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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-02 22:59:40

At 9/2/05 09:29 PM, Manmetal wrote: well then why is......oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooo...no wait why is that bad...nvm forget i asked

just compare any nu-metal band to any REAL metal band, you have to notice the difference in technique, lyrical themes and whatnot

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-02 23:47:42

ok i got it
i just wanted to update with some new bands that i like

children of bodom
everytime i die
as i lay dying
atreyu (metal?)
bleeding through

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-02 23:54:54

Nu-Metal is trash...Think of any extremely popular mainstream metal band, like metal played on MTV instead of headbanger's ball. Usually that's nu-metal, and usually that's trash.

SOAD is hard rock, and I do like them, I think they are legitimate and talented, but I don't think they're metal. (That being said, I also don't think they're new metal)

For the record I like Mudvayne's LD 50, it isnt that bad of a record, even if it is a little soft. Any of thier new stuff is trash too.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 01:35:29

At 9/2/05 08:57 AM, Dj_FreeZe wrote: despite the nickname... im a massive black metal, grind metal, death metal.. etc fan.. i cant get enough of a decent headbanging song.. ill list some of my favourite bands:
Cradle of Filth

King of heavy but good

Dimmu Borgir

very good

Childrem of Bodom

one of my favourite




nice again

Mishuga (sorry for bad spelling)

dont know them

F@#K... Im Dead

well... dont know them

Morbid angel


basicly gimme sumthin real heavy and ill love it ^_^.. mind if i join you guys? ill even change the sig haha.. this one is old.. =]

Welcome to The Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 01:37:19

At 9/2/05 11:47 PM, Manmetal wrote: ok i got it
i just wanted to update with some new bands that i like

children of bodom


everytime i die
as i lay dying

nice two

atreyu (metal?)

very nice, and by the way its metalcore ( a mix of Metal and Hardcore)

bleeding through

Metal Hell is very full of Metal fans, I'm Happy to see that lots of people likes metal music

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 04:01:05

Whats the most embarrasing cd youve ever bought for yourself? It doesnt matter if you still have it or not.
Mine would have to be the eminem, nsync, or d12 cds i bought wen i was younger....so fucking shameful

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 04:14:56

I bought Slipknot - Iowa many years ago. I still have it coz I havnt been able to sell it on ebay. I once downloaded a Drowning Pool album. The shame, the shame of it all....

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 05:09:18

At 9/3/05 04:14 AM, Salmondog wrote: I bought Slipknot - Iowa many years ago. I still have it coz I havnt been able to sell it on ebay. I once downloaded a Drowning Pool album. The shame, the shame of it all....

Ahh yes i still have those albums too. But nsync is much worse

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 06:58:18

At 9/2/05 09:08 PM, Manmetal wrote: wow didnt no it was that bad...so nu-metal is kinda metal but like popular metal?

No. Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath, for example, are internationally renowned and extremely popular but you wouldn't classify them as nu-metal would you? No, you would not.
I understand what you mean but it's still a terrible way to think about it.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 07:43:47

Hey gary, if thats ur real name *eyes suspiciously* do you know where i could find a sunn 0))) song? You posted a while back that u listen to them, and i want to hear a song before i consider buying an album. And limewire doesnt have ANYTHING on them

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 10:06:44

At 9/3/05 04:01 AM, bred_4_abortion wrote: Whats the most embarrasing cd youve ever bought for yourself? It doesnt matter if you still have it or not.

i borrowed a d12 cd from a friend and then bought it and i burned a eminem cd...i used to LOVE rap and eminem.....im going to kill myself now...i like periods...................................

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 10:08:10

what is everyones FAVORITE thing about metal i no mine is the double bass drums

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 10:56:57

At 9/3/05 10:08 AM, Manmetal wrote: what is everyones FAVORITE thing about metal i no mine is the double bass drums

throat mutilating screams.. overall distortion.. and perfection in expression of some emotions

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 13:39:15

At 9/3/05 10:08 AM, Manmetal wrote: what is everyones FAVORITE thing about metal i no mine is the double bass drums

I couldn't answer that one, since it's asking about ALL metal, which differs dramatically.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 15:33:59

At 9/3/05 01:35 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Mishuga (sorry for bad spelling)
dont know them

I think what he means is Meshuggah.

In the meanwhile, I'm putting up a site for Subliminal Messages, and maybe BlacK Death and SkogsTroll once we record more material.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 20:38:29

At 9/3/05 07:43 AM, bred_4_abortion wrote: Hey gary, if thats ur real name *eyes suspiciously* do you know where i could find a sunn 0))) song? You posted a while back that u listen to them, and i want to hear a song before i consider buying an album. And limewire doesnt have ANYTHING on them

No idea, to be perfectly honest. Sorry. Also, aren't we supposed to refrain from discussing file sharing?

