At 1/30/17 09:07 PM, BlueAlpha14 wrote:At 1/30/17 08:51 PM, cank wrote:The play store on my tablet still has it, and if so wouldn't the game still be accessible to existing people who purchased it previously?At 1/30/17 08:36 PM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: Wow, just checked unscouted. I couldn't find one stolen submission. Did we finally do it?Geometry Dash was removed from all stores. That's why.
Indeed, but the whole GD community is in a bit of a violent panic right now following the removal from Steam, a bit distracted from stealing songs. You should see how much people are freaking out on places like twitter. GD fans are not the most level-headed group, as has even been demonstrated in this thread.
Though it's apparently due to Nintendo copyrighted images being used as achievement pictures and not from the petition here on NG. Bit ironic that it's copyrighted images that screwed it and not copyrighted songs, but it'll probably be back up soon enough.
Oh boy, another one.
Low quality audio and definitely stolen.
No official song name, just "Amazing songs"
"Just a song for geometry dash"
Unpublished Submission
At 1/30/17 09:44 PM, cank wrote: I'm fairly certain it's Panda Eyes, but that's not my preferred genre. @BlueAlpha14
All I've seen of it when searching on youtube is "Panda Remix" and not Panda Eyes.
Also, some new things came in. Definitely not the original creators.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
At 1/30/17 11:08 PM, NekoMika wrote: Welcome to Newgrounds, I do appreciate the help, meow. Thank you :)
You're welcome. I've been a very inactive lurker until now, and I've been posting a lot due to the recent drama surrounding Geometry Dash. Thought I'd help find some audio submissions that aren't original.
At 1/30/17 11:23 PM, NekoMika wrote: Anytime you find rulebreaking stuff, post it here, we will take care of the rest. :)
Speaking of rulebreaking stuff... this is another one. Directly says who created it in the description.
Unpublished Submission
Oh boy. Lots of things. Everything I bothered to go through from unscouted.
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
This is nightcore, and this person has no other uploads.
Unpublished Submission
I couldn't find any difference from this and the original song.
Unpublished Submission
No source on this one, but the title is "geometry dash" so it's very likely this is stolen.
Unpublished Submission
Some royalty free music or something. "i have permission" says the description.
Unpublished Submission
This is a mashup and the person's only upload. Too high quality to be true.
Unpublished Submission
Song from games like Beatmania, Osu, etc.
Unpublished Submission
Can't find a source on this one, but it looks like it's from an artist very not this newgrounds user and is his first upload.
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
At 1/31/17 09:50 PM, cank wrote: This is fishy. Read the review
Oh all kinds of copyrighted content in that one. Please tell me you've heard that acapella. It was legendary. Gone now.
@Tebiri, thanks for your reports!
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 1/31/17 03:21 PM, Tebiri wrote: No source on this one, but the title is "geometry dash" so it's very likely this is stolen.
S3RL is a well-known artist, so indeed it was stolen. But, for the future, just because it says "geometry dash" it is never good to jump to conclusions it's stolen. This is how MonsterboyGD ended up reporting a long thread of legit submissions and accused they were stolen because the description or title said "for Geometry Dash".
At 1/31/17 10:22 PM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: S3RL is a well-known artist, so indeed it was stolen. But, for the future, just because it says "geometry dash" it is never good to jump to conclusions it's stolen. This is how MonsterboyGD ended up reporting a long thread of legit submissions and accused they were stolen because the description or title said "for Geometry Dash".
I'll try to be more cautious about songs that say their for Geometry Dash if I can't find a good source. It's really hard to tell seeing as some people are desperate to use songs in Geometry Dash but don't want to say an actual source because then they'll get taken down. Gonna also be more cautious about songs without an obvious source that I don't know the original song of, but don't have a "Geometry Dash" anywhere in the description or title. Sometimes it's really hard to tell.
At 2/1/17 12:58 AM, Tebiri wrote:At 1/31/17 10:22 PM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: S3RL is a well-known artist, so indeed it was stolen. But, for the future, just because it says "geometry dash" it is never good to jump to conclusions it's stolen. This is how MonsterboyGD ended up reporting a long thread of legit submissions and accused they were stolen because the description or title said "for Geometry Dash".I'll try to be more cautious about songs that say their for Geometry Dash if I can't find a good source. It's really hard to tell seeing as some people are desperate to use songs in Geometry Dash but don't want to say an actual source because then they'll get taken down.
