Ugh, I need to get back to regularly updating to this thread. I'm sure you all enjoyed the inbox spam lift though lol.
^Undertale OST
Unpublished Submission
^>When the thieves do the work for you
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
^Ugh, I hate this VIP. The beginning sounds like a hyper version of the drop of the original and the whole thing sounds overkill because MDK was on drugs.
Unpublished Submission
^K-391 I believe is featured on NCS.
Unpublished Submission
^It kills me how the reviewer says "this is well made".
Unpublished Submission
^I hate it when people don't know genres. "It's Wubstep not Dubstep" It's NEITHER, it's something called ELECTRO. I see even record labels mess this up.
Unpublished Submission
^You can hear the song in the bg
Unpublished Submission
^Ew Nightcore
Unpublished Submission
^I have no idea what the original song is, but any singing with background music as their first and only submission raises some suspicions
^Hinkik is on here guys
^I hate the upcoming amount of re-uploads just as much as the song