Found a few songs that definitely don't belong to the users.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Just wondering, do we report here
flag the submission or just post here?
Found a few songs that definitely don't belong to the users.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Just wondering, do we report here
flag the submission or just post here?
At 2/19/17 06:28 PM, ixie122 wrote: Just wondering, do we report here and flag the submission or just post here?
The mods should see it either way but if you don't flag it you won't get any whistle points to earn yourself a bronze/silver/gold whistle, which in turn gives your flags more weight. A better whistle would be helpful if you intend to flag other stolen work and not just music but it's not essential or anything.
Flagging a non-offending submission loses you a lot of whistle points though, so don't pull the trigger on that end unless you're sure.
At 2/20/17 06:07 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: We should do some changes here. I came up with an idea, when someone uploads a song that is not theirs, the song should be tested before uploading. If they try it with a stolen song (EX: Someone uploads skrillex. It reads skrillex and finds out ) it should say you cannot upload this song
I thought of that a while back. My conclusion is, people would just name the songs differently. It's not a hard thing to change, after all.
Songs are all cleared out. Thanks.
EDIT: Nevermind, lol. I'll get these new ones.
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At 2/20/17 07:16 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: post
Clean. Some you stumbled on had pretty big libraries of stolen crap. You know, if you'd been flagging this stuff from the beginning, you'd have had a deity whistle already.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
I see a lot of these "no copyright sounds" songs. I would assume that since the user did not create the audio it should be removed? I just wanted to make sure.
One I just came across:
Unpublished Submission
At 2/20/17 08:35 PM, ixie122 wrote: I would assume that since the user did not create the audio it should be removed? I just wanted to make sure.
Absolutely. Thanks! You too @JK-FlipFlop. Double-checking that account yielded some more stolen and copyrighted junk as well.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
You guys let this one slip through:
Unpublished Submission
Borgore has a record label and does concerts and crap I'm too lazy to find a link ok-
I'm pretty sure this isn't owned by the user. Didn't flag because I'm not 100% sure.
Unpublished Submission
At 2/22/17 10:06 PM, ixie122 wrote: I'm pretty sure this isn't owned by the user. Didn't flag because I'm not 100% sure.
"I make this just for fun"
At 2/22/17 01:02 AM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Not a good day today, more songs
You know thank god I'm not a mod because I'd have to be disregarding half your reports due to lack of info/sources.
Ok, off my soap box now.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
^1. You can't make a remix of Michael Jackson. Even though he's dead his music his still copyrighted. 2. Nightcore is not a remix. 3. If it was a remix there's no way you could do much in audacity.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
^smh nightcore
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
^GD users are 12 confirmed. Although faint, you can still hear the original song in the background
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
^Oh this idiot... You can't upload bass boosted versions of tracks you didn't make.
Unpublished Submission
^I don't recall Virtual Riot ever making a song called "Babe" but this audio quality sounds like it was recorded and they stole this song v
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
^Fox Stevenson is featured on channels like MrSuicideSheep and DSG I don't think this is theirs
^Here's something I don't understand: What's wrong with the GD cut version RobTop allowed you to use in the game? You can't tell me you're gonna make a 4 minute long level.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
"I make this just for fun"
Oh and there's no way he could have been lying? It seems to have been removed either way.
At 2/24/17 12:36 AM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Stolen tracks
Your help is appreciated, but you need to provide some pointers on your reports.
I can understand how redundant it is to do it on the obvious ones e.g. : Skrillex - Bangarang
But there are plenty of cases with non related or plain gibberish titles e.g. : GDWTFlolololXDDD!!1
Please provide the names of the originals or links to them ^
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
At 2/25/17 03:16 PM, JK-FlipFlop wrote: I'm fairly certain that this user is uploading the originals, not remixes or covers.
Aww you beat me to it.
Well, i'll just put the links to his stuff he uploaded here.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
I'm getting sick of these kinds of people who upload things they did not make themselves on newgrounds.
At 2/25/17 03:52 PM, JK-FlipFlop wrote: The funny thing is that this user told on themselves with a news post. Don't they know we're watching them?
I think he realized that when i yelled at him reminding him of the rules through a comment.
The real question is... why didn't he remove the uploads?
At 2/25/17 03:52 PM, JK-FlipFlop wrote: The funny thing is that this user told on themselves with a news post. Don't they know we're watching them?
I don't think they realize, no. They're not aware of how our site works or the principles it's built upon, so they don't really think, "Hey! I'm telling on myself!" It's more like, "Hey, fellow audio pirates will support me!" Still stupid, but a different brand.
Thanks for the hand guys.
Question, those of you who have been watching the unscouted, does it seem like the theft level has remained about the same, or have things improved in the past month or so? During the 7-5 school-work shift I notice a drastic reduction in thefts, and it seems to pick up around 4 PM. This would coincide with a lot of kids 5-24 or so being done with school for the day.
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At 2/25/17 07:39 PM, JK-FlipFlop wrote: I've been watching this thread, and it seems to have first died down, but now picking up again, though now it's not all from the GD community. It seems to be a new crowd.
We must eradicate them all! do we have audio approvals? If we don't then please bring them here that way the amount of audio pirates will decrease
stolen song, thought i'd put this here
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Name says it all
Unpublished Submission
Random Song 6 by RobTop
Unpublished Submission
Name says it all, again
Unpublished Submission
Noma - Brain Power (again)
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Literally a reupload of "Let me Hit it" by sporty O
Unpublished Submission
Reupload of the music video from YouTube (bring me to life- evanescence)
I'm not sure if this has already been addressed, but would someone mind checking on
Unpublished Submission
I already know Brostep is from Music Maker Jam
Unpublished Submission
and Liquid is actually Let it Flow by Waldino, whom is never credited. (Track 7)
At 2/28/17 07:42 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote:
its ultimate destruction by tmn43.
... And this it the right way to report stolen tracks.
Sorry dude, but if you don't start doing it like this from now on, don't be surprised if your reports get ignored.
Wouldn't that be a waste ?
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Unpublished Submission
What this idiot didn't know was that this song was already up by SharaX here on NG when he posted this ;p
At 3/2/17 01:02 AM, infinitepowersource wrote:
You posted links. Is there a purpose? There's no comment telling us anything. :\
At 3/2/17 01:19 AM, JK-FlipFlop wrote:You posted links. Is there a purpose? There's no comment telling us anything. :\These two sound like the originals. Stolen from the Undertale OST.
Close. There may be another reason that these could be removed. However, I want him to respond. It's better than us trying to guess. And, those who report need to to actually report, not link dump. ;)
At 3/2/17 01:23 AM, Exedor wrote: Close. There may be another reason that these could be removed. However, I want him to respond. It's better than us trying to guess. And, those who report need to to actually report, not link dump. ;)
I went ahead and removed them. They were indeed total Undertale rips. Second one was "Finale", track 80, I think. All it took was a look at the descrip and a couple seconds. But yes, @infinitepowersource, please leave us notes as to why you think something is breaking the rules. If we can't tell what's going on and can't readily see for ourselves, we're probably going to ignore it, and that wastes your time as much as ours, not to mention leaving problems lying around on the server. I only caught this by being familiar with Undertale tracks from other GD thefts.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!