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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 14:15:30

FaGGoT. Fuck off you little asshole. We don't want to read yout childish an' stupid messages when you've wanked an' watched Slipknot's poster. Damn guy,get the fuck outta here,or I'll...I'll...(guys,help me!)...I'll kick your big, FAT ASSS!
Don't you dare no more to post here or we(...right?)gonna make your life hell in here NG.

Dude...I just...I just want to KILL YOU!!!

One more thing,dude seriously,if you're 17,go to school an' start to learn spell. Even I can write better than you,an' your 13-years-olded 1337-language.


Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 14:26:07

At 5/31/06 01:47 PM, w0lf wrote: its an ok band, but jesus CHRIST THAT SONG FUCKING SUCKS ARGHH FUCK


I so agree with you :) if you want Pantera, listen to the Cowboys from Hell album and you're done with them.

Since the retard amount in this club seems to raise steadily, I'm actually thinking of an IQ limit. Guess I need to weed out some bad seed in here soon...

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 14:26:51

Sorry for getting off-topic but I just want to say that everyone who hates coloured people and homosexuals can just fuck off!!!

That's all

"listening to Hatebreed - You're Never Alone"

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 14:48:53

At 5/31/06 01:47 PM, w0lf wrote: WORST. RIFF. EVER.

Its an okay riff, its just waaaaayy overused... but its still the kind of riff that John Petrucci would use to wipe his arse.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 15:10:05

Ehm.. question for Goatchrist: Am I in or what, duffeknol said that you've got the last word so I'm waiting wit much patience to hear the magic words "You're in" (or any other formulation whatever you like) please oh mighty Goatchrist answer my prayers:p

Here's a list of bands that recently got my attention:

Shadows Fall

"listening to Ektomorf - I Know Them"

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 16:16:06

*wonders in 10000 years too late*

I guess this would be an awkward time to ask to join, but I'm always last to make an entrance it seems :(

Some of the bands I've come to love::

Arch Enemy
Black Label Society
Blind Guardian
Devil Driver
Dream Evil
Dream Theater
Gamma Ray
Sonata Arctica

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 16:17:51

At 5/31/06 12:04 PM, WaGGeT wrote: ok touville fuck u-pissing ME off WILL endanger YOUR well being hedge hog im not 13 im 17 i was born in '88 (shut the fuck up) and cows- u had dam well better a girl for sayin stuff like that and if u are thats fine by me if ur not ur starting to scare me

It's "Tuo - vi - la". Shouldn't be so hard, especially for a super-intellegent being as yourself. (heeeeee heeeeee) How exactly are you going to endanger anything besides your clean bedsheets? Just being afraid of homosexuals proves something too... Now, if you really are 17, start acting your age, will you? Am I really supposed to believe you've been speaking English longer than I have been going to school and I STILL master the language compared to you? I believe you're just envious.

P.S: All rasists should go back to where they came from! We don't want them around here!

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 16:32:29

At 5/31/06 04:16 PM, SlutWhore wrote: Amorphis

made some brilliant stuff in the old days



Arch Enemy

not my thing, but jup

Black Label Society


Blind Guardian



seen em live, fun show



Devil Driver


Dream Evil

jup, awesome

Dream Theater



don't know em



Gamma Ray





good shit


gothic and untrue and stuff, but a damn fine listen


I don't like em one bit, but a good band






old stuff is ok



Sonata Arctica



very jup

I'd say welcome, but ol' GC has the final word :)

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 16:38:54

At 5/31/06 04:32 PM, duffeknol wrote:
At 5/31/06 04:16 PM, SlutWhore wrote:
Arch Enemy
not my thing, but jup

Atleast the singer is fun to look at. You'd also be surprised by the many people who didn't know a guy use to be the lead singer..Or actually..How many won't believe it's a girl now..

Black Label Society


seen em live, fun show

I'd kill to see them live :(

Devil Driver

I know they are kinda mainstream, but I can't help but find them catchy

don't know em

More dark stuff, I'd recommend them for sure.


:( !!

I don't like em one bit, but a good band

Oh I love them. Ive always loved how Mikeal can have the voice of an angel then sound like he is going to rape your kids next. And I love the guitar work. Mmmm. I saw them live. The lead guitarist was a foot away from me and I didnt even notice till I saw him on stage :( . No wonder it was bugging me why he looked so familiar..

very jup

I miss seeing these guys live for 30 bucks, since I already payed my last bucks to see Gigantour.