You could always do what I do. I either bookmark the song and because I'm constantly listening to EDM (primarily dubstep, but that's most of the stolen stuff here anyways) I may eventually run into it, and then report it to here. Or, if I absolutely KNOW a song is stolen and I don't know where, I usually PM a mod directly because they have the power to investigate or I make it obvious in my report that I'm familiar with this song but don't know the name.
At 2/1/17 01:53 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: You could always do what I do.
Oftentimes, I'll leave a review. Not so much as a review, but as a reminder to check up on something later. ;)
At 2/1/17 01:58 AM, Exedor wrote:At 2/1/17 01:53 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: You could always do what I do.Oftentimes, I'll leave a review. Not so much as a review, but as a reminder to check up on something later. ;)
Leave a review as in..?
At 2/1/17 02:02 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: Leave a review as in..?
Reviews are these little comment thingies that you leave for whoever submitted something. You can tell than what you think of their submission and give praise, criticism, or tips about their work, or you can also ask questions.
Here's a photo of an actual review, captured in its natural habitat!
Part 2.
At 2/1/17 02:02 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote:
Ok, seriously, reviews save the submission in your review list, so it's always there for you to find. Sometimes, I use them to ask the author about work that might be stolen or otherwise rule-breaking. Then, once I've researched it, I can find it again. Occasionally, the author will rat out their own submission, as long as you play it cool and don't tip them off.
Now, see what happened to the submission? ;)
Ask them how long it took to create, what software they used, or where they found it; basically something so they'll have to give up more information about it. That'll often tip you off.
At 2/1/17 02:07 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote:
I love it when they say 'don't report.' His other was stolen too. EDM364 got this one, tho.
And, gone.
At 2/1/17 02:13 AM, Exedor wrote:
Here's a photo of an actualreview, captured in its natural habitat!
Lol, I know what a review is. But I didn't know you could leave one to remind yourself to try and find out the source lol.
At 2/1/17 02:35 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: Lol, I know what a review is. But I didn't know you could leave one to remind yourself to try and find out the source lol.
You can as long as you don't make it obvious. Did you see part 2 above? Make a review and ask something that'll make them think you're interested and want more info. Sometimes, they'll incriminate themselves with a reply like; "It's actually by a guy named Skrillex. His music sux but I post it here for GD! Everyone likes it and the mods haven't found me yet!! :D" ...Love those replies. >:3
Examples of good and bad marker reviews:
GOOD: Cool stuff! What software did you use to make this?
BAD: You stole this and I'll report you as soon as I find out where it's from.
GOOD: I like the [insert comments here]. How long did it take to create?
BAD: This is not yours!! I just don't know whose it is. TELL ME!!
GOOD: [Comment about the music] Do you have more music posted anywhere? I didn't see any links in your artist profile.
BAD: FAG! FAG! FAG! FAG! FAG! FAG! FAG! And, you're a thief, too! D:<
GOOD: This is good. Did you make it yourself? If not, where did you find it, and is there more?
BAD: This is stolen and I'm going to report you as soon as I finish masturbating to this hentai porn.
Oh boy, Theory of Skrillex? That's the name of a Geometry Dash Level with a song that got banned (it was a Skrillex geometry dash cut, if i recall correctly). This is a re-upload of that song.
Unpublished Submission
Now, I'm not sure why this one would be uploaded. But it's stolen anwyays from
Unpublished Submission
At 2/1/17 06:20 AM, Tebiri wrote: Oh boy, Theory of Skrillex? That's the name of a Geometry Dash Level with a song that got banned (it was a Skrillex geometry dash cut, if i recall correctly). This is a re-upload of that song.
Reuploaded? Re-removed. ;) Keep 'em coming.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
I don't think I need to even provide a source on this one. This is just Turn Down For What.
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
At 2/1/17 12:11 PM, Tebiri wrote: reports
All removed between @Mich and myself. One guy you found had 12 stolen works so that kept me busy for a minute. The last one tried to pass off "Owen Was Her", not actual proper name, but if I recall correctly, it's a Touhou song. Man, listening to memes pays off. Watch out for the niconico douga renditions of that mp3. They're even more popular.
