At 4/10/07 03:07 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Well, I can't remember any valid points about why a certain band sucks ass coming from you.
Allow me to refresh your memory:
Iron Maiden - Too slow and repetative, the whole gallop thing is boring. And I'm not keen on the lyrics, or Bruce's vocals.
Pantera - I just don't like Phil. He's an arrogant wanker.
Slayer - I like Reign In Blood stuff, the other stuff is just boring, it just didn't appeal to what I liked.
Children of Bodom - Don't like the vocals, and its all to predictable and lacks any dynamic variation.
Any better?
Nothing major, but your constant bitching made one think that you might have grown some kind of spine over time :)
I have a spine... people can insult my favourite bands, question my sexuality or anything they like and I'll be fine with it. I'm a laid back guy.
However, when someone brings up my mum (who is only person in my family I actually care for) and cancer, just cause I made a joke about Slayer, I draw the line. And I think that is reasonable.