I'd say welcome, but ol' GC has the final word :)

Sounds good, I can wait. ;)

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 16:47:28

(all the no's are to indicate which bands will not help you get into this crew, they don't count as metal)

still overal, very good list. Kinda mainstream, but very good.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 16:52:12

At 5/31/06 04:47 PM, duffeknol wrote: (all the no's are to indicate which bands will not help you get into this crew, they don't count as metal)

still overal, very good list. Kinda mainstream, but very good.

Ya, I figure my list would have a mainstream feel. I didn't grow up in a very..er. good enviroment to grow into the music. I kinda just ended up stumbling into music really late in my life, and had to find everything myself. went to pretty much prep schools, there wasnt anyone I could really turn to to enlighten me.
But, eventually, I've found a few. I like a lot of 80s thrash, or power metal, but, its those kinds of bands, i just go out with friends have a party and we put it all on. Never actually sat down and got INTO them like I should. Ya know, dedicated.
So I just named the ones, who I own a lot of albums to, rather than the half assed " I listen to them sometimes" thing.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 17:00:15

At 5/31/06 04:52 PM, SlutWhore wrote: So I just named the ones, who I own a lot of albums to, rather than the half assed " I listen to them sometimes" thing.

Thank GOD. That's a very welcome change.
I consider people that list their 'favourite' metalbands and only know 1 or 2 songs by them to be incredible hypocrites. I meet far too many these days.

Especially here in the Netherlands. Metal that's INCREDIBLY underground in places like the USA (think Nile, Vader, Opeth) is like the mallcore here. If I walk up to a 14 year old kid with a Slipknot hoodie here, he's bound to say that he likes Nile/Vader/Opeth, because it's so incredibly tr00. Well here it's not, and he still knows jack shit about metal. People that can even admit and realize what their own taste is, deserve major kudos.

If I want to be special here, I have to name bands that hardly even have a record label. It's just too damn big here, making it so that I'm automatically starting to dislike a lot of metalbands.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 17:03:40

At 5/31/06 05:00 PM, duffeknol wrote:

Especially here in the Netherlands. Metal that's INCREDIBLY underground in places like the USA (think Nile, Vader, Opeth) is like the mallcore here. If I walk up to a 14 year old kid with a Slipknot hoodie here, he's bound to say that he likes Nile/Vader/Opeth, because it's so incredibly tr00. Well here it's not, and he still knows jack shit about metal. People that can even admit and realize what their own taste is, deserve major kudos.

Ooh well maybe THAT'S Why we are clashing in genre understandment. haah, it's kinda like If i went to sweden, i'd get my ass handed to me about metal. That country makes some fucking A music tho. Agrh. Orgasmic.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 17:08:14

I think even more Dutch people like metal than Sweeds, I kid you not. We do have less bands though.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 17:21:27

Since the retard amount in this club seems to raise steadily, I'm actually thinking of an IQ limit. Guess I need to weed out some bad seed in here soon...

good idea |m|

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 18:21:15

At 5/31/06 04:16 PM, SlutWhore wrote: Amorphis

Don't like,but yes


YES! I've caught in a Mosh!

Arch Enemy

Don't like,but I would say yes

Black Label Society

Hell yeah

Blind Guardian

Never heard


Oh yes,I would too kill for see that band


Not heard

Devil Driver

See up

Dream Evil

Never heard,but still heard,that this is fuckin' good shit. Caan't wait to borrow CD from my friend

Dream Theater

Borrowin' from Duff:"Jup"




! Of course!

Gamma Ray

I don't like 'em,but yes.




Fuckin' good stuff


Aah! Finland's own metal-hope. I don't like 'em,I don't even see any beaty in Tarja Turunen,but I still got band's poster in my wall. So;yes


YE! Like that stuff,not my favorite,but not worse.


Oh yeah! Dimebag Darrel,rock in peace,we miss you




I think it's just shit


Is it nu-metal?

Sonata Arctica

second finnish band,now power-metal. My girlfriend loves this band. I hate,but I still say yes.


Oh yeah,more finnish bands,oh yeah

I would say only:"welcome"but let's see,what GoathChrist says...

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 18:27:49

At 5/31/06 06:21 PM, ondskapelsen wrote:
Dream Evil

I heard that The Book of Heavy Metal and I was appauled with cheese. I couldn't help but think of this band I saw supporting The Darkness, Do Me Bad Things.... wasn't good.

