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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 18:01:06

At 10/11/07 05:59 PM, ShitOnAStick wrote:
At 10/11/07 05:42 PM, IrishGun wrote: Kekekekekeke.
A bajillion times cooler

Too bad the guy is a dick.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 18:24:46

At 10/11/07 05:59 PM, ShitOnAStick wrote:
At 10/11/07 05:42 PM, IrishGun wrote: Kekekekekeke.
A bajillion times cooler

I just realised for the first time that they fucked up the spelling of "hear" in the episode name.

Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 19:11:53

Has anyone seen when Dave Mustaine kicked everyones ass on celebrity Jeopardy? That was awesome.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 19:18:09

At 10/11/07 07:11 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Has anyone seen when Dave Mustaine kicked everyones ass on celebrity Jeopardy? That was awesome.

Haha yes.

And just like that....he was gone...

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 19:20:49

At 10/11/07 07:11 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Has anyone seen when Dave Mustaine kicked everyones ass on celebrity Jeopardy? That was awesome.

That was definitely one of the funnier things I've witnessed.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 19:56:34

At 10/11/07 07:11 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Has anyone seen when Dave Mustaine kicked everyones ass on celebrity Jeopardy? That was awesome.

Yea, its awsome. Here is a link to it on youtube. It is in two parts so watch them in order.

Dave Mustaine on Jeopardy Part 1

Dave Mustaine on Jeopardy Part 2

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 20:12:40

At 10/11/07 07:56 PM, Koleslaw wrote:
Dave Mustaine on Jeopardy Part 1

Dave Mustaine on Jeopardy Part 2

I could barely watch it with all those damn converted by: pop up text.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 20:35:12

At 10/11/07 05:26 PM, IrishGun wrote: I don't like Doom Metal OR Doomsword at all. I like one or two Doomsword songs, but that's pretty much it.

I don't understand how anyone can dislike doom metal, especially Doomsword. If i only listened to blazing fast power and brutal death all the time, I'd kill myself. I love variety in my music, and the slow-but-not-too-slow fills a vital niche.

also you don't know slow until you hear Sunn O)))

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 20:36:40

Oh, and i forgot. Sweet group. 'Metal Hell', Hell Yea!!!

I'm really into the 80s thrash scene. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, etc. Oldies like Iron Maiden & Pantera kick major ass as well and newbies like Trivium, COB & Sanctity also rock. I also like some wierd crap like Rammstein and Type O Negative, but i guess that just the drugs talking. Other stuff like Punk Metal also rocks. I just got Municipal Waste's 'Art of Partying' and it was friggin awsome. Short and sweet like The Misfits but with the energy of 'Kill'em All'.

Favourtie Album? Gotta stick with the classics. 'Master of Puppets'. Orion is pure friggin art and Cliff Burton inspired me to play the bass. I dont give a crap what other say about Metallica they are still the Masters of Metal.

I can't stand mainstream music. I think Bill Hicks summed it up exactly with saying every mainstream artist are 'ballless, soulless, spiritless, corporate little bitches, suckers of satan's c**k each & everyone of them.' Pretty much shows my feelings to.

One more thing, just bought Evile's debut album 'Enter the Grave'. If you like Slayer you should give these guys a chance. Needs a bit of polish but as far as debuts go it is pretty cool. That picture is thier album.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 21:38:50



Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 22:13:38

At 10/11/07 09:38 PM, TheBehemoth wrote: WHAT'S UP FAGS!?


Sup nig.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-11 22:21:07

At 10/11/07 09:38 PM, TheBehemoth wrote: WHAT'S UP FAGS!?


Your the FAG! >:(


When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 00:12:28

At 10/9/07 02:26 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote:
At 10/9/07 01:23 PM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote: There is no reason to hide what you like to do, unless your Christian because thats the whole basis behind that entire religion.
I'm not christian but there are some christian's here who I don't think will take that statement too kindly. You're sounding like Gaahl here, just a little bit...

