Oh, and by the way, people, because I'm really bored and I got this vision in a nap on my sofa today, I'll be recording even MORE material. I'll be releasing my next album as a 2 disc album, with each side having a name, like side yin and side winter or some shit like that. It'll be more of the same on the other disc, but this time it will blur the line between electronica and metal even more, and it will be even more experimental. I'm not sure how many songs it will have on it, but it will then be worth around 17 or 18 dollars. Anybody interested in buying a copy, email me, plz. I will use the money, most likely, to fix my busted 100W bass amp.
Oh, and Goatchrist, I just sold another copy of our split. The sales tally is now at three sales for me. That translates to $21. I know that may seem like chump change, but it's progress. I hope my new double album will sell just as much, or even more. Then I will have the dough to also fund a few other projects I am starting this summer.