At 7/4/18 05:21 PM, NeonSpider wrote:
Here's another I've found on another user
Street Brawler
27/22 (690/490 points)
Another great catch on a broken medal/medal issue.
Once it gets cleared up, you should take a day off to relax. ;)
At 7/4/18 05:21 PM, NeonSpider wrote:
Here's another I've found on another user
Street Brawler
27/22 (690/490 points)
Another great catch on a broken medal/medal issue.
Once it gets cleared up, you should take a day off to relax. ;)
Unpublished Submission
You receive one medal, Welcome, which is a 5 points medal for starting the game.
You then get the following message
This product may be stolen!
Please contact staff at for more detail.
And you cannot actually play the game.
Most likely this would be a good candidate for Newgrounds mods to just delete entirely, not just removing the medals.
At 7/10/18 01:44 AM, NeonSpider wrote:
You receive one medal, Welcome, which is a 5 points medal for starting the game.
Yes, that one medal does work.
You then get the following message
This product may be stolen!
Please contact staff at for more detail.
And you cannot actually play the game.
Yes, the game can not be played. Have you tried contacting the author?
Most likely this would be a good candidate for Newgrounds mods to just delete entirely, not just removing the medals.
If it is actually stolen than it should be removed.
I see PRO-R has been switched to HTTP in what I can assume is an attempt to see if that would fix the issue.
It doesn't. The game still throws up the exact same warning message and you're not allowed to play. It should be removed.
Since it is becoming a problem recently I decided to make this small list with tags and a request: @RianVictorVergel @HellsLost @MakeGamesHappen @RiceGames @NiobiuMmm make medals in your games work and test them, PM me or any other API moderator or remove the broken medals from your games. If these medals will not be fixed soon they will be removed anyway.
I am happy to announce that the problem with games from Carmel Games (DeathTiger0) noticed some time ago has been resolved by the authors and all their games are playable again. Just let me know if anybody would encounter any medals-related issues.
This needs to be set to HTTP
It's the case with all of jupitron's games that all of them need HTTP and as expected, since it's on HTTPS the game freezes upon meeting the first medal requirements.
At 7/19/18 07:09 PM, NekoMika wrote:
Not a broken medal per say but wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue:
Trying to get the final achievement (89 achievement unlock) but I noticed the longer I left the game open over time (along with how often I had been farming on this game for almost the past week) the worse the FPS got. I started to change out the equipment so that I can as much gold as possible while gaining as little loot as possible but the game still stuck around 11 - 15 FPS rather than going back to 30 FPS despite there being less loot overall. I notice a couple of reviews also pointed out this issue as well.
Let's see... when did I finally get that medal? 2015... so I was playing it on my previous, weaker laptop... I'll tell you something even more "funny": at the latest stages of that game I was even experiencing the FPS at the level of 4-5. I tried everything to save as much CPU/RAM as possible (a surprisingly resource-consuming game, isn't it? ;-) ), but it did not help much. In my opinion it is an internal problem of the game, possibly bad memory management or something like that. At the first try I gave up, but some time later I decided to return to it & finally get through all of this and it was really slooooow... Maybe that helped a bit, I remember I was keeping my inventory as empty as possible, holding only the really necessary equipment.
At 7/19/18 07:35 PM, NekoMika wrote:At 7/19/18 07:33 PM, HerbieG wrote:
I'm going to go ahead and assume that there will never be a 1.0.2 update to fix the loot system inventory. Glad to know I was not the only one experiencing this. I may come back for the achievement at another time but if the FPS is going to get THAT BAD the close to 100 billion gold I get, kind of demotivational honestly. Thanks for your response though, I really appreciate it. With that being said, should the 89 achievement medal stay for those who are willing to deal with that FPS?
Well, it works, so yes. I'll show you something even more ridiculous, no FPS problems, but... go see for yourself ;-)
Just 1 000 000 taps or clicks... I think this one I will not to go for... An... idiotic medal, but 100% functional ;-)
At 7/19/18 07:46 PM, NekoMika wrote:At 7/19/18 07:43 PM, HerbieG wrote: Well, it works, so yes. I'll show you something even more ridiculous, no FPS problems, but... go see for yourself ;-)Seems rather time consuming, in-cases for games like these, would you consider using auto-clickers for incremental games to be cheating?