@Jackho @Cank @BlueAlpha14, I think we have our proof that the removal from Steam has done no good. HOWEVER, the birds are chirping that change is indeed going to occur in the GD app itself, which will (hopefully) make it VERY difficult for stolen music to get into the game without the users pulling the "play any song over the game" trick noted in my last news post, as well as give submitters the freedom to choose whether they want their music featured or not, which has purportedly been in the works for months.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
People are still stealing songs despite the way Newgrounds and Geometry Dash songs now work.
Stolen from
(copypasting the description of the video too)
Unpublished Submission
All the info you need is in the description. Couldn't find a good enough youtube video, but the description should be enough.
Unpublished Submission
Slightly sped up "Nighrcore" version of this song:
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from this free music site.
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from the new Siivagunner rip of Fingerdash.
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Every intro on youtube has this song! Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
and it's a nightcore edit, too! (their song, not the original)
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
All stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
why would anyone steal this masterpiece
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
This is a Trivago advertisement. IN SPANIIIISSSSSHHHHH
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from
Unpublished Submission
Another Rolling Sky song.
(can't find good videos of the OST)
Unpublished Submission
At 2/1/17 01:02 PM, EDM364 wrote:
@Jackho @Cank @BlueAlpha14, I think we have our proof that the removal from Steam has done no good. HOWEVER, the birds are chirping that change is indeed going to occur in the GD app itself, which will (hopefully) make it VERY difficult for stolen music to get into the game without the users pulling the "play any song over the game" trick noted in my last news post, as well as give submitters the freedom to choose whether they want their music featured or not, which has purportedly been in the works for months.
What about removing the custom music privelege? Because, these guys have done more than just steal songs, and I think the majority of them shouldn't be rewarded with a privelege for their disrespect.
At 2/1/17 06:49 PM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: Can you guys remove the custom music privelege? Because, these guys have done more than just steal songs, and I think the majority of them shouldn't be rewarded with a privelege for their disrespect.
We could, but that would do more harm than good, as well as punish the people that actually aren't harming our community, but have come here in peace, so to speak, whether to share their craft, inspired by GD, or otherwise. I'm hoping in the future NG artists start getting rev shares for track use in NG, but at the least, we will all be able to disable our songs for custom levels until that happens.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
Unpublished Submission
^GD Cut
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
^I've heard this song, I'm familiar with DatPhoria
Unpublished Submission
At 2/1/17 06:52 PM, EDM364 wrote:
We could, but that would do more harm than good, as well as punish the people that actually aren't harming our community, but have come here in peace, so to speak, whether to share their craft, inspired by GD, or otherwise. I'm hoping in the future NG artists start getting rev shares for track use in NG, but at the least, we will all be able to disable our songs for custom levels until that happens.
Ugh, disregard most of my reports. Realized that other guy reported them :/
Yeah, that's true. Although, I can recall a few times where priveleges were removed and most of us didn't do anything in other sites.
At 2/1/17 08:04 PM, xepahr12 wrote: You won't be able to stop us Geometry Dashers from using copyrighted content by removing music... we have found a way to use removed songs! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
I don't give a shit if you use copyrighted music on your own tech. It doesn't take a lot of "Brain Power" (ba dum tiss) to figure out how, sure, and we can't stop you, but more importantly, it doesn't leave us liable for your idle ventures of ill repute and legal stupidity, or cancer. Just don't use lime wire for your MP3's or you'll probably get arrested and fined if you leech off of the wrong peers. Now that that's out of the way, thank you for outing yourself as an immature individual probably none of us here would like to associate with, and have fun playing the same shitty levels that weren't even made for the tired, cliched, overplayed excuses for music you're going to be jury rigging. Content ID is going to ream you if you start doing let's plays, too.
also, you're basically publicly admitting to breaking the law
I'll be bringing up that "use removed songs" issues so that it gets fixed, rest assured.
On business, @BlueAlpha14 and Tebiri, stolen songs removed and users banned. One guy had like 14 submissions so that took me a little minute.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!