Aah! Finland's own metal-hope. I don't like 'em,I don't even see any beaty in Tarja Turunen,but I still got band's poster in my wall.

She has a strong jaw, and I don't find her hot either. Good voice (not as secks as Amy Lee though.. I'd bang her vocal chords).

Is it nu-metal?

MeloDeath isn't it/?

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 19:09:02

At 5/31/06 06:24 AM, duffeknol wrote:
At 5/31/06 06:02 AM, B_HoS_V wrote:
At 5/31/06 05:57 AM, duffeknol wrote: so far so good, can you name just a few more?
Sure... eeehhm...

Dope, Deicide, Cradle Of Filth (the singing is not the reason don't worry), Bullet for My Valentine, The Autumn Offering, Pantera... should I proceed???
All of those bands count as metal, with Bullet fm Valentine as the only exception. I'd say in, but Goatchrist has the final say :)

Except for Godsmack and maybe Fear Factory. Godsmack is music you can play with a dildo. :) And Dope... I don't think dope's metal, either.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 19:17:08

At 5/31/06 04:16 PM, SlutWhore wrote:

Some of the bands I've come to love::

Everything on this list is acceptable except for Devil Driver. I'd say you're in.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 20:26:45

I have one little question?

Why nobody here talks about iced earth or manowar? Blind guardian?Those rock IMHO.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 21:27:35

Do any of you guys like:


Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 21:31:08

I heard that Metallica's releasing a new album? Though I'm not wuite sure. Hope it doesn't suck like St.Anger, Load, and Reload.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 21:45:20

OMG 'In Human Form' By Death rules! That's a freaking awesome song!

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 23:08:25

At 5/31/06 08:26 PM, WtFaLlNaMeSrtAkN wrote: I have one little question?

Why nobody here talks about iced earth or manowar? Blind guardian?Those rock IMHO.

I talk about Manowar all the time. I <3 Manowar. I have 5 of their albums.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 23:26:11

oh, and speaking of Manowar, I think Pantera ripped the riff from Violence and Bloodshed by Manowar in the song "Cowboys From Hell." Listen to Manowar's Violence and Bloodshed and Cowboys From Hell back to back. Pantera hella ripped the riff off... Fighting the World, from which Violence and Bloodshed is from, was released in 87, I think... and CFH was released in '90.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-05-31 23:51:13

At 5/31/06 12:10 PM, WaGGeT wrote: ok metal warroir and duffeknol unless u want to be hunted down and chopped into very tiny pieces i suggest that u quit talking shit bout me and no no one can report me for spam (im not spamming(get it rite!(SHIT HEADS!)))

Will you just shut the fuck up already?! What is with you angsty 13 year olds, and getting mad at everyone who doesn't like what you like. Mudvayne is not Metal, SLipknot is not Metal. Most people here don't like SLipknot. Get it through your thick skull, and stop whining!

Response to Metal Hell 2006-06-01 02:14:15

SlutWhore, welcome to the club, you seem to be a fine contribution :)

and that level 2 guy with a red aura from the last page is also in (too lazy to check the name).

and if anyone wants to know, Ektomorf is the east-european answer to Soulfly = they are a copycat. The two bands are basically the same. And not metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-06-01 03:21:51

At 6/1/06 02:14 AM, Goatchrist wrote: The two bands are basically the same. And not metal.

They aren't? that means I've been fooled all along..
thnx for letting me in:)

Shadows Fall rule people!!! Does anyone like Iron Maiden (bit classic maybe but Aces High and Fear of the Dark are great)

Response to Metal Hell 2006-06-01 04:24:39

At 6/1/06 03:21 AM, B_HoS_V wrote: They aren't? that means I've been fooled all along..
thnx for letting me in:)

I've seen them live last year (I was at a band contest, they played there too) and heard songs by them, they are clearly hardcore - repetitive, rythmic riffing, hardcore screaming and a general anti-society attitude, and some tribal stuff added.

Shadows Fall rule people!!! Does anyone like Iron Maiden (bit classic maybe but Aces High and Fear of the Dark are great)

I don't really consider "Shadows Fall" pure Metalcore, they are a lot thrashier and the musicianship is a lot better. I rarely listen to them anymore, but "A Fire In Babylon" is still a damn fine song by them.

Iron Maiden are classic, of course. But I don't really listen to them. I'm not a huge fan of Bruce Dickinson's vocals. I actually prefer Blaze.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-06-01 05:52:33



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