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Review Request Club

853,445 Views | 8,785 Replies
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Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-21 17:21:42

This club aims to increase the exposure of the most under-rated Newgrounds music, art and flash artists. The other major purpose of the club is to offer the Newgrounds artists high quality feedback so they can constantly improve their work.

To the requesters:
Every Newgrounds user is allowed to request a review as soon as he submitted something. To get your work reviewed, don't post here without thinking but follow these few rules:

- Post a direct link to the submission(s) you want reviewed.
- Make no more than 3 requests between two updates (that's two weeks).
- Please respond to reviews, reviewers like it and some of them are statwho... oh wait, interested in stats.
- Be patient. Due to the points system, you may not see reviews until up to two weeks after you requested, or if you requested more than 1 Audio submission, you may not see reviews on your second submission up until 3 weeks after you requested, and you may not see reviews on your third submission up until 4 weeks after you requested.
- Do NOT request without posting a link, be kind, reviewers are not robots.
- Do NOT just say "Review everything" or just link to your profile.
- Do NOT request reviews for the same submission more than once.
- Do NOT request reviews for a submission with over 50 reviews.
- Do NOT request reviews for spam. Spam is only there to annoy, not to be critically analyzed.
- Unless you are a club member, only request reviews for YOUR OWN submissions.

To the reviewers:
If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you would like to join. Then, regular members will go through your reviews and determine if they are good enough to be part of the club. Your reviews are required to be useful, developed and well organised. If you need help with writing good reviews, read Fro's guide to writing helpful reviews.

Once you are accepted, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club and once you understand how the point system works, please post - one or two days before the update - the total points you've earned during the week. This is considered as a sort of application form, and if you fail to do so, you will NOT be added to the club.

Points System:
List updaters will keep track of each member's points in order to build a list. You don't need to post your points before each update but you can keep track of your score on your own so any error can be fixed. This is how points are counted:

5 points for a review on a requested submission (flash, game, art, lit or audio).
1 point for writing "Review Request Club" at the bottom of a requested review.
3 points for posting at least once throughout the two weeks.
5 points for referring a new member (must mention you in first post).
7 points for reviewing all requests/recommendations between two updates.

Club Updates:
Each other Sunday or Monday, a list of all the members is created, counting up their points, featuring various stats and posting a list of requested submissions. Assuming you review the submissions listed, you will get points for them on the following members' update, 14 or 15 days later.

Don't forget the lists are built and updated by humans so it may be possible the update is delayed due to various real life reasons. If it ever occurs, don't get mad; calm down and wait ;).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Should we have an FAQ?
I don't know. It kinda seems like overkill.

Why a new thread?
The main idea was to give the club a new and fresh start. Since the old one was flooded by requests and not updated any more, the RRC regulars thought creating a new thread would be the best for the club.

Should I link to the club in my forum signature?
There's no obligation to do so, but it's certainly appreciated. It's always more exposure for the club. Remember that you can put a high number in place of the page number in the URL and if that page doesn't exist yet, Newgrounds will take you to the latest page, whatever it is. For example, "http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/107 2042/999" will take you to the latest page of this club.

RRC Signature?
Yes, at the end of each review, if you want you can write down 'Review Request Club'. There is no obligation to do so, but you'll get +1 point if you put the RRC signature in your review. You can add anything you want to it, E.G.: *Review Request Club*, |Review Request Club|, -Review Request Club-, etc, but as long as 'Review Request Club' is clearly written, you will get the point. You are also allowed to add the sig in any reviews other than requests in this club, as long as you are a club member yourself. It's all the more exposure for the club, and it's appreciated ^^.

+1 point if I put the RRC signature in my review... I'm not sure if I get it correctly.
Well, you gain 6 points for a review on a request with "Review Request Club" in the end of it, instead of 5 points. If it's still not clear, read this.

Does the Review Request Club review for non-NG stuff?
No. It must be an NG submission. If you have a non-NG submission which you would like us to review, then use your common sense and upload it to NG. Also, we will only review using the 'Write a Review' method on submissions. We won't send reviews by PM, review in your newspost or review in any particular thread of yours.

Do I have to review all the requests?
No you don't have to, just do your best :). Though completing them all will give you 7 extra points.

can u reviewz allz my flashz guise? kthxbai.

If you have more questions, feel free to post about it and if your question is frequently asked, it'll be added to the FAQ.


That's all about the club, though this new version of the club couldn't be opened without mentioning the old thread regulars who have made it a great place to spend time. Kudos to Freelance-Magician for creating the original club and to milinko959 for maintaining it for so long. Thanks also to Sonofkirk for starting this new thread and doing many updates.

Have fun!

Useful links: RRC - The point system, clarified, Fro's Guide to Writing Helpful Reviews, Plain text version of this FAQ

Resources: Old Review Request Club thread, Club info, Google.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-21 17:24:10

Review my latest track please. :)

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-21 17:52:10

At 7/21/10 03:26 PM, DumbassDude wrote:
At 7/21/10 03:09 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Wont get it back in three weeks. Needs to get repaired. Guess what I'll be doing instead!
Gee wizz, let me think... Writing reviews maybe?

Hell naw, I'mma get wasted! Constantly!

Glad you posted that rule sheet, Haggard.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 00:46:58

Hey all, just touching base. Sorry I've been AFK for a few weeks, had a fair bit on with a pretty time-intensive job, so much so I quit it yesterday xD. For future reference to anyone: Door to door sales when you're working on commission? Sucks. =P

So I'll try and get back to doing some reviews this week, if not next. And as Steph said before he set off on vacation, I'll be taking over updates, so expect a nice little table and requests list from me on Sunday. :)

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 00:56:19

At 7/22/10 12:46 AM, Animith wrote: Hey all, just touching base. Sorry I've been AFK for a few weeks, had a fair bit on with a pretty time-intensive job, so much so I quit it yesterday xD. For future reference to anyone: Door to door sales when you're working on commission? Sucks. =P

So I'll try and get back to doing some reviews this week, if not next. And as Steph said before he set off on vacation, I'll be taking over updates, so expect a nice little table and requests list from me on Sunday. :)

I was beginning to think that you left us high and dry. At least you have a much better excuse than I have for doing so little in the club lately. I'll have to remember that you are doing the update on Sunday so I don't have a repeat of last time and miss the deadline.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 01:05:20

At 7/22/10 12:56 AM, sixflab wrote:
At 7/22/10 12:46 AM, Animith wrote: Hey all, just touching base. Sorry I've been AFK for a few weeks, had a fair bit on with a pretty time-intensive job, so much so I quit it yesterday xD. For future reference to anyone: Door to door sales when you're working on commission? Sucks. =P

So I'll try and get back to doing some reviews this week, if not next. And as Steph said before he set off on vacation, I'll be taking over updates, so expect a nice little table and requests list from me on Sunday. :)
I was beginning to think that you left us high and dry. At least you have a much better excuse than I have for doing so little in the club lately. I'll have to remember that you are doing the update on Sunday so I don't have a repeat of last time and miss the deadline.

Trust me, if I decided to leave completely I wouldn't do so without a message explaining! It's just that I was working 10-12 hour days and so by the time I got back I was pretty much hitting the sack immediately :P

And I learnt my lesson last time. I'll make a post a few hours prior to the planned update mentioning the deadline, just so if people ARE still reviewing (as you were last time I updated), they can let me know and/or request an extension.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 02:06:39

At 7/22/10 01:05 AM, Animith wrote: Trust me, if I decided to leave completely I wouldn't do so without a message explaining! It's just that I was working 10-12 hour days and so by the time I got back I was pretty much hitting the sack immediately :P

And I learnt my lesson last time. I'll make a post a few hours prior to the planned update mentioning the deadline, just so if people ARE still reviewing (as you were last time I updated), they can let me know and/or request an extension.

I know what you mean. I've had to work extended shifts like that on my feet and by the time I get home the bed just calls me and I fall asleep without getting anything done. Last time just caught me by suprise so no worries from me this week. IDK if i'll finish the list though.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 02:29:36

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 07:45:53

At 7/21/10 03:09 PM, Soapbubble wrote: They're taking my xbox away from me tomorrow. :(

Red Rings of Death, eh?

Wont get it back in three weeks. Needs to get repaired. Guess what I'll be doing instead!

Playing MW2? Reviewing?

"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool." -Stephen King

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 11:01:39

Bipolar Smiley: (:(

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 12:15:56

At 7/22/10 11:01 AM, up-a-notch wrote: can i request this?


Darn, I got the calculation wrong. I meant to give him a 2 instead of 3. Well, I guess it's his lucky day.

