulfDaDolf wrote:Hi. I'm Graywulf, and Ninjamuffin99 brought me here, as well as my edgy teenage ass not having anything else to do. So now I'm here, playing games, watching animations, and being an all-around doofus. I just downloaded Pencil2D animator to make a nice little animation/shitpost while I'm here. Nice website, great people on here, and I think I might stay.

Welcome to the Grounds Graywulf! It is a good place to be! May those positive first impressions never shift and the enjoyment here be as endless as our creative reach. :P

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-10 07:19:55

At 5/5/21 02:59 PM, Ghostedtoast wrote:Made an account recently because I wanted the medals for fnf lol. Other than that I've been lurking and playing games every now and then on the site back when pico was used as the rating system. Feels good to be active on the site and I should have done it sooner :)

If you start craving more medals now: https://www.newgrounds.com/gameswithmedals

Welcome to the site!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-10 09:22:42

I’m technically now new here, because I made my account back in like 2017, but I’m Blue Bolt! I’m some college student who likes to draw on and post it internet (generic bio #918389282929). I hate freedom, video games, and fun >:( lol!


BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-10 20:04:13

hi, im new to the community, not exactly to the site, im having a good time exploring the music and games here

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-10 21:27:45

Heyo I'm Natasha aka. Jade. I've known about newgrounds for a while but It took until recently that I started poking around the site more. I'll admit part of it is because I've been meaning to move away from DeviantArt (site's a mess & a lot of people are leaving). So I wanna give NG a shot

outside of that, uh... i like monster hunter ig

Might be an evil robot... who knows >:)

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-11 04:45:20

Hi, my name is Awoos and I joined Newgrounds a few days ago because this website seemed fun (and up to now, it is).


Lookin for who asked, I like edgy and flash stuff. Heard Candice and Joe got in a relationship recently. GODDAMN IT WEGRA!

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-13 21:59:06

Hello! Names GeneralAwesome! I make Art and Videos and other stuff on the internet!

GeneralAwesomeness Plays

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-14 09:07:01

Hi, I'm Ciberjogo, and... that's it.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-16 08:33:04

Hello, earth people. It is I, the cosmic destroyer, Giygas. I came here planning to rule the site, but, as it turns out, it's already ruled by someone named TomFulp. Anyways, I just plan to communicate with you all using some Morse Code. Have a decent day, and make sure you all don't do nothing Illegal!

  • Yours truly, Giygas.

It is I, the one and only Giygas! The cosmic destroyer! Some of you may die, but that is a risk I am willing to take.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-16 12:30:50

I don't think I've commented here (despite being here for three months), so I better do that now since I still feel new.

Hi, I be Duskull, hailing from the UK - Scotland, specifically. I draw a lot of dumb things, occasionally type dumb things, and play dumb games. I'm mostly known for stupid art or stupid FNF mods on Game Banana.

I like everything spooky. :)

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-16 13:26:21

Hi everyone! I'm new here! Still learning how to navigate the site, familiarizing myself with the forum sections and rules, as well as the socializing system (friend/follow/messaging).

I'm hoping to get involved with the 2D artwork community! So if you're looking for a progress friend or something to that effect, or if you have artworks you'd like me to check out, feel free to let me know!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-17 04:10:19

Sup, I'm Shigi and I'm 13 (at the time of writing this).

I have autism, and epilepsy but it's not important. You don't get an R card unless you're autistic in my book (although people sometimes like to ignore that).

My hobbies are: writing awful fanfics, drawing in ibisPaint X, playing games, and collecting plushies.


Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-17 19:04:52

Hi I'm TOSTR and I'm new. This site was an important part of my childhood yet it took me until about a year ago to actually make a profile. It also took me until today to actually post anything on here lol. Anyway, I mostly play rhythm games and GTA V. I also have a YouTube channel that I'm trying to get off the ground (pls subscribe :D). I just uploaded a Friday Night Funkin' playthrough and I'm hoping to upload more stuff this summer. Also, you can find me on FlashFlashRevolution.com under the name Tantive72.


Subscribe to my dumb channel: www.youtube.com/codenameTOSTR

BBS Signature

Probably a bit late to be coming to this thread now considering I've been actively on NG for a few weeks, but what the hell!

