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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 06:07:30

Anyone here like Skindred? My mate gave me an album and they're pretty good, not really my sort of music though.

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 09:32:28

At 6/3/09 05:41 AM, PenisClown wrote: I don't hate anyone here. Cept Kidd kinda pisses me off.

You racist bastard!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 10:57:12

At 6/3/09 02:00 AM, Goatchrist wrote: You guys are all a bunch of naughty wiggers, but no hate ;)

lmao holy shit you still here?

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 11:21:08

At 6/3/09 10:57 AM, TotallySpies wrote:
At 6/3/09 02:00 AM, Goatchrist wrote: You guys are all a bunch of naughty wiggers, but no hate ;)
lmao holy shit you still here?

Lol, the Irony.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 13:11:26

At 6/3/09 10:57 AM, TotallySpies wrote:
At 6/3/09 02:00 AM, Goatchrist wrote: You guys are all a bunch of naughty wiggers, but no hate ;)
lmao holy shit you still here?

Haha, holy crap, you too? Well, I just returned a few days ago after a long abscence. I'm visiting this place once in a while, yeah.

How long have you been gone?

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 14:28:07

I bought Slipknots debut album today, and just..wow, it's amazing, and absolutely nothing like new Slipknot, which I still like, but I prefer this older, heavier sound.

I need to get all their albums...3 more to go.

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 14:37:29

At 6/3/09 02:28 PM, ZpLiNtEh wrote: I bought Slipknots debut album today, and just..wow, it's amazing, and absolutely nothing like new Slipknot, which I still like, but I prefer this older, heavier sound.

I need to get all their albums...3 more to go.

I only like one Slipknot album.. Whatever the fuck it was called, the one with Duality and a few other decent songs.
Anyway, i saw Heaven and hell yesterday. The warm up band were some Mötorhead wannabes with a mexican gimmick, had maybe one good song. The concert was good, but it could have been better. I was frustrated about my shitty seats, that was seriously the first and last time that i will ever sit at a concert. My back starts to hurt if i stand for a long time, but its the same because if i sit then my ass will start hurting. I´ve heard though that the sounds were sucky at the front row.. but i don´t know. Atleast i would have gotten to touch Dio.
The setlist was also a bit short, just 12 songs, one of them being a filler. They could have played some more songs, like TV crimes and Sign of the southern cross.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 15:04:46

At 6/3/09 02:37 PM, DeIirium wrote:
I only like one Slipknot album.. Whatever the fuck it was called, the one with Duality and a few other decent songs.

Vol.3 The Subliminal verses :p

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 19:34:25

This just in:

Ron Jarzombek is like king Midas on steroids. Everything he touches turns to awesome.

That is all.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 20:23:01

Hello guys! You guys may have seen me before, or you haven't. I've been meaning to join this "Hell" for a long time now. I'm a kind of person that'll pop up once and a while and will ignore assholes. I'll always remember this place.

First off, I like for you guys to know that I admire you guys. Most of you users here taught me different styles of Metal there is. You guys also made me get introduced into different bands that I thought I'll never like. :)

My list of ten bands:

Judas Priest - I own every single album from them. I say that the Stained Class album is their best work, behind Painkiller. I prefer the harsh side of bands and some with a deep meaning.

Death - I like this progressive Death Metal band. I like their work on their last album "The Sound..." That's what got me into them. Sadly, I only own one album from them, but I will buy more eventually. If any true fan out there, please recommend me their best. ;)

Opeth - Again... Great band. I listened to their latest album. Like before, if any true fan of Opeth, please recommend me their best.

Testament - I saw this band at concert last year when they toured with Heaven & Hell, MotorHead, and Judas Priest. Their new album is okay with my ears, but I prefer their older stuff.

Immortal - This is my second favorite Black Metal band. I only own "Pure Holocaust" and that is as far as I will go. Though, they have a new album coming out later this year so I'll defiantely check that one out.

Emperor - This is my favorite Black Metal. I only own their first album and that's probably as far as I will go. I like Symphonic so it went well with my taste.

Dark Fortress - Melodic Black Metal? This is a fantastic band! I cranked their latest album and me and my dad were headbanging in the car. I never knew my dad was that cool! :D

Kalmah - Great Melodic band. I only bought two songs from iTunes from them, "Using The Word" and "They Will Return." I want own some of their best albums, please recommend.