While I find Gaahl and his philosophies to be truly amazing, I do not agree with his blatant displays of hatred and violence towards Christians. Violence is the solution of the weak minded, and I prefer to crush Christians' faith with logic and rebuttals to their flawed faith.

As for the debate on what Satanism is about, that is far too complicated and heated topic to put 'Metal Hell' through.

I will say this though, anyone that is looking to start a flam war because of my statements in regards to religion can look elsewhere. I have no intention of fighting over the internet.

At 10/9/07 03:28 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:
At 10/9/07 01:23 PM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote: Okay, question. What genre is Strapping Young Lad? My band and I can't decide. We dig Strapping Young Lad, but we have no idea what genre to say it is.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Industrial Metal.

I wouldn't say that, because when I think industrial I think Marilyn Manson. And last time I check SYL is nothing like MM.

And Last.fm is no help with this, lol.

And Now the Darkness Eternal Returns to Breathe the Air of the Living.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 00:19:20

At 10/12/07 12:12 AM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote:
At 10/9/07 02:26 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote:
At 10/9/07 01:23 PM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote:
While I find Gaahl and his philosophies to be truly amazing, I do not agree with his blatant displays of hatred and violence towards Christians. Violence is the solution of the weak minded, and I prefer to crush Christians' faith with logic and rebuttals to their flawed faith.

first of all what do you have against Christians besides the fundamentalist psychos who stereotype the whole religion, I am a Christian although I have a few new age beliefs along with it from my dad who is a a big new age person, I do not believe the Bible is literal, it is mostly a storybook explaining a bunch of morals based on some events that may or may not happened.

take for example, Noah's ark. the real story was most likely a bad flood happened in a town, and a fisherman and his family survived, and as the story was passed down throughout the generations it was changed to add more entertainment value in the story for the children

and I am glad you do not wish violence against Christians

Did you just put your balls on my sandwich?

Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 01:05:18

""TÝR will go into Jacob Hansen's [RAUNCHY, ROB ROCK, HATESPHERE, MERCENARY] studio in in December to record their fourth full-length album, due to be released by Napalm Records in April or May 2008. TÝR's preceding two albums, 'Ragnarok' and 'Eric the Red', [were] recorded at Jacob Hansen's studio. It is situated in Ribe on the Jutland peninsula in Denmark. Ribe is one of the oldest known large and organized viking settlements in Scandinavia, so it's only very fitting that TÝR record their albums there. The cooperation between TÝR and Jacob Hansen have been most appreciated by all parts involved so the decision for TÝR to continue recording at Jacob Hansen's studio was not a hard one."

TÝR's third album, "Ragnarok", was released in Europe in September 2006 via Napalm Records."

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 01:16:42

What programs do you guys use to program drums?


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 01:19:55

At 10/12/07 12:19 AM, Lost-Thought wrote: first of all what do you have against Christians besides...

I am glad that you chose not to attack my statements, but instead intelligently questioned them.

In my eyes Christianity represents everything that is flawed with society. It upholds blind faith and unquestioning loyalty as its golden laws. They attempt to make everyone a blind follower, and independent thought is looked down upon. They try to chain down desire, philosophy, artistic expression, and sexuality. Labeling such things as sin and evil.

It tries to teach that as a human you are filthy and vile by nature, and you should be ashamed of yourself unless you do what the Church says. It does this when one should truly love them self and be thankful for the life you have. You should be able to live your life to the fullest without being worried, ashamed, or guilty of your actions.

It teaches its followers to sit back and take punishment, to be weak and helpless. Humans should feel free to defend them selves and feel free to seek justice and vengeance. If you are wronged you should have the freedom to seek revenge and make yourself feel better.

The Church tries to cast everything into black and white categories of good and bad. The world does not operate in black and white. There is no outstanding good and bad. All actions have there reasons and an action should not be considered good or bad without a full understanding of the motivation. If a man kills another man, the killer is not evil if he acted out of defense.