Just 1 000 000 taps or clicks... I think this one I will not to go for... An... idiotic medal, but 100% functional ;-)
Oh c'mon, you are asking a moderator ;-) I never use an auto-clicker for any clicker game, for 3 reasons:
1) It ruins the fun - and if a game has a highscore board and the game is fresh you can easily see who is using a "support" and who is not; I still remember the Idle Web Tycoon in this context... I was tapping constantly, but few people just passed me on the list like I was just... staying idle. I even remember reporting some of the scores to PulseLane, which he deleted.
2) If you play on a laptop with a mouse attached you actually got 3 ways at the time to click and it gives you enough speed; however it does not work on Beat the Zombie game since you simply cannot beat those zombies faster, because the whole hit animation has to go on;
3) as you said - that would be cheating :-)
At 7/19/18 08:08 PM, NekoMika wrote:At 7/19/18 08:04 PM, HerbieG wrote: 3) as you said - that would be cheating :-)That's all I really needed to know, and yea; I have seen a few times where it is really obvious to see who is cheating since their scores will be far higher than what anyone else has ever been able to gain. Medal game or not, seems some people can never resist cheating on games just for that "high score" which is pretty much pointless if you are not trying to have fun getting on to that top 20 scoreboard.
To be honest I personally never cared much about my place on the highscore board. Maybe few times I actually wanted to reach a higher spot, but it happens very rarely. There indeed are websites where the place on the highscore list gives you additional points to your achievements ranking, but it is an interesting option to implement only when the games and the website itself are safe from hackers.
Thanks to whoever is fixing these HTTP problem games.
Got some more jupitron games which all need to be set to HTTP and I believe these are the last ones
At 7/20/18 05:12 AM, NeonSpider wrote: Thanks to whoever is fixing these HTTP problem games.
Got some more jupitron games which all need to be set to HTTP and I believe these are the last ones
These should all be updated now, they might take a few minutes to re-cache.
At 7/20/18 08:30 AM, TomFulp wrote: These should all be updated now, they might take a few minutes to re-cache.
Thanks! I just know there were a lot of jupitron medal games, many of them quite hard, and would be a shame if they were broken when all that was needed was set to HTTP.
I also know all of his games would freeze upon medal get when on HTTPS but work fine when set to HTTP. Probably because he used some old medals API or something? Regardless it was pretty consistent.
And whereas most people just had one or a few games that might need the change, literally all of his games needed it and now I believe they should work correctly (or at least as correctly as they're going to work).
At 7/3/18 03:31 PM, PulseLane wrote:At 7/1/18 07:55 PM, NeonSpider wrote: I guess this would go in the broken medals thread?? Considering these are likely medals which were previously awarded, then removed but for some reason not removed from points on profile?? @Nijsse could you please fix these or whoever is able to fix them please fix them?Should be fixed, thanks for the report
I found one more, might just be the author who has them.
Medals Earned: 19/10 (650/330 points)
I had the same issue with Loot Clicker. I gave up on it for now because I'm not going to spend the time selling thousands of loot pieces to try to make the game actually run. Don't remember if it slows down just my browser or my whole computer, but it's annoying.
See my news post with medal hunting links and tools. I made a program NGMedals that finds your statistics and unearned medals.
There is also a browser script.
Maintainer of the Top Medal Point Users List and API Mod - feel free to PM with any issues.
At 8/5/18 09:38 AM, Bobogoobo wrote: I found one more, might just be the author who has them.
It usually is just one person who has phantom medals on a game beyond the maximum. Is going to be more of an issue with people who are among the higher medal scorers rather than those who don't have very many medals (since it's very unfair to other top scorers), though yes technically it should be fixed on anybody.
My assumption is they earned medals which formerly existed in a game, yet were removed, yet for some reason which did not remove from their medals points. Because I'm not sure how else that would happen. 100% of the times for me, when some medal was removed which I had, or some game was removed, it did remove from my medals points.
