At 9/11/07 05:49 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
You're not a viking, you're a whiny teenager. Now, I don't hate you, you just annoy the living hell out of me.
I am TOO A viking.
I might not Wear a Stereotypical helmet or whatever But!
I can read runes.
I speak the Language of the Vikings EVERY DAY, Perfectly.
I Have the Eddas in my home.
I have the Íslendingasögur in my home.
I know all the myth. ALL of it.
I Eat Þorramatur (Food of the vikings) Not Only once a year, But like Once every 2 weeks.
There is no Mix in the Bloodline, So my Grandgrand.... etc. dad was a viking, He had a kid with a viking woman etc, There was no Celtic or Whatever in between.
Oh, And my house?
Do you know where I live?
I live on the Hill that Njál's House was on.
The Legendary Icelandic Viking!
It was burnt down, But his family (AKA mine rebuilt it eventually, Which Is why we have a huge yard, Because It's just the Family Land from Ancient times)
Now, To the parts that make me not Viking.
I don't Pillage?
Not all Vikings Did.
I don't...... Errr.....