SepticFlesh - Death Metal at its finest. I got their 2008 album "Communion" and it's awesome! I've been meaning to get "Revolution DNA" but I am having second thoughts. Should I get it?

Ministry - This is the best Industrial Metal. I own six albums from them and I like "The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste." They retired sadly but they have collaborated with some great artists like Gibby Haynes from the Butthole Surfers when they recorded "Jesus Built My Hotrod." I like their "fuck you" style.

Some of you guys might think I'm a poser in some way. I'll try to fit in with most of you here, if not then that's okay. I'll try to visit some "worthy" concerts, too. This Summer I'm seeing Judas Priest for their "British Steel" tour. This is more like an 80's tour if you ask me.

I think I'll make a great addition to you this club. It's only up the Horsemen, huh? ;)

Not needed, non needed, no one bled.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 20:33:36

At 6/3/09 08:23 PM, UltimateAxl wrote: This Summer I'm seeing Judas Priest for their "British Steel" tour. This is more like an 80's tour if you ask me.

I'm seeing them in July, it'll be awesome.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 20:54:51

At 6/3/09 08:33 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 6/3/09 08:23 PM, UltimateAxl wrote: This Summer I'm seeing Judas Priest for their "British Steel" tour. This is more like an 80's tour if you ask me.
I'm seeing them in July, it'll be awesome.


July 25th for me. The whole album is like 39 minutes long, so I'm sure they'll play other great classics as well. But I don't want to hear the songs that they'll play over and over again for 20 years.

Not needed, non needed, no one bled.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 20:59:40

At 6/3/09 08:23 PM, UltimateAxl wrote: Death - I like this progressive Death Metal band. I like their work on their last album "The Sound..." That's what got me into them. Sadly, I only own one album from them, but I will buy more eventually. If any true fan out there, please recommend me their best. ;)

Death have never done a bad album :P.
I especially recommend Human and Individual Thought Patterns.

Opeth - Again... Great band. I listened to their latest album. Like before, if any true fan of Opeth, please recommend me their best.

Either Still Life or My Arms, Your Hearse.
No exceptions to that. None. They're their best albums by faaaar.

Immortal - This is my second favorite Black Metal band. I only own "Pure Holocaust" and that is as far as I will go. Though, they have a new album coming out later this year so I'll defiantely check that one out.

You're missing out on some great stuff. Battles in the North is sweet :).

I think I'll make a great addition to you this club. It's only up the Horsemen, huh? ;)

Yeah, those fags :P.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:00:14

Axl seems pretty cool :D

Anywho, just got Borknagar - Empiricism. I have every Borknagar album now except Epic and Origin. I'm really liking the big V's vocals, It's bat shit awesome. I think this album owns the previous two with Demon Burger's Vortex singing.

But nothing will ever top Olden Domain :D

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:00:42

At 6/3/09 08:23 PM, UltimateAxl wrote:

My list of ten bands:

Let this man in! In my book your worthy to join the hordes ov Hell. Just gotta wait for a horsemen to approve of you.

Immortal-Battles In The North

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:03:12

At 6/3/09 08:59 PM, Nev wrote: Either Still Life or My Arms, Your Hearse.
No exceptions to that. None. They're their best albums by faaaar.

Oh bullshit. Still Life and MAYH are only just above the greatness of Blackwater Park and Watershed. Orchid and Morningrise are also spectacular and are probably the best Opeth stuff if you ask me.

Still Life remains my favourite release by them though. Nevertheless, every Opeth release is worth owning.

Very similar to Death in that way.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:19:38

Thank you guys for the warm welcome feeling.

Also Nev I saved those album names into my Microsoft Word document. It's just a place of which album I need to get from a band, I'm very organized when it comes to this stuff. ;)

Also I might join the Metalcore/Nu-Metal too. I like some bands like Avenged Sevenfold and such.

By the way, I haven't heard of anyone talking about my favorite Power band Primal Fear. Yes, they sound very alike to Judas Priest but I just can't help myself lol. If you want a preview of one of their songs you can check my profile. I don't mind opinions at all really.

Not needed, non needed, no one bled.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:38:56

At 6/3/09 09:19 PM, UltimateAxl wrote:


Also I might join the Metalcore/Nu-Metal too. I like some bands like Avenged Sevenfold and such.