Then there are those who claim to uphold these Christian laws, but turn out to be the most wicked. Those who kill, rape, and steal all while hiding behind the Church and living in nothing but a pool of hypocrisy.

In short, I choose to live not as a sheep, but as the goat and live my own life. I refuse to be bound by a flawed system of self-deceit and guilt.

And Now the Darkness Eternal Returns to Breathe the Air of the Living.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 01:28:29

At 10/12/07 01:19 AM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote:
At 10/12/07 12:19 AM, Lost-Thought wrote:
I am glad that you chose not to attack my statements, but instead intelligently questioned them.

In my eyes Christianity represents everything that is flawed with society. It upholds blind faith and unquestioning loyalty as its golden laws. They attempt to make everyone a blind follower, and independent thought is looked down upon. They try to chain down desire, philosophy, artistic expression, and sexuality. Labeling such things as sin and evil.

which is why most Christian rock sucks, it doesn't have the same soul and artistic expression that other music has

It tries to teach that as a human you are filthy and vile by nature, and you should be ashamed of yourself unless you do what the Church says. It does this when one should truly love them self and be thankful for the life you have. You should be able to live your life to the fullest without being worried, ashamed, or guilty of your actions.

I agree to a certain extent, but in some cases you should feel guilty about your actions, such as raping someone or attacking someone without any reason too

The Church tries to cast everything into black and white categories of good and bad. The world does not operate in black and white. There is no outstanding good and bad. All actions have there reasons and an action should not be considered good or bad without a full understanding of the motivation. If a man kills another man, the killer is not evil if he acted out of defense.

which is why I hate the fundamentalists

Then there are those who claim to uphold these Christian laws, but turn out to be the most wicked. Those who kill, rape, and steal all while hiding behind the Church and living in nothing but a pool of hypocrisy.

also why I hate fundamentalists

in the news of metal: I got an extremely rough draft of the first part of a song me and my band I am getting going are writing, I am not quite sure what genre I have done, so when I get a better quality recording of it I will share it with you

Did you just put your balls on my sandwich?

Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 01:35:37

At 10/12/07 01:28 AM, Lost-Thought wrote: which is why most Christian rock sucks, it doesn't have the same soul and artistic expression that other music has

Last night I was in a car with some people listening to christian rock, it was excruciating. I wanted to jump out of the car. D:<


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 01:56:59

I agree with your points Call of the Wild, but it's rude to call followers of Christianity sheep. There are intelligent and unintelligent people that worship under any given religion. To lump them all into the category of "sheep" is to say that they're all simple followers and is a generalization, and quite frankly is to me disrespectful. By all means, state what you don't believe, state why you don't believe it, but never insult the people who do. By calling Christian's sheep you're attacking the message as well as the messengers, when it should just be about the message.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 02:00:06

At 10/12/07 01:56 AM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: I agree with your points Call of the Wild, but it's rude to call followers of Christianity sheep. There are intelligent and unintelligent people that worship under any given religion. To lump them all into the category of "sheep" is to say that they're all simple followers and is a generalization, and quite frankly is to me disrespectful. By all means, state what you don't believe, state why you don't believe it, but never insult the people who do. By calling Christian's sheep you're attacking the message as well as the messengers, when it should just be about the message.

I wouldn't call them sheep if they didn't call themselves that.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand" (John 10:27-28, NKJV)

And Now the Darkness Eternal Returns to Breathe the Air of the Living.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 02:37:08

At 10/12/07 02:00 AM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote: Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand" (John 10:27-28, NKJV)

Well first, the way they used sheep there is a little different, which would switch the context. They didn't use sheep in that verse as a term for simple minded followers, it was used to describe followers period. Many people have had followers, but that doesn't automatically make the people who follow them simple or close minded.

