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Audio Portal Cleanup

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Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-04 05:17:25

----Accidentally posted in the wrong spot before. Oops----

Decided to search up Cytus as a key word today!

Pretty confident Ice doesn't have a Newgrounds. He's iceloki on Soundcloud.

Storia is just stolen from sakuzyo and xi. Song from Chapter M of Cytus. (Also searched up Storia as a key word, and a second one popped up.)

Genesys...yeah. Stolen from KIVA. Also originally part of Cytus' Chapter M.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-04 10:52:12 (edited 2018-06-04 11:04:27)

Gohma - Shadow

Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter

Hinkik - Explorers

Woodkid - Run Boy Run (Instrumental)

DiosBBK - I Can't Forget You

Harry Potter - Expecto Patronum (Goblins From Mars Remix)

Dj Nate - Electrodynamix

MDK - Press Start (Neowing Remix)

Fransis Derelle - Fly (feat. Parker Pohill)

[MapleStory] Ariant EDM Mix

David Guetta & Afrojack ft Charli XCX & French Montana - Dirty Sexy Money

dj-Nate - Clubstep (VIP)

Maffalda - Adestrador De Madeon

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-04 15:58:50

At 9/24/14 07:56 AM, BrokenDeck wrote: In this thread, report any Audio Portal submissions which break the rules detailed in the Audio Portal Guidelines.

Already reported though...

You got dat?

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-06 12:06:25

Camelia - Exit This Earths Atmosphere

but with Roblox Oofs.

Camellia - Speedrun

. This is just the original song. And ofc someone commented saying "Why can't this be used in gd???????????"

An M2U song. Can't remember which, but I know it's stolen as he says in the description it's by M2U.

Another M2U song uploaded by the same guy. Ugh.

All I could find atm. I rarely post here eheheheh

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-06 13:16:37

I sent this to LexRodent

"I would like to report a user, OblivionOfficial, an audio portal user. And i know after my mistake that i dont have the cleanest record. But im starting a new leaf. (Sounded better in my head)

Okay so you will see he has two uploads, which are allowed for external API use, i think thats what its called. For use in games, like Geometry Dash. And idk whether he is hacking or whether its a glitch but he has been allowing certain songs for use on games. Such as Out of this earths atmosphere and Crystal Corruption. Im presuming he is uploading then and deleting them because when i look it up it dosent say a mod has deleted it. I hope you look closer into this and he eventually gets banned from uploading audio. If you have any other questions please respond :)"

And lex said i should say it here. So if any mods read this see what you think.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-07 02:40:48

From FEWZ - Golden Fields, just sped up, I guess.


From a remix of Boom Boom Boom Boom by Venga Boys. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the original remix somewhere, but this track seems suspicious with the spam-like tags and description...

From NIVIRO - Memes from NCS. Why the hell do people still steal from NCS?


From Aero Chord - Drop It from Trap City. The review thought it's an original song, that's kinda weird tbh.


It's just Step's Polargeist sped up 4x, obviously. WHY?


EARRAPE version of "Stay Inside Me" by OcularNebula in its GD cut. Don't do that again!

If you have known Beat Saber, you'll know this. Jaroslav Beck - Escape (ft. Summer Haze)


Marbl by Schtiffles was stolen!? It's the unfinished version that was stolen, as I found out in the reviews of the original upload. That's weird.

"Because I realized the other day that it was actually the wrong file uploaded the entire time. The one I had uploaded was an unfinished version, soundcloud had the proper version as was pointed out in the comments a while ago." ~Schtiffles

No offense, but you don't have to overlay your voice over an original song by RobTop. Random Song 06 by RobTop (unfortunately RobTop deleted it from NG because it's already a Geometry Dash track)

And that's it for Episode 1 of AgentJDN's Audio Renegades. See you next time.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-07 12:31:26

At 6/7/18 11:50 AM, IoTheEternal wrote: you should add garageband and magix music maker to the list if you haven't already.

MAGIX stuff is already on the list. I don't know how Apple handles licensing through GarageBand, but it does allow sharing directly to Youtube/Facebook etc. I also know Apple's legalese would be a nightmare to read...

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-07 14:29:46

At 6/7/18 12:31 PM, Peregrinus wrote: I also know Apple's legalese would be a nightmare to read...

You'd be surprised.


