At 6/9/05 11:03 PM, joorgan wrote: I havent been on the forums in forever check the dates of those quotes lol
Holy shit :D well, welcome to the hell, once again :)
At 6/9/05 11:03 PM, joorgan wrote: I havent been on the forums in forever check the dates of those quotes lol
Holy shit :D well, welcome to the hell, once again :)
At 6/10/05 06:33 AM, Wahnsinn wrote: hey what's everyone's Metal-Archives name? Mine is Wahnsinn
I'm CannibalCorpse there :)
At 6/10/05 06:33 AM, Wahnsinn wrote: hey what's everyone's Metal-Archives name? Mine is Wahnsinn
im down as Char0n but i literally just signed up :)
oh and wahnsinn i have made you a sig, but its not exactly what you asked for i just sort of went ahead and did it if you dont like it/not to your taste then dont use it but see what you think.
At 6/10/05 01:52 AM, Goatchrist wrote:At 6/9/05 11:03 PM, joorgan wrote: I havent been on the forums in forever check the dates of those quotes lolHoly shit :D well, welcome to the hell, once again :)
At 6/10/05 07:06 AM, Wahnsinn wrote: By the way can somebody make me a Metal-Assed signature for my new name 'Wahnsinn' ? I'd like a Vader / Cryptopsy / Decapitated sig if that can be arranged.. otherwise just a metal (NOT GRAVE DIGGER OR MESHUGGAH!) The only bands I despise -_-
You don't like Meshuggah? I love them. Well, the only Vader song I've ever heard is a cover of Mayhem's Freezing Moon, and the only Cryptosy song I've ever heard is Voice Of Unreason. Personally, I like Black metal better than death, but that's just me.
By the way can somebody make me a Metal-Assed signature for my new name 'Wahnsinn' ? I'd like a Vader / Cryptopsy / Decapitated sig if that can be arranged.. otherwise just a metal (NOT GRAVE DIGGER OR MESHUGGAH!) The only bands I despise -_-
I don't really like Meshuggah either...
But you dont like Grave Digger? I love them.
At 6/11/05 01:46 AM, Wahnsinn wrote: click on my sig and read my review of meshuggah to understand why I hate them.. as for Grave Digger I find them boring and riffless -_- they lack any positive adjectives that most other bands possess. Please understand it's not a matter of despising Grave Digger.. it's a matter of not having to like them for the vast amounts of better stuff out there.. so I choose not too.
I can understand why you hate meshuggah... I like the seemingly chaotic nature of their music, plus the ultra heaviness... Grave digger I have no clue who they are. Review one of my albums on Metal Archives!!!
I'm back after a bit of a break. Don't know how much i'll be around though.
Recently been getting more into doom and drone metal. Sunn 0))), Electric Wizard, Yob, etc. I'm pretty cut as Sunn 0))) were just in Australia and I missed them. Chances are they won't be back for a very long time.
Dude, Arcturus' La Masuerade Infernale is the BEST album to trip out tp!!! My sister and I just smoked a Bhudda Haze blunt and we're listenign to it!! it f0zz0rs!
Hey guys, anyone of you listening to Bathory? I just got the NORDLAND album and OMFG it is so great it gives me the goose bumps. It's even a little folkish at times, but I don't think that Quorthon's voice has ever sounded this good. YOU MUST CHECK IT OUT, especially the title track. Rest in Peace, Quorthon.
can any of you guys recommend some great black/death metal albums for me to get because im short of them from my collection, i already have albums by Nile, At the gates, Marduk, Windir, cradle of filth and dimmu borgir so no recommendations envolving those bands please. thanking you all kindly
I need a really agressive song for a flash i'm working on, maybe not really a fighting scene but more like this character killing a lot of people, so what do you guys think? (instrumental if possible)
At 6/11/05 07:29 AM, -Charon- wrote: can any of you guys recommend some great black/death metal albums for me to get because im short of them from my collection, i already have albums by Nile, At the gates, Marduk, Windir, cradle of filth and dimmu borgir so no recommendations envolving those bands please. thanking you all kindly
Okay, here we go!
