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Audio Portal Cleanup

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Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 14:37:29

I vote we sentence monsterboy to death by spade

^ original here, and it's sample-heavy anyway:


This user has two simpler songs I can't ID but may be stolen too. He mentions GD in one of the descriptions.



^ (whatever the hell this is)


^ Duplicate uploads of this:


Geo Dash also mentioned in one description



^ undertale








^ ripped from this vid which I think is a mashup of two remixes




^ "This song is not created by me but i don't find it so i posted it"

πŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge πŸ“š

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 18:10:20

At 1/27/17 03:55 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: How about this if I report all copyrighted songs, can I not tell my gd friends about it?

No point in doing that now, I'm Ethanw12, remember? You already spilled the beans

Just because I had a bad past here doesn’t mean that I am forever bad. A man can change.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 18:35:47

Sorry, have I gone mad or is there some actual drama happening in the audio cleanup thread right now

πŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge πŸ“š

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 18:41:22

At 1/27/17 11:26 AM, MonsterboyGD wrote: You know what fine, I'll leave this place forever. I'll never ever Come back here if you'll keep being mad at me. Good Bye everyone that is @mich @cank @hexhammer @bluealpha14 I'll just return to GD and do my thing. Here's a weird goodbye note in my picture below

What the hell are you whining about now?

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 18:46:36

Oh wait, nevermind. I read the forum and got caught up to speed. I'm not going to miss Monsterboy, he had a constant pattern of posting legit audio, and he never noted anything.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 18:54:29

Everyone, cut the jabs at each other. This thread is up for a reason -- and it isn't to bitch about people doing stupid shit like only reporting the rule-breaking songs that don't work -- which, by the way, is a great big neon sign for me to search those songs and remove the ones that do work. Y'know, because if they work, we can get DMCA's, and then the whole site can not work. For anyone.

@MonsterBoyGD, I suggest if you want to keep using GD in its current state, you report all the stolen songs. Otherwise you're just contributing to breaking your little toy. If you need those songs that much, get the artists to come to NG. Don't assist people in stealing their shit by overlooking it for your own personal gain. That's shitty, two-faced, backward-thinking and irresponsible. I've had a feeling from the beginning that this was what you were doing, so I've also been searching each one of your reports.

@Cank, BlueAlpha, @Jackho, please keep it civil. We're all mad about the damage GD has done to the site, but there's no need to make asses of ourselves -- like I'm doing now. Thank you. I do appreciate your help. An active AP cleanup makes me happy and gives me hope.

Now that I'm off my bitch horse, let's move on. There's a ton of notifications for me to check and a lot of things to do tonight, first of which being going back through this thread. Keep the reports coming, guys.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 20:11:27



^ "this is not mine but just wanted to upload it"













^ "This is not by me. It is just here because I like this remix so much"



^ see description

^ duplicate






^ undertale


πŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge πŸ“š

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 20:26:09

At 1/27/17 08:10 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Already a gd user is upset and that is ethanw12 who is from gts. Ya hes nice. If you think hes like him why dont you ban both of us then things will be fine okay okay?

Don't ban me. I have friends here... I also don't upload songs here anymore

Just because I had a bad past here doesn’t mean that I am forever bad. A man can change.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 22:12:16

^I've reported stolen punyaso songs before.



^Wowwwww bangin' remix. Now if only they'd put more effort than just changing the original song to 1.25 speed.

^Noisestorm is a Monstercat artist, nuff said

^Original song plays in the background

^You can tell this guy youtube-to-mp3'd it if "lyric video" is in the title

^Yeah, not a remix. It's just the original Kill the Copyright release

^I've reported Wubbaduck songs before

^Obvious description is obvious





Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 22:14:15

At 1/27/17 08:26 PM, troPSDNUORGWEN wrote:
At 1/27/17 08:10 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Already a gd user is upset and that is ethanw12 who is from gts. Ya hes nice. If you think hes like him why dont you ban both of us then things will be fine okay okay?
Don't ban me. I have friends here... I also don't upload songs here anymore

Dude nobody cares. It doesn't matter if you don't upload songs anymore. You still judge songs based on GD and you've uploaded songs in the past that are stolen. That is not something I can ever forgive.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 22:23:10

At 1/27/17 10:14 PM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: Dude nobody cares. It doesn't matter if you don't upload songs anymore. You still judge songs based on GD and you've uploaded songs in the past that are stolen. That is not something I can ever forgive.

