At 12/20/07 07:16 PM, mynameisDavid wrote:
.....kaaayy? if its shitty then why do people like it
100000000 times better then death metal
not only was this nine days late, but it was hilarious too. "If ____ is bad why do people like it?" is one of the dumbest statements one can use to support an opinion. Let me break it down for you:
1. The vast majority of people like shit, especially shit music. Examples: that "laffy taffy" song, Soulja Boy, etc. Shit food is big too, fast and junk food come to mind. Just because someone likes something doesn't mean you should too, nor does it justify your opinion, which brings me to my second point:
2. Saying that is like having a big sign on your chest that says "I AM A CONFORMIST! I LIKE STUFF BECAUSE OTHERS DO!" I hate football (american), but the majority of my nation loves it. Do I like it because they do? No. Liking something because millions of other people do is both lame and a waste of your money (what comes to mind is the 6 million people who bought Nickelbacks new album). One of humankinds greatest assets is the ability to form our own opinions and ideas, and when you waste this ability it's quite sad. It's like someone not bothering to read or learn to talk, though on a smaller scale.
3. Really though, it all really boils down to opinion, and that's what makes this statement even more lame. I don't give a shit if you hate death metal and like whatever you like to listen to. I listen to what I listen to, you listen to what you listen to, and unfortunately, what you listen to is not what we like to discuss here, therefore making your staying here pointless and a waste of all of our time. Use this new time, which you are not wasting by staying here, to find some new bands (i'm thinking about 10, maybe?) that maybe we could all discuss.
i'd respond to your little jab at how whatever you listen to is one hundred million times better than death metal, but you didn't give any sort of argument to support your opinion.