Death Metal:
Behemoth - Demigod, Zos Kia Cultus, Thelema.6, Satanica
Illdisposed - 1-800-Vindication
Aborted - Goremaggeddon, The Archaic Abattoir, Engineering the Dead
Hypocrisy - The Final Chapter, Abducted, Obsculum Obscenum, Into The Abyss
Carcass - Necrotism, Heartwork, Swansong
Death - Leprosy, Human, Individual Thought Patterns, Symbolic
Decapitated - Nihility
Black Metal:
Bathory - Nordland I, Nordland II(both more Viking Metal, but well)
Gorgoroth - Destroyer, Antichrist, Pentagram, Under the Sign of Hell
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract, A Dead Poem, Khronos, Genesis, Sanctus Diavolos
Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon, The Oath of Black Blood
Astarte - Sirens
Burzum - Burzum/Aske, Det Som Engang Var, Filosofern, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Borknagar - Empiricism, The Olden Domain
Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium
Black/Death Metal:
Panzerchrist - Soul Collector, Room Service
Belphegor - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan, Lucifer Incestus, Goatreich- Fleshcult
Aura Noir - Black Thrash Attack
Deströyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
just to name a few :D
At 6/11/05 07:29 AM, -Charon- wrote: can any of you guys recommend some great black/death metal albums for me to get because im short of them from my collection, i already have albums by Nile, At the gates, Marduk, Windir, cradle of filth and dimmu borgir so no recommendations envolving those bands please. thanking you all kindly
Mayhem "De mysteriis dun sathanas"
Vader "Revelations"
Ulver "Nattens Madrigal"
At 6/11/05 07:29 AM, -Charon- wrote: can any of you guys recommend some great black/death metal albums for me to get because im short of them from my collection, i already have albums by Nile, At the gates, Marduk, Windir, cradle of filth and dimmu borgir so no recommendations envolving those bands please. thanking you all kindly
Try this:
Mayhem- De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Chimera, Wolf's Lair Abyss
Gorgoroth- Destroyer
Emperor- In the Nightside Eclipse, Prometheus: Discipline of Fire And Demise
Immortal- Battles in the North, Blizzard Beasts, At The Heart Of Winter, Sons Of Northern Darkness
Borknagar- Borknagar, The Olden Domain, Empiricism
Dawn Of Dreams- Darklight Awakening
Deteriorot- In Ancient Beliefs
Dissection- Storm of The Light's Bane, The Somberlain
Burzum- Filosofem, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Rotting Christ- A Dead Poem, Genesis
Nokturnal Mortem- Nekrist
Dimmu Borgir- Well, I know you said "NO DIMMU" but get stormblast anyway, you prbably don't have it
Ulver- Bergtatt, Nattens Madrigal
Dark Funeral- Secrets of the Black Arts, Vobiscum Satanas, Diabolis Interium
Arcturus- La Masquerade Infernale
Abruptum- Obscuricatem Advoco Amplicitere Me
Old Man's Child- The Pagan Prosperity
Behemoth- Sventivith
Bathory- Blood Fire Death
Nargaroth- Black Metal Ist Krieg
1349- Beyond The Apocolypse
Darkthrone- Under A Funeral Moon
That should do for now.
Thanks you all very much it looks like i shall be busy for awhile :D
Hey The_Ghoul, I'm almost done with my part of the split, so is "Shores of Midian" the final name?
At 6/11/05 01:25 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Hey The_Ghoul, I'm almost done with my part of the split, so is "Shores of Midian" the final name?
lol if it is i will silently chuckle to myself as i suggested that as a semi joke :P
At 6/11/05 01:27 PM, -Charon- wrote: lol if it is i will silently chuckle to myself as i suggested that as a semi joke :P
I know :P But I think it would actually fit ;)
At 6/11/05 01:25 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Hey The_Ghoul, I'm almost done with my part of the split, so is "Shores of Midian" the final name?
Sure, why the fuck not? I'm gonna include a picture of me corpsepainted and a picture of you corpsepainted for the booklet plus a photograph of a hillside after dusk as the album art with my logo and your logo on the sides.
Which reminds me, Goatchrist, can you send me a gif or jpeg of your logo? That would be appreciated. :) Btw, in the pic I'm taking of myself, I have a gauntlet on, a glove with two rows of screws in it, corpsepaint, and my flamed guitar. Metal \m/
At 6/11/05 03:01 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Sure, why the fuck not? I'm gonna include a picture of me corpsepainted and a picture of you corpsepainted for the booklet plus a photograph of a hillside after dusk as the album art with my logo and your logo on the sides.
That sounds very good. I'll make a photo of me in corpsepaint as soon as possible, next week, hopefully.
Which reminds me, Goatchrist, can you send me a gif or jpeg of your logo? That would be appreciated. :) Btw, in the pic I'm taking of myself, I have a gauntlet on, a glove with two rows of screws in it, corpsepaint, and my flamed guitar. Metal \m/
Can it get anymore metal? :) Perfect
Well, here's the logo:
At 6/11/05 07:51 PM, Goatchrist wrote:At 6/11/05 03:01 PM, The_Ghoul wrote:Can it get anymore metal? :) Perfect
Which reminds me, Goatchrist, can you send me a gif or jpeg of your logo? That would be appreciated. :) Btw, in the pic I'm taking of myself, I have a gauntlet on, a glove with two rows of screws in it, corpsepaint, and my flamed guitar. Metal \m/
Actually, yes it can. I have black jeans in which I'm putting a row of nails going up each pantleg
And I have a vest with nails at the shoulder.
At 6/11/05 08:06 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Actually, yes it can. I have black jeans in which I'm putting a row of nails going up each pantleg
And I have a vest with nails at the shoulder.
I wish I had your accessories :D
Well, 3 of my songs are done, all together clocking at about 12:30. I'm working on a fourth one and there might even be a fifth, not sure yet.
At 6/11/05 08:09 PM, Goatchrist wrote:At 6/11/05 08:06 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Actually, yes it can. I have black jeans in which I'm putting a row of nails going up each pantlegI wish I had your accessories :D
And I have a vest with nails at the shoulder.
They're all homemade. Just get a glove, an old leather jacket, and some jeans plus a hell of a lot of nails and screws.
Well, 3 of my songs are done, all together clocking at about 12:30. I'm working on a fourth one and there might even be a fifth, not sure yet.
Well, for me, it's four songs and just over a half hour.
At 6/12/05 06:15 AM, Salmondog wrote: Hahah Corpse Paint is tacky.
Well, fuck you then :)
does anyone here like slipknot? probly alredy been asked but do u no if they have plans for a new album yet? cos ahhh i wanna hear sum new stuff!!!
At 6/12/05 10:20 AM, cradleoffilth_guy wrote: does anyone here like slipknot? probly alredy been asked but do u no if they have plans for a new album yet? cos ahhh i wanna hear sum new stuff!!!
oh crap.... ¬¬