Ignore them. Let the forum mods deal with it, and call it a day. Dealing with reports is hard enough without people arguing and throwing tantrums in the middle. If you really have that much of a problem, take it to mail, but don't go down with them. Let's not turn AP Cleanup into the YT comment section. This is how threads end up locked, and as helpful of a resource as this one is, that's exactly what I don't want.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-27 23:02:41

At 1/27/17 10:23 PM, EDM364 wrote:
Dealing with reports is hard enough without people arguing and throwing tantrums in the middle. Let's not turn AP Cleanup into the YT comment section. This is how threads end up locked, and as helpful of a resource as this one is, that's exactly what I don't want.

You're right, I'm sorry.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 00:10:38 (edited 2017-01-28 00:17:31)



By the way, is there any mod who would like to conduct an investigation on if a user is real or not?



Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 00:24:29 (edited 2017-01-28 00:25:21)

At 1/28/17 12:10 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: By the way, is there any mod who would like to conduct an investigation on if a user is real or not?

I would hazard a guess at the gibberish description and say... no.

Now, looking through other reports. Just, er, let's keep any drama in the future out of AP Cleanup, please. If there's someone here making a problem, don't respond to them; let the mods blast that ass and recall the age old adage about what arguing with idiots does. No apologies necessary. We know you were all trying to help.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 00:30:48

At 1/28/17 12:24 AM, EDM364 wrote: I would hazard a guess at the gibberish description and say... no.

What I meant to say was, I found a kshmr account and I have a hard time believing it's a legit account.

Now, looking through other reports.


Just, er, let's keep any drama in the future out of AP Cleanup, please. If there's someone here making a problem, don't respond to them; let the mods blast that ass and recall the age old adage about what arguing with idiots does. No apologies necessary. We know you were all trying to help.

I guess I got a little stressed out. It's annoying for tro and Monsterboy to play victim.

Just so I stay on-topic: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/725140

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 00:52:03

At 1/28/17 12:30 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: What I meant to say was, I found a kshmr account and I have a hard time believing it's a legit account.

That one and another alt were indeed impersonators. Taken care of.

I guess I got a little stressed out. It's annoying for tro and Monsterboy to play victim.

Yeah, is quite annoying when the people contributing to your community's utter ruin think they're the ones being had.

Just so I stay on-topic: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/725140

I'll take a look. Still going through Jackho's post. My fiancee just came over.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 01:03:00

At 1/28/17 12:52 AM, EDM364 wrote: That one and another alt were indeed impersonators. Taken care of.

This one? http://kshmr.newgrounds.com/

I'll take a look. Still going through Jackho's post. My fiancee just came over.

Take your time, I'm not going to be hunting much this weekend so I wanted to get some stuff posted here tonight.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 01:11:48

At 1/28/17 01:03 AM, BlueAlpha14 wrote: This one? http://kshmr.newgrounds.com/

Yep, that one. Notice all his crap is gone.

At 1/28/17 12:56 AM, MonsterboyGD wrote: I am very messed up, should I go back and just report all stolen songs then? And unblock all of you

I mean, I don't care if you unblock us, but if you know where stolen songs are, yeah, that's the consensus. Otherwise, letting them sit there is just contributing to no one being able to enjoy Newgrounds or Geometry Dash at all. Why? Lawsuits from people that don't give a shit about either community -- the labels.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 12:06:26

^Xtrullor - Supernova but it's sped up

^Admits in description it's not theirs

^Description tells you who made the song, and that he just uploaded it

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 12:32:39 (edited 2017-01-28 12:38:34)

^Seems that some of my reports have been either disregarded or overlooked. All of these artists are featured on record labels and do not have Newgrounds accounts

^Spag Heddy - Pink Koeks.

^dj-Jo is already on here, I'm sure they don't need this guy's help for uploading their audio



^Are edits allowed here? I didn't think...

^Diversity is a YouTube promoter, so "Diversity release" should be the obvious hint it's stolen from there

^lol I was just listening to this song last night while I was hunting for some stuff to add to my playlist. People like mashing it up with Skrillex - Cinema for some reason.