If you see it on anyone in the top 200 let's say, then yes report those.
There are also unfortunately some games where the entire game was removed yet medals points remain on some people, and apparently in those cases they haven't fixed it/aren't going to fix it. I've reported some of those in this thread as well but there are others. Slightly different issue from where the game still exists but one has phantom medals on it. Same unfair result though. If you click to play a game and the game has been removed, or if they have any medals points at all out of 0 total medals points possible, then you'll know it's this scenario.
I had the same issue with Loot Clicker. I gave up on it for now because I'm not going to spend the time selling thousands of loot pieces to try to make the game actually run. Don't remember if it slows down just my browser or my whole computer, but it's annoying.
There are plenty of lagfest games. Not broken as there are still people who can earn them, but maybe not fun to play or maybe not earnable for everyone unless they upgrade RAM or graphics card or get a better computer. Sometimes you must use lag-reducing strategies when playing such games. bioDigit is a great example of that. Read my comment on the game for the correct strategy to use for getting all medals in bioDigit while avoiding some (not all) of the inexcusable and unplayable lag.
If need be you might have to clear cache and start a game all over again, using a lag-reducing strategy from the start.
Also plenty plenty of games which cheat medals, yet if you clear cache and play it again another day, one of the times you do this it may award. Yes even if it requires huge time investments to even get one more shot at it.
And also plenty of games which don't award medals unless if played early in the month (these would be all games which use nutcase nightmare API and always HTML5 games). They tend to need both HTTP *and* that you play the game early in the month.
Unpublished Submission
Game hasn't worked for a while now, unfortunately.
Since the game itself doesn't work, may need unpublishing and not just medals removal, unless the author will fix it.
At 8/10/18 12:05 PM, NeonSpider wrote:
Game hasn't worked for a while now, unfortunately.
Since the game itself doesn't work, may need unpublishing and not just medals removal, unless the author will fix it.
Gonna try as HTTP.
At 8/10/18 12:08 PM, TomFulp wrote:
Gonna try as HTTP.
Sorry to interfere, but there are plenty of examples of games/medals that fail to work even when switched to http. I know that you probably have plenty of things to do, but remember about those fixes I told you some time ago. It is really needed to be able to remove medals without ruining the stats and to fix the stats of a certain game if something goes wrong, currently the moderators got completely no "powers" to do this.
By the way, that FPA game works fine on Kongregate and Crazygames (both on https), so it can be either something with the NG build of the game or something on the NG side.
And apparently something failed when you were trying to set it on http, because at first after clicking on "play" another same https tab opened, now it is back on https.
I tried to get in touch with the author many months ago with no success.
At 8/10/18 12:28 PM, HerbieG wrote: Sorry to interfere, but there are plenty of examples of games/medals that fail to work even when switched to http.
In many though not all cases, if this happens on a HTML5 game it is because it uses the nutcasenightmare medals API. And in these cases it usually also needs to be switched to HTTP.
However, you also must play the game and try for the medals earlier in the month rather than later as what happens is the bandwidth for whatever external site that uses tends to be slurped up before month's end and once that happens such games will likely freeze upon earning a medal even if on HTTP (though to reiterate they do tend to also need to be on HTTP).
To see if this is the case, wait until a new month and try the game again early in the month. If it then works you will know this is the case.
Of course this isn't the case in all cases, so literally any game which requires some external site's functionality to work, and for which that external site is no longer maintained and/or doesn't work anymore, will then be broken at least unless the site is brought back to working condition, but that's outside of newgrounds itself.
In the specific case of nutcase nightmare medals API, this renews every month, so when the bandwidth exhausts before end of month, all nutcase nightmare medals games are then broken until next month when bandwidth is renewed and the games work again, at least until/unless the bandwidth all gets used up again which is likely.
Both of these need HTTP. They're Nutcasenightmare API games and even though the bandwidth for it isn't yet exceeded this month (Dandy Cave Explorer, another Nutcasenightmare API game but one which has been set to HTTP works fine at the moment) they will need to be HTTP or just endless freezing instead of medal get.
