Ok I just saw the Dimmu Borgir preformance on Fuel tv and now im about to bitch intensely.
First off Shagrath has lost his touch ! He was barely screaming like mayhem or Nergal He was fucking moaning like a fucking zombie being assfucked with a rusty pitchfork!. And since when the hell did Galder leave Dimmu borgir?! I mean it's not a bad thing he was like one of the biggest posers of back metal I have ever laid eyes on.
I think the only two solutions are
A.Kick Shagrath and get a more intense vocalist (like how Marduk got Mortuus) lets face fact he's lost the power of black metal!
B. they made a more bad assed album than The re-recording of Stormbl@st
They only played two song The Serpentine Offering and half AND YES I SAID half of Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse!!! What kind of bullshit is that!
The only one in that band with vocal skill is Vortex his voice is amazeing!
It also seems they have a new drummer now.
Theres my bitching good night.
p.s Penis stop being such a COCK JOKE! LOLz