At 11/8/09 04:27 PM, Nev wrote:
Check out some Merzbow :D.
I'll do just that. Which album would you recommand, cause there is a lot in his discography.
At 11/8/09 05:33 PM, Nev wrote:
Turn on a radio and tune it to no station. That horrible cracking/buzzing is white noise.
That's what I thought it was. But how can it be good if it's always the same... maybe I just don't get it.
At 11/8/09 07:31 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote:
I love it when people make that typo while trying to act smarter than others.
Are you pretending I'm trying to act smarter than others because I don't take insults?
At 11/9/09 12:00 PM, TheUnwisePoet wrote:
How about make fun of you? That is deathcore don't compare both, you can't compare All That Remains and Bring Me The Horizon... well I'll not say I don't like Bring Me The Horizon, but I am not a special fan, they don't arouse any emotion in me, I just can't understand their music and it's all... "PRAY FOR PLAGUES, RAWR! RAWR! RAWR! stuff... RAAAAAWWWWWR! RAWR RAWR! PRAY FOR PLAGUES! RAWR RAWR!" Also they have a song called "Rawr"... wtf?
You are wasting your time my dear friend. Even if they are total opposites... they'll still classify all that as core elements as metalcore. You are right dude, these two bands just are very different.
But I've been there... I've tried to defend core in the metal hell and a lot of people just won't accept the fact that there is some good core music. But you really shouldn't give a damn. Stick to who you are and let them talk.