At 11/8/15 07:39 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 11/8/15 04:20 PM, DeftonesFan665 wrote:
Anyways, no, they've only been caught once, which was in the Jets locker room filming incident. They cheated once, since
there is no concrete evidence on Deflate gate.
Even if you don't count deflate gate, the Patriots are still caught and convicted cheaters. They will never live that down. All of Brady and Belichick's accomplishments have an asterisk next to them.
The only thing I've been trying to say since the beginning of this conversation is that:
1. The Patriots have fucked up in the past, but you and people like you can put the word 'cheater' in front of their team name all you want. How they're playing right now and how they have been playing for past several seasons haven't been because they cheated this way or that way. They won so many games because they're a good team. When you look at the players they've had and have now, that is a big part of why they're a successful team. Right now with an elite quarterback, the current best tight end in the NFL, a great RB, and a couple pretty good WR's, plus terrific offensive, defensive, and passing stats, they're not cheating, they're winning whether you like it or not.
2. Just stop bitching and moaning about the Patriots for the above reasons. Nobody can deny facts without looking stupid. They're not cheating right now like they did once several years ago, so putting the word 'cheater' in front of them right now is irrelevant. Just saying because it's annoying. I'm not even a fan like I've said before, but I've watched them play several times and they're not out on the field pulling any funny shit, they're just playing good games of football.
they contently flaunt and brag about every little thing.
Proof? Even if you do provide proof, pretty sure every team flaunts and gloats here and there. If the Patriots did it about every little thing, I would probably know what you're talking about. If you think jumping up and down or smiling is gloating because you won a game or your defense made a good play, it's really not.