"GarageBand Software. You may use the Apple and third party audio loop content (Audio Content), contained in or otherwise included with the Apple Software, on a royalty-free basis, to create your own original music compositions or audio projects. You may broadcast and/or distribute your own music compositions or audio projects that were created using the Audio Content, however, individual audio loops may not be commercially or otherwise distributed on a standalone basis, nor may they be repackaged in whole or in part as audio samples, sound effects or music beds.

So don't worry, you can make commercial music with GarageBand, you just can't distribute the loops as loops."

Imo GarageBand doesn't belong on the banned list, it has stock loops (like many music programs) but it's much more of a a 'legitimate' DAW option compared to something like MAGIX.

šŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge šŸ“š

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-07 14:31:38 (edited 2018-06-07 14:33:07)

At 6/7/18 01:22 PM, IoTheEternal wrote: Imo garageband is just a very bad overall standard for music making - and most of what I hear that comes out of it is badly mixed or badly mastered

I have no real experience with GarageBand but personally this sounds like a toupee fallacy as applied to software. ie, people make the claim toupees are pointless because you can always tell. In reality you can only tell when it's a bad toupee, if it's a good one it's invisible to you. If every time you notice a toupee it's a bad one you'll assume all toupees are bad.

I see this fallacy applied to the game engine Unity very often. ie, people claim that using Unity leads to shitty games, because they've seen so many bad Unity games. In reality this is because Unity is widespread among students and newcomers, and free to use - but the free version has a mandatory splash screen. So every time you play a shitty amateur Unity game it announces to you that it's a Unity game, and so you might assume all Unity games are bad by default. But there's many well-made, professional games that you'd never realize are also using the engine.

Apply that same thought to music software. You'd have no way of telling a song was made in GarageBand over Logic, Pro Tools, Ableton, Reason etc. so long as the song was good and didn't use the identifiable stock sounds. GarageBand is free with Macs and so it'll be a popular choice for amateurs and people with no music experience, so a disproportionate amount of shitty music will come from GarageBand compared to the expensive software. But it's a fallacy to claim the software is the problem and not the people using it. It's just that a far higher % of GB users will have no experience when compared to other software's demographics.

I've also seen this exact criticism thrown at FL Studio for years, ie it results in shitty music that makes you sound like everyone else, in reality it's just as capable as most other DAWs and the differences won't define how the end product sounds if you know what you're doing, but it was the most popular DAW for years and so it produced the highest quantity of shitty music, and again people made the fallacy of somehow thinking the software was at fault and not the people using it.

Wow that was a big fuckin ranty post but I hope you found it interesting. TL;DR it's not the software, it's the users, GarageBand by nature will attract amateurs and people with no prior music experience and so the music made with it will sound worse on average.

šŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge šŸ“š

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-08 03:56:51 (edited 2018-06-08 03:57:37)

@IoTheEternal @Jackho @Peregrinus

Regarding Garageband usage :
That software it's perfectly fine to use if the tracks made with it do not rely solely or heavily on the pre-made beats, loops, and other "drag and drop" audio clips included on that software (garageband live loops).
That kind of material goes against the AP rules.
As an example, I've bumped into countless variations / re-arrangements of this :

Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-08 06:08:01

MandoPony - Survive the Night


The Score - Legend

Elektronomia - Sky High

this is don't remix

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-08 07:40:47

At 6/6/18 01:16 PM, KeanyGD wrote: I sent this to LexRodent

"I would like to report a user, OblivionOfficial, an audio portal user. And i know after my mistake that i dont have the cleanest record. But im starting a new leaf. (Sounded better in my head)

And lex said i should say it here. So if any mods read this see what you think.

He didn't want them for use in GD. He uploaded them for his private server because he didn't know any other way. Ask him yourself.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-08 07:55:39

He still broke the rules.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-08 11:22:37

At 6/8/18 07:55 AM, KeanyGD wrote: He still broke the rules.

I get that. But he made a mistake. He shouldn't be banned for life from this site.

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-08 11:27:17

deadmau5 - Ghosts N Stuff (feat. Rob Swire)

Breakbot - Baby I'm Yours (feat. Irfane)

Haywyre - Do You Don't You

Marshmello - Alone

RIOT - Enigma

Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi)

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-08 14:05:51 (edited 2018-06-08 14:06:29)

At 6/8/18 11:22 AM, Skiddle wrote:
At 6/8/18 07:55 AM, KeanyGD wrote: He still broke the rules.
I get that. But he made a mistake. He shouldn't be banned for life from this site.

