At 4/16/04 06:55 PM, Torture_Lock wrote: stuff about nu-metal
i'm not a big fan of nu-metal, but there were some really good bands that you put down on your first post. so i guess i'll let it slide. i wouldn't give you shit about it anyway. i used to listen to that stuff before i found the heavier stuff. i'd like to think that this club is more of a enrichment situation. all those people that like nu-metal or have just started to listen to metal can come in here and see what other bands there are out there, and just learn from it. i'm not saying that you will come in here and hate nu-metal forever, its just that this club gives you the oportunity to learn of some bands that you would otherwise have never heard of.
-headbanger- is the best example of this. yesterday, he was all about korn, then i pointed him in the direction of other good bands, and now his one of his favorite bands is in flames, and crappy korn has fallen way down on the list.