^Disregarded report. It's by DEAF KEV

^DEAF KEV (I don't think this is a real account)

^Another disregarded report, there's no way you're going to get me to believe Eptic has an account on here

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 12:55:22

^Made by Excision


^"After using this I will delete the file"

No, no, that's okay. The mods will gladly do that job for you


^Bass boosting it does not mean it's now your song. The description says who made the songs.

^It's not a remix, it is the original



^Spag Heddy - Permanent

^Imposter account. They only have one song uploaded, and I highly doubt the first song anyone would upload is a VIP of their older tracks. None of the social media that is linked shows they have a Newgrounds account. Thus, this is an imposter account.

I may need to check a couple pages on all my reports, because it seems like many have been overlooked or disregarded

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 12:56:56

At 1/28/17 12:44 PM, NightRaid-NG wrote: http://xthenewgrounder.newgrounds.com

My post about all of this guy's music being stolen was deleted
I check him again and all his stuff is gone now

Did no one believe me at first?

Depends on how reputable you are or what proof you provided that the songs were stolen.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 15:57:13


^Heard this song before on YouTube by the REAL High Maintenance

^All these Nightcore songs are not theirs, and even if it was Nightcore is just ripping the original audio and making a sped up version. Shatter me sounds like a sped up OMFG - Hello

^I've reported EH!DE songs before

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 15:58:18

At 1/28/17 01:18 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Page 100, amazing. Okay this is the last time about this, heres a deal. You can go report any songs and I will only report stolen songs I dont really like. Is that okay?

lol songs you don't necessarily like isn't helping much but whatever :/

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 16:48:36

I'm trying out posting from my tablet so let's hope this works :P

^same user

^how anyone missed this I don't know


^The description did the research work for me lol

^Spag Heddy

^Unless this person is 4 different artists featured on Monstercat and Tasty, these are all stolen

^Portal OST

^original songs play in the background

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 17:22:14

At 1/28/17 03:31 PM, cank wrote:
At 1/28/17 01:42 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Okay heres all the working songs. Does this make you happy now
You posted unscouted stuff. So that means that unscouted submissions work in Geometry Dash? @TomFulp

I don't think they do? I've seen some unscouted submissions in GD but the last time i noticed one of those was around a year ago (which i think was Reanimation.)

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 20:18:29 (edited 2017-01-28 20:25:28)

Really not sure about this. But it's extremely irregular to have a high profile company which has had music used in trailers such as Wonder Woman on newgrounds.


It sounds like them when they write... but it's so out the norm. It links to Joseph Trapanese albums, he was born in 1984 though, making him 32, not 36 which his profile claims. But it could be a marketing PR or something...Not sure about this...especially looking at fav' audio.

Could be them considering they seem to be spreading their wings apparently.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 21:34:23 (edited 2017-01-28 21:39:04)

At 1/28/17 08:18 PM, EvilRaccoon wrote: Not sure about this...especially looking at fav' audio.

A high-profile company would not have 2 overused GD songs and a megalovania remix by a geometry dasher as their favorites. I'd say that's enough to warrant it being fake.

EDIT: Their favorite people are all artists who are well known in GD as well as the same geometry dasher in question. @SirHadoken i'm getting really suspicious.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-28 22:42:07

At 1/28/17 05:22 PM, GDHexhammer wrote:
I don't think they do? I've seen some unscouted submissions in GD but the last time i noticed one of those was around a year ago (which i think was Reanimation.)

I've seen tons of stolen unscouted songs in GD. The farthest they get is the unscouted. If unscouted submissions don't work in GD, they'd have no purpose of uploading them to here. Unless they were just really that stupid and thought they would work, I'd believe that answer as well. All these "get the song" levels in GD have unscouted music, but yet legit ones don't work from the unscouted portal. Hacking, I assume?

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2017-01-29 01:10:16

^Really nice mash-up, but they're not allowed unfortunately because the artist owns none of the songs here.

^Don't let the first 20 seconds fool you, it's by Skrillex

^Dec3mber and EH!DE - Hyperreality (GD Cut)

^Fake Getter account, that would not be the first song he'd upload.

^Marshmello remix? But. Marshmello made the track...

