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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 15:01:52

At 5/15/04 02:59 PM, TheRotArm wrote: Glastonbury after my A Levels!

A much more realistic option for all us 16 year old brits. It's almost as good as Download, cept I have to take me Mah with me for her Coldplay and Oasis shite they sometimes take there. -Sigh.-

Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body - Shalashaska-1, 2008

Feel free to MSN me: warsmithdave@msn.com

Beware the NGSkeletonGimp! M:tG Klub.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 15:04:28

What's everyone's MSN addresses (if you have MSN)? 'Cos then we could IM each other.
Mine's rotating_armchair@hotmail.com

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 15:05:17

Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body - Shalashaska-1, 2008

Feel free to MSN me: warsmithdave@msn.com

Beware the NGSkeletonGimp! M:tG Klub.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 15:57:52

At 5/15/04 03:04 PM, TheRotArm wrote: What's everyone's MSN addresses (if you have MSN)? 'Cos then we could IM each other.
Mine's rotating_armchair@hotmail.com

don't use MSN man. sorry.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 17:13:33

mine is better_than_dd@hotmail.com. Add me if you dare...

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 20:57:50

Don't have msn either...but my aim screen is kornngfreaker.....blargh, it doesn't fit anymore.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 21:08:23

At 5/12/04 04:01 PM, -HeadBanger- wrote:
At 5/12/04 03:52 PM, Inquisitor-Faust wrote: WTF?!? Damn you Swish! I spent 30 mins on it, and now it's just a white background?!? FUCK THAT! I FUCKING HATE SWISH NOW!!!!!! -Breathes deeply.-
Maybe the export went wrong? You can send it again, maybe it works the second time you send :)

And yes, new GIRL, welcome to the Metal Hell. Your favourite bands?

doubt you've heard of most of them, but here goes
Napalm Death
Chaos Militia
*forgets bands name but they did a song called 'To the Hilt'*
Satanic Bullet
and last, but not least my very unknown band Mental Suicide

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 21:44:11

At 5/15/04 03:04 PM, TheRotArm wrote: What's everyone's MSN addresses (if you have MSN)?

squish_2@hotmail.com its in my profile too.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 21:46:58

At 5/15/04 09:44 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote:
At 5/15/04 03:04 PM, TheRotArm wrote: What's everyone's MSN addresses (if you have MSN)?
squish_2@hotmail.com its in my profile too.

No MSN, No Yahoo, No anything (except AIM), but I am yet again not at the right house to use it LOL :P

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 21:56:31

Your god ans diety is going to Ozzfest in Cally... hail me and my ultra-cool-osity-ness

heh... I sound retarded sometimes

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 22:00:57

At 5/15/04 09:56 PM, ADarkerBreed wrote: Your god ans diety is going to Ozzfest in Cally... hail me and my ultra-cool-osity-ness

stop braggin some people arent that lucky. lucky bastard =D

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 22:11:42

At 5/15/04 09:08 PM, Dementhysis-lamia wrote: doubt you've heard of most of them, but here goes

not to bad


heard one song



Napalm Death

also love


haven't heard

Chaos Militia

like a couple of their songs


not really my style

*forgets bands name but they did a song called 'To the Hilt'*

don't remember either


hate them

Satanic Bullet

not my style either, but they have some good songs


not metal but not bad

and last, but not least my very unknown band Mental Suicide

is this your band? or just your underground fave? either way, give us a link so i can check it out.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-15 22:28:48

At 5/15/04 10:11 PM, Indifference wrote:
At 5/15/04 09:08 PM, Dementhysis-lamia wrote:
and last, but not least my very unknown band Mental Suicide
is this your band? or just your underground fave? either way, give us a link so i can check it out.

My underground favorite, my brother is in it. I sadly can not give you a link for sadly they do not have a site for sadly my brother hates the internet, for just about everything but porn LOL :P I was thinking about making a website for them, but i'll need help i'm good at CSS, but not that good that people will want to go to the website a lot.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 05:00:14

At 5/15/04 01:36 PM, thegreatmorph wrote: w00t w00t! I'm going to see killswitch, Shadows fall,chimera and some other band all in one concert in a few days!

whats so w00t w00t about those bands? dude those bands are weak.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 05:52:47

At 5/16/04 05:00 AM, xxRIFFAxx wrote: whats so w00t w00t about those bands? dude those bands are weak.

I feel like hating everyone whose opinion is different to mine tonight. I hate you right now.

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 06:00:37

Also, after just checking your profile, let me laugh in your face.

Blink 182 in your favorite bands?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH. Fucking weak.

Iron Maiden, had their moments, i have a couple of their albums, and while good for something different, and for majorly affecting the Metal genre, theres better around, including those bands you just called weak.

And Metallica, well, majorly overrated. Have some good tunes and all, and once again had a major affect on the genre, but there is much better out there.

If you like these 80's bands, check out Megadeath, they're much better.

Heh, and you call Killswitch, Shadowsfall and Chimera weak. BLINK 182! AHAHA.

Sorry Marc for going against the anti-flaming rule.

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 06:09:30

Edguy are coming to Australia!!!
Doubt i'll have enough money to go though :(

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 11:53:24

At 5/16/04 06:09 AM, TsarMatt wrote: Edguy are coming to Australia!!!
Doubt i'll have enough money to go though :(

you need to get that money. you can't miss an opportunity to see edguy.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 13:59:28

At 5/16/04 06:00 AM, Mr-Silv3r wrote: Sorry Marc for going against the anti-flaming rule.

Let's call it an exception. OMG! Blink better than Killswitch? *can't stop laughing*

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 15:36:00

iiim baaaaaccckkk

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 15:38:24

has n e one seen the videos 4 triger(flames) and rejection role(soilwork) there the same thing just reversed its awsome
in rr in flames r watchin soilwork and in triger soilwork is watchin in flames n they get into a fight and whom evers video it is wins the fight

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 16:52:38

At 5/16/04 04:30 PM, RageOfOrder wrote: blah blah blah blah

are you djing right now?

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:15:02

Yeah, thanks for translating, Rage :P

Damn, System Shock 2 is one of the scariest games ever...it freaks me out, I had to stop, or I would have gotten a heart attack

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:35:17

At 5/16/04 05:15 PM, -HeadBanger- wrote: Damn, System Shock 2 is one of the scariest games ever...it freaks me out, I had to stop, or I would have gotten a heart attack

youre scared of a video game?

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:35:35

Does anyone here have bootlegs of the new killswitch album???

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:44:52

At 5/16/04 05:35 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote: youre scared of a video game?

If I play this one at night...no lights on, and everything's dark and quiet and suddenly a fucking mutant pops out from the corner you jump.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:52:09

i dont know i might. i dont really go for the scary type of games. i think they kinda tend to get old after a while. plus theres too many resident evils.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:56:42

At 5/16/04 05:52 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote: i dont know i might. i dont really go for the scary type of games. i think they kinda tend to get old after a while. plus theres too many resident evils.

I just have to say fuck Resident Evil :) SS2 has an awesome story, good graphics, RPG action gameplay, and the shock factor is amazingly high

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:58:40

At 5/16/04 05:35 PM, Dementhysis-lamia wrote: Does anyone here have bootlegs of the new killswitch album???

it used to be streaming on their website, other than that, it is available to buy. i don't have it yet, so i can be of no real help. they're the kind of band who's cd i would buy though. they could use the support.

Response to Metal Hell 2004-05-16 17:59:06

Being the metal hell club, im sure most of you guys have heard Atreyu. If not, i suggest you check them out. Their new song "right side of the bed" is a good place to start.