Not to sound dismissive, but we're not going to give anyone special treatment. Calling it a mistake is overly lenient when they deliberately and repeatedly misused NG's functions.

This user was warned and still broke the rules, and besides that you need to outright ignore the huge warning on the upload page to only submit original work which they would've gone through several times.

šŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge šŸ“š

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-09 03:16:45

Yeah. I made a mistake. I was banned for a month and that was for one track. I also lost my audio portal membership. So i think it us fitting for every stolen piece we find (so far i have found 2) is a months ban. And a life ban on audio membership.

But im not a mod. Just a suggestion


Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-10 04:00:04 (edited 2018-06-10 04:06:50)

Here's Episode 2 of AgentJDN's Audio Renegades. Investigate before cleaning!

This seems a bit suspicious - while it's not Despacito at all, it's also recorded from Growtopia, and I think this song was probably made by someone else, because from the audio, it's a multiplayer room.

Panda Eyes X Barely Alive X Virtual Riot - Triforce

. Why are they still stealing from Virtual Riot?

MDK's Super Ultra has been stolen! AAAAACK!

MDK - Super Ultra

MDK - Press Start

. Sorry, Dex Arson's got a remix the song up on Newgrounds!


Hinkik - Explorers

NO STEALING in the halls!

"GOT TO SWEEP!" (Baldi's Basics Remix) by Endigo

Oh look, it's another reupload of Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo.

Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo

ļ¼·ļ½ˆļ½™ ļ½ļ½’ļ½… ļ½™ļ½ļ½• ļ½“ļ½”ļ½…ļ½ļ½Œļ½‰ļ½Žļ½‡ ļ½”ļ½ˆļ½‰ļ½“ ļ½“ļ½ļ½Žļ½‡ļ¼Ÿ 英恗悦åŖ›č”Œå²”

HOME - Resonance

Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger

. Stealing from a famous computerized artist? No way.

Oh please. Stop with the NCS reuploads...

Elektronomia- Sky High [NCS release]

Hahaha so funny. Video game themes unedited. GTA San Andreas Theme Song

360 noscope!!! xXCopyrightStealerGodXx Okay stop it now.

Dr - I Keep Holding On (My Hope Will Never Die)

An unnecessary pitch-bend of Dimrain47's At the Speed of Light.

Dimrain47 - At the Speed of Light

Jack Hylton - Breakaway (Shemian Remix)

. That's the closest I could get.

And that's it for AgentJDN's Audio Renegades Episode 2. See you next time!
(EDIT: I realized someone else has reported some of the tracks I also reported. But they're still not taken down, so keep a close eye!)

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-15 03:45:15

At 6/13/18 03:18 PM, IoTheEternal wrote: these song were removed but its id is still on the charts - it needs to be removed completely please.

Those songs were retired by the authors themselves.
If the tracks are not rule breaking, that's not audio moderators turf.

You can mention this on the " Ways to improve the audio portal " thread (if you haven't already).

Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 01:04:50 (edited 2018-06-16 01:04:59)

Currently sitting on the front page is a track from the late 1970s. I'm highly suspect that it belongs to the uploader because they provide absolutely no context for their tracks. Just links to youtube and other places where the tracks can be downloaded for free. A drummer or guitarist from the band would have some kind of insight. Not sure if the mods still interview people but this is something I'd want consensus on. What are the odds this person uploads original content??


Here's a link to a website that offers free downloads of the same songs on newgrounds:


quarl BandCamp

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 03:05:07 (edited 2018-06-16 03:05:31)

And my review was removed. No idea what I did wrong but my questions were not answered. Did a mod do the proper research and decide the artist is in fact legit? I posted a new review, we'll see what happens.

Audio Portal Cleanup

quarl BandCamp

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 08:49:02

At 6/16/18 01:04 AM, Quarl wrote: Currently sitting on the front page is a track from the late 1970s. I'm highly suspect that it belongs to the uploader because they provide absolutely no context for their tracks. Just links to youtube and other places where the tracks can be downloaded for free. A drummer or guitarist from the band would have some kind of insight. Not sure if the mods still interview people but this is something I'd want consensus on. What are the odds this person uploads original content??

