At 9/20/20 09:05 PM, TheGameFan2020 wrote:
Stolen From Danny Gonzalez
What a Grinch. I decked his halls. the site.
At 9/20/20 09:05 PM, TheGameFan2020 wrote:
Stolen From Danny Gonzalez
What a Grinch. I decked his halls. the site.
At 9/22/20 02:05 AM, TheGameFan2020 wrote:Stolen:
He won't be able to submit for a while, so he might as well go on gnome.
somebody verify that this is actually False Noise
I caught this profile in latest signups a few days ago but forgot to check here
At 9/24/20 08:36 AM, Kamfad wrote:somebody verify that this is actually False Noise
I caught this profile in latest signups a few days ago but forgot to check here
I'll check on this. Thanks for bringing it up
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
This guy has a stolen song, and the two movies he's uploaded are just clips taken from eddsworld
Pretty sure this guy didn't make the Yo Mama theme song
At 9/29/20 06:11 AM, C4nc3lCultur3 wrote:Ayy its cool Finnish Geometry dash guy who made those parts in Siniristi and Ferrum Frenzy. Hows Aspire going?
Eh, I've pretty much quit GD creating now. I haven't declared Aspire dead yet, but it's not exactly alive either.
Also pretty sure we shouldn't be talking on this thread, if you want to talk to me more I'd be happy to reply in DMs :)
At 9/29/20 04:11 PM, GregNG wrote:At 9/29/20 04:16 PM, GregNG wrote:At 9/29/20 04:19 PM, GregNG wrote:At 9/29/20 04:21 PM, GregNG wrote:At 9/29/20 04:22 PM, GregNG wrote:At 9/29/20 04:24 PM, GregNG wrote:At 9/29/20 04:27 PM, GregNG wrote:At 9/29/20 04:30 PM, GregNG wrote:please look at my posts
It would help if you consolidated all your one liners into a one-post list. It makes it easier to check through rather than seeing a big ol pile of notifications to sort through. You made 8 separate posts in a 19 minute window with the last one essentially complaining that us mods are taking too long. Chill.
and delete these songs
Watch the backseat driving please, that's for us to decide.
We see your flags and post, and we will get to it in sequence.
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
At 9/29/20 02:33 PM, TheGameFan2020 wrote:More Bad Audio Submissions:
At 9/29/20 04:27 PM, GregNG wrote:This is stolen from Kevin Macleod:
To add to these, the uploader also uploaded two more audio submissions with the exact same audio. All uploaded on these times: 1:53 PM EDT, 1:56 PM EDT, and 1:57 PM EDT.
So in a span of 5 minutes, this guy seems to have uploaded 3 identical tracks. All of it being "What You Want" by Kevin Macleod.
The two other tracks:
Source of audio:
At 9/30/20 01:16 PM, GregNG wrote:wow it’s amazing , mods are actually deleting these stolen tracks! And I found a stolen audio :
That's what this thread is for :)
Always appreciate when everyday people take the time to help clean up the site. Please note we all get notifications following this thread for the new tracks you post, so if you can, try to edit your last post with any new links, just to make sure we don't lose them in our feeds.
Thanks so much!
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 9/30/20 03:12 PM, GregNG wrote:@Seth And is a mod going to take care of all of the stolen audios? The ones above
Working on it. Whew, you're a monster to keep up with!
At 9/30/20 03:17 PM, GregNG wrote:@Seth Also one question, what happens if a ng user is caught stealing and uploading a song? Do they get banned for life or temporarily?
You can ask anyone on the mod team these questions, but you'll find most of them in the AP rules and FAQ.
Bans are temporary unless the user does something really stupid or basically intends to forever try to flout the rules.
Also, please, please try to limit the amount of responses one after the other like this. If you can edit the post, just add more to your last post. CTRL+C and CTRL+V are good for putting several replies together in one response. It's kind of tedious, but so is having to check my feed every three seconds. If you're on mobile, it's a little harder, but it's just polite :)
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
Your audio can not damage ears or be painful to listen to.
White noise, blowing into the microphone, screaming, text-to-speech, etc. doesn't belong in the Audio Portal.
Its Teminite's song
At 10/11/20 08:31 AM, K-4998572 wrote:Its Teminite's song
Gone, thanks for the report!
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
So I have some suspicions about this but am not sure. I'm just suspicious because its really good for his first submission and the title is 'Geometry Dash'.
Your audio can not damage ears or be painful to listen to.
White noise, blowing into the microphone, screaming, text-to-speech, etc. doesn't belong in the Audio Portal.
It's also a cover of the Rick Roll song so there's that too.
Well I stumbled upon a ton of stolen stuff
Taken from the OST of Undertale:
Another stolen from an Undertale Fangame(?):
Youtube Link:
I think the original audio is here:
Two Songs from Oliver Tree:
Song link:
Song link:
Two songs from One Republic (well it's the same song but two uploads):
Song link:
A FNAF song stolen from NateWantsToBattle:
Song Link:
These two say that the owner gave them permission to use these for Geometry Dash, but they didn't make what they uploaded:
Original by Camoni:
Original by ArminOderSo(? pretty sure this is the original):
At 10/15/20 12:59 AM, Mikoma wrote:Well I stumbled upon a ton of stolen stuff
Taken from the OST of Undertale:
Another stolen from an Undertale Fangame(?):
Two Songs from Oliver Tree:
Two songs from One Republic (well it's the same song but two uploads):
A FNAF song stolen from NateWantsToBattle:
These two say that the owner gave them permission to use these for Geometry Dash, but they didn't make what they uploaded:
That was a nice list.
Hey uh, I found somebody impersonated NOMA, and uploaded their song brain power. Heres the link:
lol hi ._.
follow me on ng for cool stuff! i promise it’s cool!
I also found someone impersonated Laszlo, the dubstep artist. I don't know who this "Wheatley1001" is though. Hmm...
lol hi ._.
follow me on ng for cool stuff! i promise it’s cool!
At 10/20/20 08:45 PM, Aidnic7 wrote:I also found someone impersonated Laszlo, the dubstep artist. I don't know who this "Wheatley1001" is though. Hmm...
Oh shoot heres the link too:
lol hi ._.
follow me on ng for cool stuff! i promise it’s cool!
stolen from Rusko:
lol hi ._.
follow me on ng for cool stuff! i promise it’s cool!
This user was before gd users flooded in, but all he did was make nightcore songs of popular dubstep at the time:
I would just say delete the account tbh.
lol hi ._.
follow me on ng for cool stuff! i promise it’s cool!
At 10/21/20 07:51 AM, Aidnic7 wrote:I would just say delete the account tbh.
Woah easy there, pardner. The mods will decide what action to take, so don't get too hasty.
Anyway, I did some digging that found that 8 out of 10 uploads of that user are just either a remix or a nightcore of well known songs from famous artists. Here's the songs as well as the original links to the songs:
Remixes/Nightcores from the songs of Imagine Dragons
Remix of Warriors (says so in the description):
Original Song:
Nightcore of Demons:
Original (also says it's a nightcore in the description):
Remix of Radioactive:
Source Audio (says "remix of Radioactive by RadioactiveManiacs" in the description):
Remixes/Nightcores from the songs of Avicii
Remix of The Days:
Original (says it's a remix):
Remix of Liar Liar:
Original (apparently another remix):
Nightcore of Wake Me up:
Remix of The Monster - Eminem ft. Rihanna:
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Skrillex:
Link to Original (In the description it says it's a remix from Skrillex):
I can't confirm where the other 2 songs are from, so I couldn't list the source.