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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 03:34:40

At 2/2/07 03:06 AM, ElGhoulio wrote: Amon Amarth. Put it up.

Wow, I wasn't expecting that!

But they are dressed up in viking outfits and look ridiculous you know.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 03:44:13

It's just too stupid to have on a wall.

Metal Hell

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 04:16:40

At 2/2/07 03:34 AM, Burtonly wrote:
At 2/2/07 03:06 AM, ElGhoulio wrote: Amon Amarth. Put it up.
Wow, I wasn't expecting that!

But they are dressed up in viking outfits and look ridiculous you know.

I love viking music. And MA is boring.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 04:16:58

At 2/1/07 09:59 PM, MuffDiver wrote: My initial post was merely stating that people should check out Evergreen Terrace. It is a sub-genre of metal called metalcore.

ET aren't metalcore, they're hardcore. Really, really, really shitty hardcore.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 04:18:51

At 2/2/07 04:16 AM, KingOfTheKill wrote:
At 2/1/07 09:59 PM, MuffDiver wrote: My initial post was merely stating that people should check out Evergreen Terrace. It is a sub-genre of metal called metalcore.
ET aren't metalcore, they're hardcore. Really, really, really shitty hardcore.

Hey IAMCANADIAN. Long time, no see? Nice to see you can dish out enough ownage once again.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 04:24:00

At 2/2/07 04:16 AM, ElGhoulio wrote: I love viking music.


Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 04:52:13

At 2/1/07 07:26 PM, Dadog1132 wrote: i like metalica

Favorite Bands:

* Linkin Park
* Linkin Park
* Linkin Park

I don't like you.

At 2/1/07 08:54 PM, Lost-Thought wrote: A part of me died when I saw this

Fucking Trivium, I hated Trivium a lot more when I found out they said that. I'm glad I got rid of their CDs I had.

At 2/2/07 02:24 AM, Burtonly wrote: I don't buy MetalHammer.

I've never bought a MetalHammer magazine, but I have borrowed a MetalHammer CD off my friend. The CD had some good bands, but then some really shit bands.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 05:36:29

At 2/2/07 04:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/1/07 07:26 PM, Dadog1132 wrote: i like metalica
I don't like you.

Cheer up.

Fucking Trivium, I hated Trivium a lot more when I found out they said that.

It's pretty bad isn't it. God, I didn't even know Trivium looked like that, what happened to the dude with short black hair who sung "POOORL URRRRRDURRRRR SHREEEEEENGZ MUUUUUUUDUUUU"? The other thing that pissed me off is that they're made to look like they're war metal or some shit.

I have borrowed a MetalHammer CD off my friend. The CD had some good bands, but then some really shit bands.

That's the thing, it's on the verge of brutal/sellout. Metal Maniacs is much better.

In fact, MetalHammer made me realise that the band October File use the same font as Gorgoroth. BEHOLD!

Metal Hell

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 07:00:31

metal hammer has had its moments (more in terms of the CD's they supply) but as said they mix some wicked metal with diabolical crap, the moment My Chemical Romance started being featured i switched to terroriser which does have some hardcore band reviews etc. but in the main focus's on "extreme music" so lots of death and black are featured.

Minion of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 07:03:38

At 2/2/07 07:00 AM, Charon wrote: i switched to terroriser

I bought a Terroriser mag a couple of weeks ago, it was quite good. Iron Maiden interview, Gojira interview, Converge.... and a great double CD featuring a Death Metal special, which was also in the magazine. I loved it.

Their posters aren't as good though.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 08:27:05

The only magazines I purchase are New Scientist and Audio Technology.

I occasionally flip through Terrorizer or Metal Hammer or (insert "metal" publication here) when I'm in the newsagent, but it's always the same old BS. Metal Hammer is the worst by far though. More Trivium and Bullet For My Valentine than one man can handle.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 08:33:42

Oh, and SOAS, yes I do luffs me my metalc0rez...but I like to think that (being 20 and all XD) I am mature enough to not care when people bag it out.

And sure...I guess there's a great deal of irony right there...I am the antithesis of a mature 20 year old. For example, I still listen to metalcore.

Oh shit, I think I just stepped into a paradox D:

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 12:02:41

At 2/2/07 08:33 AM, jarrydn wrote: Oh, and SOAS, yes I do luffs me my metalc0rez...but I like to think that (being 20 and all XD) I am mature enough to not care when people bag it out.