I'm treese, and I'd say my most "marketable" attribute is that I do art every now and then, I do subpar drawings of this green girl I made cuz she's cute and she doesn't wear clothes, which is both for self-indulgence and to make drawing her easier.

I do a lot more than art, though. I play a ton of games, I religiously listen to music, I write (which sucks cuz no one reads it cuz no one reads anything anymore), and I've even made a couple of crappy game prototypes! I go about my day gaming, wishing I was better at art or that I had more motivation to make games (which I'm planning on going to college for next year), listening to music with YouTube's atrociously broken playlist system, liking porn and memes on Twitter, and writing overly long/formal replies on the Newgrounds forums!

As for what brought me here...as cliche as it is to say...Friday Night Funkin' brought me to Newgrounds. I'd known of the website before FNF came into my life, I'd seen its logo on flash games as a kid and had a very vague idea of its place in internet history, but FNF was what fully introduced me to the site. I was starting to fully realize and appreciate NG's place on the internet, but I was still kinda indifferent to it. That was until someone, probably one of the FNF devs or someone who replied to them or something, said that NG was a great place for artists to get feedback and improve. After seeing that, in addition to my time on the site waiting to get access to Week 7, I thought I'd give it a shot, considering that Twitter had basically gotten me nowhere. So I joined and starting reposting my art from Twitter and interacting with the forums until I eventually became hooked.

I gotta give credit to @TomFulp where it's due because this website's "gameplay loop" or whatever you'd like to call it is shockingly addictive. Posting on forums, reading what people have to say, posting art and getting an actual response to it rather than just a passing like, and constantly checking back to see if there are new notifs because they might actually be something instead of an empty like...it's so fun! I don't feel nearly the same anxiety or fear I do when I post on Twitter, here I feel like I can express myself however I want! It's got such a great vibe!

Not to mention the success I've had! During my ~8 months posting art on Twitter, I've amassed essentially no following (12 followers, one of whom is an IRL friend and the rest of which have basically never interacted with me or my posts once) with no way to grow it, forcing me to rely on those aforementioned scant empty likes to subconsciously validate the art I work hard on for days after I whore myself out with hashtags (which only makes me feel worse because it makes me feel like a schill (even though there's literally no other way to promote yourself on Twitter)). Here, after only 2 and a half weeks, I already have 3/4 of my Twitter follower base, multiple people who have praised my art and given feedback, and even a piece of fanart! I actually get to discuss things with people instead of sub-250-char shower thoughts where I can't give any reasoning or logic. The people here are so nice and helpful, I don't feel like I constantly have to watch my step or defend myself! It's like the polar opposite of Twitter!

So yeah, I'm having a blast on Newgrounds, just interacting with the community and getting feedback on my stuff. I understand why ninja_muffin made Week 7 exclusive: he was trying to get more people to come to Newgrounds because it's a great place that has a lot to offer to anyone that joins it. I'm glad he did, because I've been loving every minute of my time on the site. How it will change me in the future is impossible to tell, but I think it will be good overall.

Sick site, Tom.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-19 00:52:57

This site has everything: games, videos, music, discussions threads, artwork. ect ect.

Legit a platform that came out long before most websites, yet it has a lot more than they ever will.

Not to mention the amount of freedom you have here. And from the fact that it's reputation isn't ass like twitter/youtube/reddit.

How I could I pass up on heaven? Can't believe I saw this website as creepy and weird when I was younger...

And here I am now.

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-19 09:15:02

hi itsthatoneguyforreal (had to add for real big bruh moment) i just like cool stuff

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2021-05-19 15:06:51

hi, i guess you could just call me joao cause my username is a joke between friendos

i'm nothing really special, i just lurk around the site collecting games and movies for my favs. i originally came here in 2019. but i'd still call myself new as i've only been active recently. (btw i wanna suck tom's dick like his little bitch for having him react to my reply in the FNF fan greetings, i fucking idolize you tom)

i like games, music (i listen to a lot of 2000s music but mostly punk/rock and some rap) and some niche things like anime. i originally came to newgrounds because of how awesome the community is, and the history of the site is what made me decide on coming into it. i like the early world wide web and particularly the counterculture behind it so newgrounds was obviously one of various places to dive in