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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 18:23:48

At 11/4/05 05:11 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 11/3/05 10:56 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Also, my girlfriend is considering putting on the corpsepaint and joining the masses of metal!! Well, she's just gonna do some guitars and vocals on my next CD, but still, she's gonna be in the pic fully dressed in metal garb, so yeah. *metal horns*
Hehe, that sounds awesome.

Alright guys, so...what are your favourite 3 albums of 2005 so far?

I don't have any. I don't own an album released in '05. On the other hadn, TehGaySatanist is getting Hellfire by 1349 and I think he's getting Fuck the Universe by Craft. Those I want him to sedn to me >=) and also I wanna get Dark Funeral's new CD, I forget the name.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 20:28:56

At 11/4/05 05:11 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Alright guys, so...what are your favourite 3 albums of 2005 so far?

Mine are (as follows)

1. Character - Dark Tranquillity
Let me elaborate - this cd got me into metal as I know it now. Simple as that. As of now (*cringe*) my album of the year, and it came out in January.

2. Virus - Hypocrisy
Ok, I haven't got this cd yet, but heard one song (ONE SONG) off of it and I'm sure it will kick my ass...I can't wait to get it.

3. Doomsday Machine - Arch Enemy
Its a good cd, and I like it...Umm, yeah, so I haven't bought many new cds, umm....Behemoth is good...

Ghoul....lol I wish my g/f would do corpsepaint, but her face is so pale I dont think it would make much of a difference (a joke...NO, she isn't dead...ewww) but I did get her into metal. Her fav band right now is Nightwish, but I got her into Flowing Tears (Yeah yeah, goth metal, but so what, she likes chick bands)...

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 21:49:08

Meh, my motto; if it's metal, listen to it.

Favorite albums of 2005

Dark Tranquillity - Character

1349 - Hellfire

Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked


Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 21:51:43

At 11/4/05 08:28 PM, X_Imperium_X wrote:

Ghoul....lol I wish my g/f would do corpsepaint, but her face is so pale I dont think it would make much of a difference (a joke...NO, she isn't dead...ewww) but I did get her into metal. Her fav band right now is Nightwish, but I got her into Flowing Tears (Yeah yeah, goth metal, but so what, she likes chick bands)...

Hell, I got her straight into bands from Immortal to ManOwaR. She LOVES ManOwaR and Borknagar, those are her favorite two.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 22:05:26

favourites of 2005?
in no order:
Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked (finally something NOT boring by these guys)
SYL - Alien (a but too nu-metallish but really cool)
Hypocrisy - Virus (their redemption)

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 22:36:49

Duffeknol, way to rip them in that Slipknot Club. They're a bunch of mallgoth idiots.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 22:53:32

At 11/4/05 10:36 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: Duffeknol, way to rip them in that Slipknot Club. They're a bunch of mallgoth idiots.

I noticed... Fuck them, calling that fucking slipknot bitch a better drummer than fucking flo mounier of cryptopsy... Their stupidity is... amazing -__-

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 23:00:14

At 11/4/05 10:53 PM, duffeknol wrote:
At 11/4/05 10:36 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: Duffeknol, way to rip them in that Slipknot Club. They're a bunch of mallgoth idiots.
I noticed... Fuck them, calling that fucking slipknot bitch a better drummer than fucking flo mounier of cryptopsy... Their stupidity is... amazing -__-

wow why would some stupid mallcore kids actually think there precious drummer is actually better than the drummer of Cryptopsy. I swear he is an amazing drummer and no nu-metal drummer can beat him anytime

i haven't posted here in a while

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 23:04:04

At 11/4/05 11:00 PM, --alex_MISTER-- wrote: wow why would some stupid mallcore kids actually think there precious drummer is actually better than the drummer of Cryptopsy. I swear he is an amazing drummer and no nu-metal drummer can beat him anytime

i haven't posted here in a while

because they have 0 knowlegde of music and are ignorant fanboys with the avarage age of 13?

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-04 23:54:49

At 11/4/05 11:04 PM, duffeknol wrote:
At 11/4/05 11:00 PM, --alex_MISTER-- wrote: wow why would some stupid mallcore kids actually think there precious drummer is actually better than the drummer of Cryptopsy. I swear he is an amazing drummer and no nu-metal drummer can beat him anytime

i haven't posted here in a while

I know that Slipknot is not a very great band, they dont have very good guitarists and stuff like that, but the drummer of Slipknot (Joey Jordison) is seriously a very good drummer. Slipknot may not be a very talented band, but the drummer do have something special.

