Yepp... This seems like one of those users who gives the Geometry Dash-community its piss-poor reputation. They favorite'd their own work as well. And they only voted for 2 submissions so far - "probably" their own. This is why early ratings don't mean anything...
Now that I'm done stating the obvious, I'd like to take advantage of an opportunity to teach something:
Welcome to the fine Art of 'Reporting People'
In general, users who do not read the rules they agreed to and do shady s*it are not "good" people. If you contact them discreetly via PM to inform them that what they do is wrong, they will act immaturely in over 80% of the cases. (It was worse in "the olden days", btw...) If they are caught and you make it clear to them that it was you who reported them, they will also have a strong tendency to act immature.
If you look at the way other users here link to the people they talk about, you will notice that nobody here uses @[ILikeTheSmellOfMyOwnFarts] but rather links to them manually. They do this because that way, the person they link to doesn't get a little, automated notification, leading them right to your post. Editing that @[PlzWhitelistMySunoAITracksForGD] out in post will (to the best of my knowledge) not remove the notification. And due to the way the forums are set up, posts cannot be deleted by their writers and it was already too late to edit the post by the time I saw it.
What you could do would be to ask Mr. Fulp (who is asleep right now, because it's the middle of the night on a bloody Sunday) to delete your post and hope that it still happens in time. Otherwise you could toughen it out and block the user in question if they are getting too annoying.
I hope this helps.
P.S.: If you're reading this and you're from the future, feel free to link to this post or copy&adapt the text above as needed. I'm not precious about these things. The most important thing is to help those who need said help.