Well, it was more or less pointing out a generalization.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 12:39:34

All magazines consume money at a unjustifiable rate. I stopped buying them all together, including guitary ones and such.
I blame Trivium. They're like everywhere! And in no publication are they slated for being the pile of shit they are.

And lol: 'Destroyers of False Metal'..... ie, suicide yes?

Is there a Power Metal excluse magazine? Like 'Wizard' or something? I'd buy that.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 12:49:56

I think it's safe to say that we all hate Muffdriver because of his lack of intelligence on the subject of metal. ET are NOT metalcore, they are shitty emocore, we all know that.

Also, he's out.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 13:16:21

I own one issue of Metal Hammer (Christmas 2005) and it sucks ass.

But the free CDs weren't too bad that issue, although greatly lacking in actual metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 14:00:09

At 2/2/07 12:49 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: I think it's safe to say that we all hate Muffdriver because of his lack of intelligence on the subject of metal. ET are NOT metalcore, they are shitty emocore, we all know that.

Also, he's out.

I don't like Muffdiver because of his unwillingness to listen to consensus.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 14:26:30

At 2/2/07 02:00 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
At 2/2/07 12:49 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:

I don't like Muffdiver because of his unwillingness to listen to consensus.

I don't like Muffdiver because he's a prick who doesn't know shit, although he thinks he does.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:30:36

At 2/2/07 03:29 PM, Hellraiser wrote:
At 2/2/07 02:26 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:

who the fuck is muffdiver?

He posted a page or two ago. A real prick.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:30:51

At 2/2/07 03:29 PM, Hellraiser wrote:

I don't like Muffdiver because he's a prick who doesn't know shit, although he thinks he does.
who the fuck is muffdiver?

He's a user.

And just like that....he was gone...

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:36:23

At 2/2/07 03:30 PM, 0peth wrote:
At 2/2/07 03:29 PM, Hellraiser wrote:
He's a user.


Great June 30, 2005
Entry: Drop It To Tha Flow Overall rating: 10
Damn now this is the shyT. It has a 4 cuz it was crunk.
Originality: 10 Clarity: 10 Diversity: 10 Effort: 10

Author's response:
thanx man be ezy

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:40:51

(Not all that metal, but neh)

I started listening to some Japanese industrial today and now I'm fucking hooked.

Listen to Der Eisenrost, they're the best band in the genre.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:42:48

At 2/2/07 03:36 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:
At 2/2/07 03:30 PM, 0peth wrote:
At 2/2/07 03:29 PM, Hellraiser wrote:
He's a user.

You sure got me there.

11 years old ensures maturity and cool don't ya know.

Why were you reading through my old reviews anyway?

0peth alt

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:43:33

At 2/2/07 03:40 PM, Gendo wrote: (Not all that metal, but neh)

Listen to Der Eisenrost, they're the best band in the genre.

Hells yeah, my kind of stuff. Like Neubaten (sp?) but more chaotic.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:43:47

4 pages in one day. Dayum. Weed consuming is consuming my time.

I had just seen the new Amon Amarth video. Pretty nice. I'm glad they don't switch up their formula like some metal bands eventually do.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 15:45:19

At 2/2/07 03:43 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:
At 2/2/07 03:40 PM, Gendo wrote: (Not all that metal, but neh)

Listen to Der Eisenrost, they're the best band in the genre.
Hells yeah, my kind of stuff. Like Neubaten (sp?) but more chaotic.

You spelt it right, and are very correct, my friend.

I am now officially a huge Der Eisenrost fanboy.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 17:52:06

the only magazine I subscribe to is game informer, I;ve never even seen a magazine that deals with metal in my town

Did you just put your balls on my sandwich?

Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 18:52:51

At 2/2/07 03:45 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 2/2/07 03:43 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:
You spelt it right, and are very correct, my friend.

Correctness, STRIKES!

I am now officially a huge Der Eisenrost fanboy.

Hmm, I might even search around for a record or two.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 19:07:11

At 2/2/07 06:52 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:
I am now officially a huge Der Eisenrost fanboy.
Hmm, I might even search around for a record or two.

I'm going to look for some as well, and I'm certainly going to buy the films they've done score work for (seeing as I intended on buying them before discovering the band anyway).

Response to Metal Hell 2007-02-02 19:08:12

At 2/2/07 07:07 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 2/2/07 06:52 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:
I'm going to look for some as well, and I'm certainly going to buy the films they've done score work for (seeing as I intended on buying them before discovering the band anyway).

I'm not a big on Japanese films, as in, I want to be able to understand and not read more than I want to. Meaning, books.

Here I am, bored with everything.

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