It seems to work like -- if it's Nutcasenightmare API and not HTTP then game freeze upon medal get.
If it's Nutcasenightmare API and HTTP and bandwidth not exceeded for the month, then medal get works correctly.
If it's Nutcasengihtmare API and HTTP and bandwidth exceeded for the month, then game freeze upon medal get.
Hopefully no one is using that API for newer games, but the old ones will need to at least be set to HTTP to give people a chance to earn medals in the games at least early in months prior to bandwidth being exceeded.
It could possibly be fixed for all such games. A compatible API but which uses only Newgrounds resources could be made, then an admin would need to run a script to find the Nutcasenightmare API code in all such games and replace with the alternate compatible code.
Until or unless someone does that, the best that can be done is set all such games to HTTP at the least.
At 8/14/18 01:11 AM, NeonSpider wrote:
Both of these need HTTP. They're Nutcasenightmare API games and even though the bandwidth for it isn't yet exceeded this month (Dandy Cave Explorer, another Nutcasenightmare API game but one which has been set to HTTP works fine at the moment) they will need to be HTTP or just endless freezing instead of medal get.
Updated to HTTP, hope it helps!
At 8/14/18 07:54 AM, TomFulp wrote: Updated to HTTP, hope it helps!
Thanks that's just what it needed (barring a universal fix for all Nutcasenightmare medal API games).
I was able to just now get a medal in one of the games even.
Not sure about this one. I get it that he's trying to test out if the medals work, but as you can see they do not.
At 8/14/18 07:07 PM, SLjimbolian wrote:
Not sure about this one. I get it that he's trying to test out if the medals work, but as you can see they do not.
Since it is still in the under judgment phase let's say the NG community should know what to do with this. I PMed the author suggesting the "voluntary withdrawal" of it, but got no response.
At 8/14/18 08:09 PM, HerbieG wrote:At 8/14/18 07:07 PM, SLjimbolian wrote:
Not sure about this one. I get it that he's trying to test out if the medals work, but as you can see they do not.
Yes I Was thinking I would work but I'm not a flash expert this is my first medal project I will try too better it
At 8/15/18 01:17 AM, Fidget-Playz wrote:At 8/14/18 08:09 PM, HerbieG wrote:Yes I Was thinking I would work but I'm not a flash expert this is my first medal project I will try too better itAt 8/14/18 07:07 PM, SLjimbolian wrote:
Not sure about this one. I get it that he's trying to test out if the medals work, but as you can see they do not.
There is nothing wrong with trying something new. Good luck on your next game with medals that work correctly.
Yes I Was thinking I would work but I'm not a flash expert this is my first medal project I will try too better itThere is nothing wrong with trying something new. Good luck on your next game with medals that work correctly.
Thank you!
At 8/19/18 08:57 PM, RightTime wrote: Any progress with fixing CAZE's medal issues @CjElliott ?
Is there any chance that the issues with medals not unlocking on this game could be solved by reverting it to http? There hasn't been an unlock for it since September of 2017. I also tried my hand at trying to get them unlocked, just in case the author had fixed the medal issues since then. No dice on three different browsers.
That game is just all kinds of messed up. Certain medals never awarded or only awarded to one or two people.
The last level itself is broken and in fact not completable as you lose even if you win, and thus the final level medal on the three difficulties was never obtainable anyway, for at least that reason. You must play the game on high quality as you will lose in certain levels if played on medium or low quality due to extremely bad game design.
As for playing other difficulties, you basically can't, unless for some reason the game lets you. I do have some medals in hard because at some point the game was letting me play those levels (but not the levels in medium) for some reason.
The idea is each difficulty is supposed to unlock upon beating the previous, except since the last level is bugged you can't actually beat it, so if you beat it you instead lose instead of win.
This is why you will notice the vast majority of people only have the first 9 medals anyway. I certainly have the skill to get full medals completion in that game, if it wasn't bugged to all hell.
And keep in mind this is before whatever issues you're running into now, which I assume are different from those issues.
It has so many medal issues (and always has) it probably just needs to be de-medalled entirely.
If you're seen broken medals, now what?...