At 1/17/08 07:02 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
Let me explain something called, 'Disguising something pulled out of your ass on the spot as a song by giving it a title and put it on Youtube.'
Let explain Something called"You suck at lying, Cut it out"
The Quotes are already Fucked by now, so Your shit is in Italic.
You, on the other hand, happen to match that description. I have seen double amputees with more guitar skill than you.
Ok, I challenge you.
Play any of my songs.
ANY, It can be Benni or Anything, I will provide perfectly correct tabs, And even Teach you through it.
You suck so much,There's not a chance in Hell You'll manage even that, And if you do, I challenge you to a guitar duel.
And I for one, do not think that Black Metal is metal.
Idiot, Hypocrite, And Elitist, All in one.
It's basically a bunch of fuckers in corpse paint whining about how much they love bumming Satan and how dumb Christians are
Black metal is Almost always Pagan or Nihilist, Well the stuff I listen to.
Also, Stereotyping.
Then about how they burned down a church that was built for worshiping the Norse Gods because they are too retarded to read, let alone look up the history of a particular line of Churches.
They don't make songs about that you Fucking idiot. :S
Also, moar StereoTyping.
In fact, reading over that last paragraph, it appears that Black Metal is a satanic equivilant of rap, only with less musical skill required.
Black Metal is not Satanic.
It's Anti-Christian.
Also, Now you're stereotyping again.
And for the minority of Black Metal bands that have musical skill? I could care less. As it appears to be comparable in size to Scientologists with an IQ above 50.
And I loved how you ignored the fact that I have been playing the guitar for less than a year and have a minor case of amusia.
I've been playing for 3 years since Christmas, And I was able to play this and this in FAR less than a year, By one and a half year, I learned this by a year and a Half, The Last song I Learned, Was Necrophagist-Culinary Hyperversity , I Don't like to learn a lot of songs, I like to write stuff instead.
So I shall now close with this. I think I can find something better to do than come here all day. Peace fucking out. All of you.
For the..... 98576948763745246786545th time?