And my other point is that, Slipknot is one of the band that FUCKING ROCKS the place when they perform live, they may not be the best band, or not even a good band, but when its the time to make jump the public they are the best band to do that.

because they have 0 knowlegde of music and are ignorant fanboys with the avarage age of 13?

Thats true in some way, youre right, cause lots of Slipknot fans are jsut dumb kids, and as you said, they have 0 knowledge in music. But I do know a bit about music and I can say that the drummer is good.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-05 05:51:38

Well, the Slipknot drummer is really not that bad, but comparing him to the Cryptopsy drummer is just wrong. Not the same league at all.

My favourite three albums of the year right now are:

Hypocrisy - Virus
Kreator - Enemy of God
Annihilator - Schizo Deluxe

that's it right now. Might change soon enough, though. Haven't heard "Shovel Headed Kill Machine" yet.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-05 08:01:15

At 11/4/05 09:51 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Hell, I got her straight into bands from Immortal to ManOwaR. She LOVES ManOwar and Borknagar, those are her favorite two.

LoL I dont even have those cds for her to listen to, lol. Bleh, not a ManOwar cd to my name...but that will change once I get a job.

goatchrist: I heard a couple songs off of Shovel Headed Kill Machine, and they were definitly kick ass...I haven't read reviews yet (even though I trust you guys more than anywhere else) but I'm sure they'd be good. If you pick it up, let me know how it is.

And (*sigh*) I have seen slipknot, recently (*sigh*) as in this past march. They were touring with Lamb of God and Shadows Fall, so I thought I would go, because (yep, *sigh* again) I did used to like slipknot and I think Lamb of God rocks, so I went with a friend. Sadly enough, slipknot wasnt too bad live...thier drummer is ok, but the only reason he gets that fast of a double-bass is with a "helix" (I think, that's what my drumming bro said) which is like two bass kicks per pedal, so he can go twice as fast.

STILL, doesnt compare to Cryptopsy, IMO, and never will

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-05 08:24:56

At 11/5/05 05:51 AM, Goatchrist wrote: Well, the Slipknot drummer is really not that bad, but comparing him to the Cryptopsy drummer is just wrong. Not the same league at all.

That's the fun part, it's an instant own, even when Slipknot's drummer isn't that bad =P

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-05 09:49:32

let's see.. favorite albums of '05? er.. I only have 1 for now lol

1349 - Hellfire

Jordison is a good drummer I'll give you that, but as Goatchrist said, you can't really put him in the same league as Flo Mounier, that's just stupid... those kids should also know that Jordison replaced Frost (that's right, FROST), in Satyricon during their US tour due to Frost's legal issues (some kind of rape thing.. yeah), and quite frankly Jordison cannot cut Frost's drumming..

no, Jordison is not in the same league.. it's like saying that Jordison is better at speeding blast-beats than Frost.. or that he's faster than Hellhammer.. simple bullshit

another story for you guys =) I think you'll like this

IMMORTAL frontman Abbath (real name: Olve Eikemo) has joined forces with original IMMORTAL drummer Armagedda, ENSLAVED guitarist Arve Isdal and GORGOROTH bassist King in a brand-new project dubbed simply I. The group have finished writing two-thirds of the material for their upcoming full-length debut, which will feature lyrics written primarily by former IMMORTAL guitarist Demonaz (real name: Harald Nævdal). The band, who expect to enter the studio before the end of 2005, are said to be contemplating making several festival appearances next year. More information will be made available soon.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-05 11:02:42

At 11/5/05 09:49 AM, setsuna956 wrote:

another story for you guys =) I think you'll like this

Yes! I told Ghoul about that a few weeks ago!! That sounds awesome!!

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-05 17:42:53

Top 3 of 2005...

Candlemass - Candlemass
High on Fire - Blessed Black Wings
Sunn O))) - Black One

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-05 18:07:09

At 11/5/05 05:42 PM, PterodactylFace wrote: Top 3 of 2005...

