At 4/30/18 04:56 PM, Peregrinus wrote: I may keep doing the links to keep myself honest. If I just put the title then that's the extra legwork for someone else to go and find what sometimes is an obscure link to Deezer or Spotify. If I have the link then at least (when Spotify works, sometimes it just needs a reload) it's a case of "click link 1, click link 2, yep they're the same".
Would you mind typing title and artist before your links? I really do have issues with spotify reports, but I've never been unable to find something with title and artist unless it's suuuuper obscure.
For common songs you see a lot, title and artist should be sufficient. We all recognize them within the first two seconds, like as not.
Sounds good. I was trying to minimize the post-hoarding by keeping the batch around 25.
Tbh when I see more than 10 users in a single post I'm going to have to click through the song, check the source, then investigate the whole account and finally ban, I start sweating LOL. I can manage that though. A batch of 25 is a lot to scroll through and sometimes I lose my place. I also know saving up those megaposts is a lot of work on your end because I used to do it too! Lol.
I found that when caught up/not a weekend/have the energy, 25ish covers the full day. I actually don't mind if the older posts are purged out once all the submission have been dealt with, if clutter becomes an issue.
Backlog isn't an issue really. I'd prefer they stay for posterity. Also, not all of us audio mods are also forum mods.
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