It seems to be the bass guitarist showing off their works. There's no specific link back to NG, but you can follow the collective links on the profile and it seems fairly in depth. Some of them don't link to each other either, so the options are a) person did a googling of the artist name and collected them all (which is a fair amount of effort) or b) they actually are the person.

The lack of detail wouldn't surprise me because English is not the maiden language of the artist, and if it is the artist, they're 67 and may not be as familiar with the desire to provide big detail.

With newer music it's easy enough to try and put burden of proof on the uploader since half the time they have a file for the program it was made or edited in. For older tracks, how would they even show proof?

I'd think that someone who gets through the scouting process then gets a hand picked frontpage is vetted in some way.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 11:30:17 (edited 2018-06-16 11:34:50)

At 6/16/18 08:49 AM, Peregrinus wrote:
With newer music it's easy enough to try and put burden of proof on the uploader since half the time they have a file for the program it was made or edited in. For older tracks, how would they even show proof?

I'd think that someone who gets through the scouting process then gets a hand picked frontpage is vetted in some way.

Things were way differnt in my mod days. Would have been about ten years ago. We used to have to regularly interview people for tracks they uploaded. We'd ask them questions like what key the track was in, what's the BPM, perhaps any information they could provide about their band... it was a stupid in depth process that got us on the bad sides of a lot of people.

Sometimes modding was like punching people in the face with questions. It fucking sucked but it was unsurprising how many people couldnt answer a basic question like "what genre is your band?"

I hate needless conflict, I just didnt stumble on the same info you did. So your saying this guy is the bass player? I didn't stumble on that. Saw an apparent birthday in the 1950's. This would have to be newgrounds oldest user to ever submit music to the newgrounds audio portal and despite their age, they also crossed a language gap to post old mp3s that would have been converted from vinyl?

Just seems suspect.

quarl BandCamp

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 11:39:56

At 6/16/18 11:30 AM, Quarl wrote: I hate needless conflict, I just didnt stumble on the same info you did. So your saying this guy the bass player? I didn't stumble on that. Saw an apparent birthday in the 1950's. This would have to be newgrounds oldest user to ever submit music to the newgrounds audio portal...

Yeah, one of the links on the userpage has a bit of a description to it, and the youtube version of the frontpaged song mentions the guy was bass/lead vocals for the track. It doesn't necessarily mean that it 100% isn't stolen, but all the music uploaded seems to jive with what is essentially a portfolio.

There are users who are past the 50 mark. 67 would definitely seem up there, but not unheard of.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 11:56:08

At 6/16/18 11:39 AM, Peregrinus wrote:
Yeah, one of the links on the userpage has a bit of a description to it, and the youtube version of the frontpaged song mentions the guy was bass/lead vocals for the traco...

...There are users who are past the 50 mark. 67 would definitely seem up there, but not unheard of.

Thanks Peregrinus. You did the homework. Claiming someone has stolen content is a big mistake to make, would hate to be wrong and awkwardly accuse someone. I'd hate even more to be right about it though :c

Thanks again Peregrinus <3

quarl BandCamp

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 13:59:51 (edited 2018-06-16 14:01:13)

@Quarl regarding the deleted review, it's against the review guidelines to accuse a user of stolen content in the review space, or to rate a submission based on that kind of hunch rather than judging the content itself.

If you're wrong, it could create a negative wave of ratings based on that misinformation, & even if you're 100% right in a review like that it's liable to be deleted for consistency & to discourage others doing the same. Just use flags / PMs / this thread instead.

šŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge šŸ“š

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-16 15:00:22

At 6/16/18 01:59 PM, Jackho wrote: Just use flags / PMs / this thread instead.

Makes perfect sense. Sorry bae.

quarl BandCamp

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-17 12:47:32

About to hit 100 flags today (playing catch up), if anyone wants freebies there are a few versions of Childish Gambino's "This Is America" floating around.

I wanted to put this one here for input:

The profile shares a name with the YouTube user, so there is a chance it's legit (I hope it is, it's nice music). There aren't any link-outs to the creators Twitter/YouTube/SoundCloud. I just didn't want this one to be lost in the mix because I'm not solidly convinced it is stolen.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Portal Cleanup 2018-06-17 12:51:36