At 8/8/07 10:17 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote: what would you name it? and what would the first album be called? What genre?(if you have a band already just post the name(s) and the album(s) and genre).
Versipellis, S/T, black metal
Höðr, Winter's Might, Viking/Folk metal
Amphisbaena, S/T, folk, black, or folk black (i could decide, haha)
I realize they're not that great, I'm not in a very creative mood at the moment.
At 8/8/07 09:13 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote: ok whoever made this deserves the "Fail at living" award. the highest honor any douchebag can receive Fail at Metal Geneaology
I would've laughed, but part of my soul died. brb, trying to get it back.