At 5/16/17 10:31 AM, Shantom wrote:
If the problem was with your high score, I could've easily removed it so you can attempt it again. The author shouldn't have removed a working medal just because it didn't work for you.
Yes and you would have had to manually remove it each time it didn't work, something a normal user and non-moderator couldn't do. And not just for me, but for anyone else who should have obtained it but didn't, etc... So yes it really was broken.
I spent an hour or so to confirm whether the medal is working or not, just to have it removed? because it wasn't working for you?
No. Because it actually was broken.
Did anyone else try? No.
It's a lengthy medal to obtain, so few people would have it *anyway*. It's not like a medal hundreds of people were going to have. I'm sure other people did try but simply didn't make it far enough, as the high score tables would be proof enough of whoever it affected.
I asked in my post ( here and here) for others to confirm it but no one did (only HerbieG 'who followed my first post' attempted the 5k medal and achieved it after a while.)
That medal was working until the 3rd user confirms otherwise.
That's not how computer programs work.
Removing your high score never occurred to me until now. Maybe it would've fixed your problem (since it was only on your side and the medal was clearly working.)
Except removing the score would have given me only a single attempt at it, etc... plus if anything went wrong during that attempt, same manual workaround (not doable by the regular users themselves). Plus the same exact thing could have happened with anyone else and you are literally *LUCKY* it didn't happen to you! Although in your exact case you can delete your scores so it wouldn't matter, but you're not a normal user either.
And that's not at all "on my side" when it is literally on the server side. Should anyone else encounter the problem where the high score registers but the medal doesn't award even once, they would then *never* be able to obtain the medal. Even if the initial reason for that is client-side, the persistence of it is server-side. But I'm not sure you're following.
Can regular users delete their scores? No, they can't. So that's not a viable workaround.
Checking Aventuras do Sr Riso again.. I see you achieved that medal you said "100% not working"... What changed?
The game was not updated since then, which means it was working all this time.
No it doesn't. Have you considered asking me how or why it unlocked this time but not before? During the time I unlocked it I had Supporter status and prior to that I did not. The game literally spams the Newgrounds API to the point it gets temporarily blacklisted (and you'd know this if you thoroughly read through the actual information available for games programmers in the site). But of course you haven't. You're not a programmer. You're actually not qualified to make this judgment.
So, no, it wasn't working. It was spamming the medals API. It just so happens perhaps Newgrounds is a bit more tolerant of this spam if it happens to come from a Supporter account rather than a regular account is all.
So, instead of calling me a bias (even though you really don't know me), you could've done a better job at testing. And again, I always welcome a 3rd or a 4th party member but no one showed up.
Hold up. I did not call you biased "because I did not know you". I called you biased because your actions were biased. I evaluated your actions at the time, not your personality. I even said that perhaps you were not aware of your own bias, and perhaps it was not consciously done. Go look up something called bias blind spot. It's not an uncommon human condition. Basically people don't tend to be aware of the biases they hold.
Simply put, if a medal worked for someone after it failed to work for someone else, then the medal is working.
Not necessarily. See above arguments.
You either had a problem back then or there is a certain trick to obtain it. The more people to confirm it, the better.
(even if the medal is not working for me but working for someone else, it stays.)
The problem is that game spams Newgrounds API because it is badly coded. So if you get the medal before the temporary blacklist, you get the medal. Otherwise you don't (and you have to wait hours before you try again, at which point get temp blacklist again). And it just so happens Newgrounds is more tolerant of Supporter accounts spamming the API, so your odds on obtaining that are much greater with a Supporter or better account versus a regular one.