Really Batman?


Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:41:09

Axl, you're in buddy.

I'm glad to see another Ministry fan here besides me and Goatsie. How do you feel about their newer, thrashy style as opposed to their more slow, prodding, and menacing style of yesteryear?

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:46:18

At 6/3/09 09:41 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Axl, you're in buddy.

I'm glad to see another Ministry fan here besides me and Goatsie. How do you feel about their newer, thrashy style as opposed to their more slow, prodding, and menacing style of yesteryear?

I once listend to a Ministry Album. I like them too so add me to list.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 21:52:08

At 6/3/09 09:41 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Axl, you're in buddy.

I'm glad to see another Ministry fan here besides me and Goatsie. How do you feel about their newer, thrashy style as opposed to their more slow, prodding, and menacing style of yesteryear?

I like their thrashy style. Back in the 80's when they had that "dancy" feeling, it was pretty groovy. I never really liked that, when they released "The Mind..." I fell in love with them. Thanks to my Uncle in Heaven for that one.

Later on I got into Psalm 69, Animositisomina. Their last album was pretty good, another kick in the ass album.

I got into trouble at school for wearing a Rio Grande Blood shirt. They though it was terrorist. As the nice school-boy I was I went along with it. How does a statue of liberty holding a M16 terrorist?

Not needed, non needed, no one bled.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 22:11:18

hello im new to newgrounds, but i like metal.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 22:30:22

At 6/3/09 10:57 AM, TotallySpies wrote: lmao holy shit you still here?

Oh shit, its the dude that first introduced me to Fear Factory back in the day.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 22:30:41

At 6/3/09 10:11 PM, metalforthewin wrote: hello im new to newgrounds, but i like metal.

So what are your opinions on Boris, Eyehategod, and The Lord Weird Slough Feg?


Boris - Blackout

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 22:31:58

That Metalforthewin guy was probably Duffekfail now that I think about it.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 23:02:32

At 6/3/09 09:19 PM, UltimateAxl wrote: By the way, I haven't heard of anyone talking about my favorite Power band Primal Fear.

I was in love with Seven Seals at one time. It's really great whenever I'm in the mood for some catchy oldschool kind of stuff.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 23:04:46

At 6/3/09 05:41 AM, PenisClown wrote: Coco chanel, welcome to hell, let me out of my prison cell.

I bring you hot towels and flamboyant oils
I'm a cat stuck between transparent doors

At 6/3/09 06:07 AM, ZpLiNtEh wrote: Anyone here like Skindred?

doubt it

At 6/3/09 10:57 AM, TotallySpies wrote: lmao holy shit you still here?

Oh, look, it's the OTHER Duff.

At 6/3/09 07:34 PM, AniMetal wrote: This just in:

Ron Jarzombek is like king Midas on steroids. Everything he touches turns to awesome.

That is all.

This should be common knowledge by now.

At 6/3/09 08:23 PM, UltimateAxl wrote: Death

Human, Individual Thought Patterns, and Symbolic.

At 6/3/09 09:00 PM, PenisClown wrote: Anywho, just got Borknagar - Empiricism. I have every Borknagar album now except Epic and Origin. I'm really liking the big V's vocals, It's bat shit awesome. I think this album owns the previous two with Demon Burger's Vortex singing.

I have all the albums except for the ones with Vortex. I don't think I've ever heard his voice aside from the song the Chaos Path by Arcturus, for which he was a guest vocalist. He was great in that song, though. I might have heard him in a couple songs from the Sideshow Symphonies, but I can't remember a single note from any of the songs.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 23:11:43

At 6/3/09 11:02 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: I was in love with Seven Seals at one time. It's really great whenever I'm in the mood for some catchy oldschool kind of stuff.

Nuclear Fire, Metal Is Forever, those are some classic tunes/albums I would say. I usually put on Primal Fear when I work out, it just pumps me up sometimes.

Not needed, non needed, no one bled.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 23:16:08

At 6/3/09 11:04 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I have all the albums except for the ones with Vortex.

That's a shame. While I love Vintersorg as a singer, Quintessence is probably my favorite Borknagar album after Olden Domain.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-06-03 23:36:48

IMO, Empiricism > Quintessence

Just got Sodom - Agent Orange.

And It's fanny funtastic.

Sodom recommendations?

Stick in in her pooper?

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature