At 2/11/04 04:27 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
what's on the other end of teh help file, anyway? Just the readme, or actual help stuff? Details, please! My curiosity abounds.
All it has is just a little tutorial on what percents equal what levels, and an FAQ, explain about the credts, credits.mid and the calculation buttons
Here's what it says if you're intrested.
"Help file for Voting Power Calculator 1.50
It's really quite simple to use, just enter in one of the following
percents that corresponds to your Blam/Save Level.
(Note, you need not add the % after the number. If you do the
program will not let you do your calculations.)
Citizen 0%
Safety Patrol 2%
Security Guard 4 %
Police Officer 6 %
Police Sergeant 8%
Police Lieutenant 10%
Police Captain 12%
Elite Guard Private 14%
Elite Guard Private First Class 16%
Elite Guard Corporal 18%
Elite Guard Sergeant 20%
Elite Guard Staff Sergeant 22%
Elite Guard Sergeant First Class 24%
Elite Guard Master Sergeant 26%
Elite Guard Sergeant Major 28%
Elite Guard Praporshchik 30%
Elite Guard Second Lieutenant 32%
Elite Guard First Lieutenant 34%
Elite Guard Captain 36%
Elite Guard Major 38%
Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel 40%
Elite Guard Colonel 42%
Elite Guard Brigadier General 44%
Elite Guard Major General 46 %
Elite Guard Lieutenant General 48%
Elite Guard General 55%
Elite Guard Supreme Commander 60%
But the fun doesn't stop there; you can add pretty much any
percents in there that you want. But if you get too high it will
start reading out in Hexadecimal. and eventually Crash
Q. Why am I getting Invalid Blam/Save Rank?
A. Well I designed the program to work with many
Percentages, but it will only display the
correct Ranks for the percents 0 - 60
(being even with the exception of rank 25) if you
entered 61% you'll receive that error, just
like you would if you entered 1%. Just a little
feature some people thought I should add.
Q. Why can't I click on any of the calculation buttons?
A. Seeing as how this is a calculator, I had to take certain
measures so you can't enter words or just random crap
"jaskdhsajhd" and then try to calculate it, seeing
as that would crash the program. So make sure you enter
the numbers in the correct order, Your Exp, Lv30 Exp,
and Rank percent, and both buttons should unlock.
If you do them in a different order, it might also unlock.
But most of the time they stay Grayed out and unclick able.
Q. Why do I not see any Credits when I click on the Credits
A. Well, After you hear the song wait about 10 to 15 seconds.
and you will see them start scrolling by.
Q. Why don't I hear any Music playing with the Credits?
A. Included with this program is a midi file called "Credits.Mid"
Don't remove, or rename it if you do the Credits page will no
longer have any sound.
Questions? Comments? Drop me an Email:"