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 21:33:32

At 9/3/05 10:08 AM, Manmetal wrote: what is everyones FAVORITE thing about metal i no mine is the double bass drums

hmmm, overall I'd have to say the pure power that comes from the songs, and emotion that pours from each grunt and scream

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 21:56:24

lmao... i was a majour hiphop and rnb junkie.. i was even a Dj in my local area.. thank god my cousin showed me the way... *shudders at the thought of how i would lo0k now if i still was into that crap* now thats scary O.o

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 22:02:30

oh and yeah.. i ment meshuggah xP.. sorry for the confusion.. my cousin told me about them... had a piss up and played a whole bunch of em for me.. and i couldnt get enough of it haha..

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 22:05:31

At 9/3/05 10:08 AM, Manmetal wrote: what is everyones FAVORITE thing about metal i no mine is the double bass drums

YES... the double kickers and also the screams much like dani filth ^_^
plus the up most heavyest distortion you can get with the two above.. plus a tiny bit of orchestra aint bad with the lot ?

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 23:35:12

My most embarassing cd is Linkin Park (does it matter which one?), but I bought it in 6th grade, when they first came out...Had no idea about metal back then.

I have no favorite part of metal, overall it is quite good, but....(*stands back from flames*) I think both Atreyu and Cradle of Filth are over-rated...

I (even though I havent been in the convo) have never found anyting on Sunn O))), but their black album is supposed to be really good, and they have a song about wishing Lars Ulrich got killed in the tour bus accident instead of Cliff Burton...HA!

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 23:53:19

At 9/3/05 09:56 PM, Dj_FreeZe wrote: now thats scary O.o

a lot of rap is still good though, and it pays to have an ecclectic music taste, not to mention the blending of genres, I am currently working on self made rap songs
under the name A Darker Breed

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-03 23:56:04

a lot of rap is still good though, and it pays to have an ecclectic music taste, not to mention the blending of genres, I am currently working on self made rap songs
under the name A Darker Breed

i dont fully back this theory up.. but i beleive that with a heavy metal sound behind rap.. it makes it sound so much better.. or in other words... rap goes much better with metal

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-04 02:28:50

At 9/3/05 11:35 PM, X_Imperium_X wrote:

I have no favorite part of metal, overall it is quite good, but....(*stands back from flames*) I think both Atreyu and Cradle of Filth are over-rated...

Pfff. You ain't gonna get flamed by me, that's for sure. Fucking Atreyu isn't even metal, it's hardcore, and the new Cradle of Filth sucks cawk.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-04 03:40:03

At 9/3/05 08:38 PM, GaryBurghoff wrote: No idea, to be perfectly honest. Sorry. Also, aren't we supposed to refrain from discussing file sharing?

Mmk then oh well. And i dont think people realy moderate the really long threads so it doesnt really matter in here.

Anyway i been listenin to a bit of power metal lately, i heard sum dragonforce, iced earth, demons & wizards, blind guardian, children of bodom (its power/speed isnt it?). MMM its all very good, mkes me wonder why i never got into power metal earlier.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-04 07:28:30

At 9/4/05 03:40 AM, bred_4_abortion wrote:
At 9/3/05 08:38 PM, GaryBurghoff wrote: No idea, to be perfectly honest. Sorry. Also, aren't we supposed to refrain from discussing file sharing?
Mmk then oh well. And i dont think people realy moderate the really long threads so it doesnt really matter in here.

It does matter, keep it at a minimum please, Dobio was already in here not too long ago, alright?

Anyway, I'm still kinda sick and it pisses me off >:( Oh well, has ANYONE ELSE heard the new Hypocrisy album "Virus"?

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-04 08:16:09

Hails! My fav band is Asgaard. Asgaard's music is split between gothic and (as members of the band call it) symphonic black metal style.

I've decided to paste some of their CD samples in here:
Eyes ov Thy Soul
XIII Voltum Lunae
Mare Procellarum
Ex Oriente Lux
Carpite Florem
Ad Sidera, Ad Infinitum
Love... blood... & eternity
The way of the Secret Rapture
When the Twilight Set In Again
When the Twilight Set In Again
Mournful Suite of Dreams

Wish you will like it.

BTW, my top 5. :)
1) Ulver
2) Burzum
3) Moospell
4) Arcturus
4.5) Nokturnal Mortum
5) Dimmu Borgir

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-04 11:30:14

OK its time to recommend Virginlungs some music!

Could anyone recommend me songs by the following bands?

Napalm Death

Thats it.

Oh and could some of you vote on and review on my music? Its actually not my band, but they play hard rock and the lads from the band are interested in what the internet community have to say about their work..

Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-04 11:31:48

At 9/4/05 11:30 AM, VirginLungs wrote: Could anyone recommend me songs by the following bands?


I want out
Heavy Metal is the Law

Napalm Death

Necessary Evil

Oh and could some of you vote on and review on my music? Its actually not my band, but they play hard rock and the lads from the band are interested in what the internet community have to say about their work..


Response to Metal Hell 2005-09-04 11:32:58

At 9/4/05 08:16 AM, Kveldssang wrote: BTW, my top 5. :)
1) Ulver
2) Burzum
3) Moospell
4) Arcturus
4.5) Nokturnal Mortum
5) Dimmu Borgir

I'll definitely check out your band then... and great list of bands btw, I like em all