At 2/25/07 01:21 AM, ShitOnAStick wrote:
We make fun of italians here. Montreal is over swarmed by them. But the sad part is that it became a trend to be Italian. Soon enough, in 5 years development, everyone was italian. I mean EVERYONE.
The place where I live-- Staten Island is sometimes called Staten Italy since it's like 90% Italian.
We have the jew caf, the black caf, and the italian caf. The Italian caf is the most hated, since they always stand infront of stairs and the walking way. You pass by the area and all you hear is ;
Hahaha. They say bro up there too?
It made our college shooting tolerable, since he actually went into that caf and shot it up. *grin* I may be going to hell for that, but I'll be going there anyways.
When my face and penis is burning I'll try and wave to you, k?
I don't get why half of those kids, fake italian, or real italian, bother going to college.
The fake Italians have a distinct taste and way of speaking. They usually like movies like Goodfellas and the Godfather.
They just clutter the already over flooded school, to block my stairways, and then make idiotic comments, and try to smart talk teachers, and talk so loud, no one else can figure out whats going on in class anymore.
Another thing I realized about them. they talk really loud.
Self absorbed sons of bitches.
God damnit. My views on italians are just horribly tainted now. I guess this is how people become racist.
Bleh, a kid who used to be my best friend was Italian and Greek who I saw for the first time in moths came over.
The conversation went something like this.
''Is this your iPod bro?''
*puts on earphones and pushes play*
''OMG this sucks! What the fuck is this---Moonlight Sonata- Beethoven---I can't stand the metal you listen to Zach. Why don't you listen to rap?''
*large sigh*