At 4/26/18 07:15 PM, Optimos wrote:
I literally knew all of these tricks, don't worry. I always make sure a medal or several medals from a game have registered in my profile before closing it and moving on.
Maybe the one thing I'm not used to is clearing my cache, but it's because I've had save files from games accidentally erased looots of times because of doing this. Just to let you know, I reached the last stage of Pixelo 3-4 times starting from zero before actually finishing the whole game. So eventually I learnt to leave my cache and my cookies untouched lol.
Either way it's good to let everyone know about those tips to avoid that disappointing feeling when a medal you earned doesn't unlock.
What you can do that's kind of a half-solution is if you don't like clearing your cache, start up the game again in a different flavor of browser. So if you'd played the game up to a certain point in Chrome and don't feel like clearing cache, start it up again in Firefox, or vica-versa. Or you can even use Opera or something else.
Though if a game doesn't work in either Firefox or Chrome, it is coded really really badly. And yes there are games like that.
Perhaps there should be better standards for quality of a game before it is allowed medals, but such is not and has not historically been the case on Newgrounds.
I know there are games that are a real chore to get through. Not difficulty. Just pain in the butt because they either take way too long, are just plain buggy and require tons of trial/error and workarounds, or the game freezes up a lot or lags to all hell or other really inexcusable bugs.
I think we should generally disallow quiz games, clickers, idlers, overly-simple platformers, overly-simple runners, pong clones, overly-simple adventure genre games, and generally "first game I ever made hey everyone look at meeee!" type games from having medals. But existing such games with medals should be grandfathered in. But yeah such restrictions are not likely to happen.