Second, just because the person who wrote that found sheep to be a good metaphor doesn't mean that all Christian's "Call themselves that." and as Lost-Thought made it clear, there are obviously Christians who don't believe in the Bible as 100% infallible fact anyway.

Sheep as you meant it, meant a group of people who are simple and will follow anything handed to them. Sheep in the context of that verse was just meant to be a metaphor for people following jesus. One is insulting and is a generalization, one is a simple comparison.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 05:53:42

The new Agatus album is currently being recorded and stylewise it's turning more towards traditional metal and it's gonne be epic as hell. I think that even you TYR fans here might dig their new stuff! I'll keep you updated.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 08:46:39

At 10/12/07 05:53 AM, Goatchrist wrote: The new Agatus album is currently being recorded and stylewise it's turning more towards traditional metal and it's gonne be epic as hell. I think that even you TYR fans here might dig their new stuff! I'll keep you updated.

I hope it's as good as Dawn of Matyrdom.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 09:47:57

At 10/12/07 01:05 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: ""TÝR will go into Jacob Hansen's [RAUNCHY, ROB ROCK, HATESPHERE, MERCENARY] studio in in
December to record their fourth full-length album, due to be released by Napalm Records in April or
May 2008.

Can't wait!

This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 10:07:04

At 10/12/07 08:46 AM, Metal-Command wrote: I hope it's as good as Dawn of Matyrdom.

Have you tried "The Weaving Fates" yet? It's their second album from 2002. It's not as good as DoM, but still excellent material. I don't think that they'll be able to reach the glory of DoM again, but they might come close :)

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 11:02:46

At 10/12/07 01:35 AM, omfgItsZoidy wrote:
At 10/12/07 01:28 AM, Lost-Thought wrote: which is why most Christian rock sucks, it doesn't have the same soul and artistic expression that other music has
Last night I was in a car with some people listening to christian rock, it was excruciating. I wanted to jump out of the car. D:<

Listen to Antestor or Stryper, you'll be eating your words with one of those little pansy forks the snooty folk use.

Anyway, it seems like ages since I've talked about metal.

So @Valley of the Damned: Remixed and Remastered

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 12:08:18

At 10/11/07 11:23 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Then fuck you with a lead pipe.
At 10/11/07 04:40 PM, IrishGun wrote: I thought we were off this topic of wrongness? >:(


At 10/11/07 04:42 PM, Nev wrote: Oh and Symphony X are supporting.

Not bad, eh ;)?

That's awesome! Enjoy it.

At 10/11/07 05:59 PM, ShitOnAStick wrote: A bajillion times cooler

DEFINITELY! That ruled with Mustaine!

At 10/11/07 07:11 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Has anyone seen when Dave Mustaine kicked everyones ass on celebrity Jeopardy? That was awesome.

I haven't. :(

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 12:09:38

At 10/11/07 08:35 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 10/11/07 05:26 PM, IrishGun wrote: I don't like Doom Metal OR Doomsword at all. I like one or two Doomsword songs, but that's pretty much it.
I don't understand how anyone can dislike doom metal, especially Doomsword. If i only listened to blazing fast power and brutal death all the time, I'd kill myself.
also you don't know slow until you hear Sunn O)))

Ronan are not to be caring.

At 10/11/07 05:59 PM, ShitOnAStick wrote:
At 10/11/07 05:42 PM, IrishGun wrote: Kekekekekeke.
A bajillion times cooler

It's nice to know that some cartoon artists have good taste in music.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-12 12:24:33

At 10/12/07 12:13 PM, Rokuro wrote: I discovered Wintersun the other day... horry shit. Not only does it have the ex Ensiferum front man, but the songs are actually GOOD! :D

We need to get you a time machine. I'm surprised you never seen us talk about Wintersun somewhere before at some point. And it isnt so much as ex ensiferums front man, as much as wintersuns front mans side project with ensiferum. Then leaving it to concentrate back on wintersun.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

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