At 7/1/17 08:46 AM, MysteryG wrote:
I've listened to "Atonement" by Opeth. It was nice, but... I'm Christian (Roman Catholic) and I heard that Mikael Åkerfeldt (the lider of that band) used to be satanist. Now he's not satanist, but he still has anti-Christian views. It is OK to Christian to listen to band like that? :(
I don't think it's necessarily wrong to like the band, but if you disagree with some of their songs or songwriting because they're not Christian, well, attribute that to your Christian beliefs and just delete whatever you don't like from your playlist. Also be aware that the band leader will probably cut or limit any Christian influences in the music. If that makes you really uncomfortable, find another band. There are countless more out there that you may even find you like better.
That said, I'm a die-hard Nightwish fan, and a lot of their songs reference fantasy elements, which pick and choose when they want to jive with the Christian narrative. Does it mean that their music is bad, nah. It just means I may or may not agree with some of it or think it's fantasy bs that, although it sounds nice, has no real substance aside from being a pretty fairy tale. Doesn't make it any less fun to listen to.
If you want safe-for-your-ears stuff, there's also Christian metal bands.
Ultimately it doesn't really matter what religious convictions a band has or doesn't have. If they're against Christianity, I usually just assume they had REALLY shitty experiences with Christians who didn't act very Christian, judged them, or made their lives living hell. It's up to you whether you decide to let a particular kind of music influence you, your beliefs, or your life. If music of a certain kind makes you uncomfortable, it's always prudent to ask why. Is it because you're not solid on your own beliefs, or is it because you just find it disrespectful, distasteful, or degrading? The alternative is that you may not be able to relate to it. If your beliefs get in the way of that, then question which is wrong, the song, or the possibly repressive belief system.
I'll admit, Christianity is a lot of the reason I can't enjoy a lot of mainstream music, especially rap and pop, not because I would feel ashamed to be doing a lot of what rap and pop glorify or God would punish me or some bs, but just because a lot of the things they talk about don't fulfill me. It's not the kind of life that makes me happy. It's just distractions -- one night stands, sex, drugs and alcohol, riches, etc. There's no good news, just bitching and moaning and glorifying the things that fuck us up. I like music that uplifts and motivates me to do better, to overcome, not to fall down on my face like everyone else.
The main question you should always ask is whether you can relate to a song or not, or its intentions. If a band is talking about skull fucking and raping, that's not something I can get behind, not just because I'm a Christian, but because I find it distasteful and degrading. If they're talking about overcoming fears, feeding the hungry, tending to the sick, helping people, striving to do better, emotion, or some other topic I can relate to like realizing someone doesn't deserve me because they don't appreciate me, that might be right up my alley.
So the question is, can you relate to most of Opeth's catalog, or does it just sound sort of pretty with an uncomfortable aftertaste?