Candlemass - Candlemass
High on Fire - Blessed Black Wings
Sunn O))) - Black One

Asva - Futurists Against The Ocean and Acid King - III are solid releases too.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-06 02:53:45

"Breed The Pain" 8 Foot Sativa (well it came out this year in Australian anyway)
"Demigod" Behemoth
"Shovel Headed Kill Macine" Exodus
"Doomsday Machine" Arch Enemy
"Perdition Insanabilis" Arkhon Infaustus
"Candlemass" Candlemass
"I, Monarch" Hate Eternal
"In Disgust We Trust" Mistress
"The Code Is Red...Long Live the Code" Napalm Death
"Frozen In Time" Obituary
"Black One" Sunn 0)))

Yeh i know thats more than 3 albums, but i couldnt choose, they are all great 2005 releases.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-06 23:29:01

At 11/4/05 11:00 PM, --alex_MISTER-- wrote: wow why would some stupid mallcore kids actually think there precious drummer is actually better than the drummer of Cryptopsy. I swear he is an amazing drummer and no nu-metal drummer can beat him anytime

How about the drummer of As I lay dying, or possibly the guy from between the burried and me.

Can I join? Im a huge metal fan..dont judge the name, I only like UnderOATHS stuff from 99-2000 (Cries of the past, act of depression)

My favorite metal bands are:

As I lay dying
Avenged Sevenfold
From autumn to ashes (only the first two cds, the newest one is garbage)
It dies today
Lamb of god
***POISON THE WELL*** (Mostly 'the oppisite of december, imo, the greatest CD metal has ever produced)
The old underoath, before they turned into emo pussy faggets.
In flames
And last but not least, Nile.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-06 23:53:33

At 11/6/05 11:29 PM, -UnderOATH- wrote: How about the drummer of As I lay dying, or possibly the guy from between the burried and me.

I think the drummer from As I Lay Dying is incredible, but according to one of my friends who's a drummer, its not as hard as it seems, i'll figure out what he called them again tomorrow at school...

My favorite metal bands are:
As I lay dying

Love Them...


Love Them...

Avenged Sevenfold

Love Them...


Never heard of them...

From autumn to ashes (only the first two cds, the newest one is garbage)

Love 'em....



It dies today

Never heard of them...


Never heard of them...

Lamb of god

They are pretty good...


Like em...

***POISON THE WELL*** (Mostly 'the oppisite of december, imo, the greatest CD metal has ever produced)

Never heard of them...

The old underoath, before they turned into emo pussy faggets.

Underoath has always been good... They arent that emo right now... I saw them the other day with Thrice and The Bled... They were awesome...

In flames

Pretty good...

And last but not least, Nile.

Never heard of them

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-06 23:59:11

At 11/6/05 11:53 PM, -Superman- wrote: Underoath has always been good... They arent that emo right now... I saw them the other day with Thrice and The Bled... They were awesome...

Well have you ever heard their music from 99-2000? You won't even think its the same band. In comparison to their old CD's, the new stuff is emo. BTW, you really really really need to check out devildriver, because they're one of the best bands I know right now. I don't expect anyone to know who between the buried and me is, because they aren't very popular, and poison the well...well, ive gotten mixed reviews about the. Like I said though 'Oppisite of december' is (In my opinion) the best metal CD ever produced. Ever.

And also, you haven't mentioned if I could join O.o


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 00:01:54

Sorry for the double post, needed to clear something up.

When I say old underoath, I mean:

Cries of the past and
Act of Depression

UnderOaths best works, hands down:
The Last
Act of Depression
Burden in your hands.

These songs are just fucking amazing.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 00:32:52

Fuck, to all those who say Joey Jordison is a good drummer, I can easily beat him at ANYTHING, and my specialty is guitaring, not drumming. And I can drum the stuff Frost did for Gorgoroth, and drum the entire DMDS album (yes, I've spent a lot of my time since june practicing drums) and Joey Jordison is NOT good and cannot compare to Frost, Hellhammer, Flo Mournier, or even Paul Mazurkiewicz.

In other news, the Enthroned album I ordered ages ago came. I gotta say, Asvid (Enthroned's drummer on Carnage in Worlds Beyond) is better than Flo Mournier. He is faster than Dark Funeral and almost twice as fast as Hellhammer was on Buried By Time and Dust. He made my jaw drop into the netherworlds at his immense speed. The best thing about it is, Enthroned play vicious melodic black metal, yet their production is pretty good, and the keyboards didn't take over the music, and the drummer doesn't always do blastbeats. He was fastest, though, I think, on Jehova Desecration. I reccomend this to ALL metal hell members.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 01:08:44

At 11/4/05 05:11 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 11/3/05 10:56 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Also, my girlfriend is considering putting on the corpsepaint and joining the masses of metal!! Well, she's just gonna do some guitars and vocals on my next CD, but still, she's gonna be in the pic fully dressed in metal garb, so yeah. *metal horns*
Hehe, that sounds awesome.

Yeah, awesome news ghoul.

Alright guys, so...what are your favourite 3 albums of 2005 so far?

hmm... they would have to be:
"Seven Seals" by Primal Fear
"Stabbing The Drama" by Soilwork
"Death On The Road" by Iron Maiden
"Chaper V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken" by Hammerfall

At 11/4/05 02:59 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote:
At 11/4/05 08:36 AM, duffeknol wrote:
At 11/3/05 10:56 PM, The_Ghoul wrote:
Buckethead... wasn't that also the guy that made the original Power Rangers soundtrack?
Awesome XD

Whoah, he did? didint know that... I only have one album by him, but his shit is fuckin awesome.

At 11/7/05 12:32 AM, The_Ghoul wrote: In other news, the Enthroned album I ordered ages ago came. I gotta say, Asvid (Enthroned's drummer on Carnage in Worlds Beyond) is better than Flo Mournier. He is faster than Dark Funeral and almost twice as fast as Hellhammer was on Buried By Time and Dust. He made my jaw drop into the netherworlds at his immense speed. The best thing about it is, Enthroned play vicious melodic black metal, yet their production is pretty good, and the keyboards didn't take over the music, and the drummer doesn't always do blastbeats. He was fastest, though, I think, on Jehova Desecration. I reccomend this to ALL metal hell members.

And check them out I will.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 16:13:56

Hey guys, is anyone here actually into CANDLEMASS? Doom Masters.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 17:14:40

At 11/7/05 04:13 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Hey guys, is anyone here actually into CANDLEMASS? Doom Masters.

Ha, one of thier songs off that cd is ok.

UnderOath guy, or however you spell it, almost all of those bands are metalcore, and although I am not the one to allow admission, Nile and In Flames are the only real REAL metal bands IMO (In Flames is pushing it, they just got signed to a metalcore label in the US), and Mudvayne is terrible. (especially their new stuff, even thier old stuff is like slipknot with facepaint instead of masks). But, like I said, I cant decide who gets in...Got any other favs?

Like I mention above, In Flames is now signed to Ferret Records in the US (I think that's the label, anyway).

I got Demigod from Behemoth. One of the best cds I've ever heard. Period. (sorry Hypocrisy), but I thought that cd came out in 2004 (its listed 2004 on Metal-archives.com, perhaps thats the European release, IDK) but if it, indeed, came out this year, then its got a spot on my list.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 17:16:24

At 11/7/05 04:13 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Hey guys, is anyone here actually into CANDLEMASS? Doom Masters.

I like them, but haven't heard enough to get into them too much.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 17:22:56

At 11/6/05 11:29 PM, -UnderOATH- wrote:
At 11/4/05 11:00 PM, --alex_MISTER-- wrote:
How about the drummer of As I lay dying, or possibly the guy from between the burried and me.

The drummer from AILD is ok. Pretty average.

My favorite metal bands are:

As I lay dying

Pretty good. Atleast they are metal.



Avenged Sevenfold

Older stuff was hardcore, newer CD is pretty good power metal.


Not metal.

From autumn to ashes (only the first two cds, the newest one is garbage)




It dies today

I don't like them, but they are metal nontheless.


Not metal.

Lamb of god

Pretty damn good, actually. Definity metal.



***POISON THE WELL*** (Mostly 'the oppisite of december, imo, the greatest CD metal has ever produced)

Not metal.

The old underoath, before they turned into emo pussy faggets.


In flames

Older stuff is very decent metal.

And last but not least, Nile.

\Best band on your list. Fucking awesome death metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 19:51:49

Didn't want to double post...lol I missed Lamb of God, my bad, they are one of my favorite metal bands...HA...

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-07 20:45:14

At 11/7/05 04:13 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Hey guys, is anyone here actually into CANDLEMASS? Doom Masters.

Live they're pretty cool, saw em at Wacken Open Air last year... on record I don't like em, too standard...