Review Request Club

"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool." -Stephen King

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 15:33:13

And please, do no review this if you like minimal styled song :P

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-22 16:07:16

At 7/22/10 07:45 AM, mrty wrote:
At 7/21/10 03:09 PM, Soapbubble wrote: They're taking my xbox away from me tomorrow. :(
Red Rings of Death, eh?

Naw, I got the Open Tray problem. UPS were supposed to pick it up between 5 and 11 pm, and they've only got 53 minutes till it's 11 pm.

Wont get it back in three weeks. Needs to get repaired. Guess what I'll be doing instead!
Playing MW2? Reviewing?

I would play MW2, but that can't be done when I ship the box off. Instead I'll just finish all my reviews early, go to work, play in the sun and get drunk.

At 7/22/10 01:05 AM, Animith wrote: And I learnt my lesson last time. I'll make a post a few hours prior to the planned update mentioning the deadline, just so if people ARE still reviewing (as you were last time I updated), they can let me know and/or request an extension.

That's great. I doubt I'll need it personally this time, but it's always nice to know in case I end up procrastinating. Always nice if people can get a few more hours to finish up those last reviews.

At 7/22/10 12:46 AM, Animith wrote: Hey all, just touching base. Sorry I've been AFK for a few weeks, had a fair bit on with a pretty time-intensive job, so much so I quit it yesterday xD. For future reference to anyone: Door to door sales when you're working on commission? Sucks. =P

So I'll try and get back to doing some reviews this week, if not next. And as Steph said before he set off on vacation, I'll be taking over updates, so expect a nice little table and requests list from me on Sunday. :)

Glad to see that you're still here, was wondering why you had the star next to your name. Looking forward to your next update!

And I totally feel you, working can really drain ya. Luckily my job mostly consist of fetchin packages for people and placing wares where they belong. Sometimes, I work as a cashier, whatever the place needs me to do.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-23 11:35:53

Kris Sumara - Wip

I need some suggestions on my newest song in the making. All advice is accepted.


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-23 12:25:00

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-23 15:02:39

Aw, what the hell. I'll join. I need something else to do on here and this gives me an excuse to actually write high-quality reviews.

Help the poor! Help the hungry in Africa!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-23 15:22:16

If you would, please. Thanks!


Hell Cruiser

Teh Danger Song

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-23 16:11:22

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-23 18:52:16

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-23 22:43:15

Hey, I finally have an internet connection, but only for a bit.

Thanks a lot, Haggard, for posting the club info. Just pointing out that this text file has all of the links and HTML tags ready :).

Good luck updating, Animith!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-24 00:39:58

Bipolar Smiley: (:(

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-24 02:46:25

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-24 07:59:35

Last time I requested, I only got one review and it was very very late. Hopefully I'll get one sooner this time? :)

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-24 08:01:29

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-24 15:09:26

Tomppaah here again :) This time I have yet another Orchestral piece I'd very much like to get reviewed.

I got some very useful tips from Supersteph54 with his last review. I took these in consideration when making this track, so I hope now that you'll all be as pleased with it as I am.

I love to make orchestral music, and I hope you guys like to listen to it! Enjoy!

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-24 19:40:26

At 7/23/10 10:43 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Hey, I finally have an internet connection, but only for a bit.

Thanks a lot, Haggard, for posting the club info. Just pointing out that this text file has all of the links and HTML tags ready :).

Good luck updating, Animith!

Hope you're having an awesome time. I never got where you're at right now, though.

I'm too... influenced to do shit now. Animith, I'm hoping you can at least wait till I get 100% tomorrow?

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-25 00:52:24

Hey can I join please? Just some praise...


"Thank you!!" - MissCrushed, Annie's Song (8-Bit)
"Now that is an in-depth review!"- MobiusIII, TranceJump
"Really like the lengthy review Very helpful." - Nexundo, -the shire-
"by far the most useful review i´ve ever got!"- Acidmittens, acidmittens-elska livet
"thanks for your outstanding review... :3" - DJames50, No Doubt (Chip-Mindless)
"No, thank YOU for such a quick and uplifting comment :)... your kind words and support have helped in convincing me that this project is a good idea" - ShiverMeSideways, Why? (test/demo)
"Solid review, thank you for your competancy [sic] in the field of listening to music and articulating what you hear."- InvisibleObserver, Ruining Monotony

"If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0." | Review Request Club | New Rating System

Response to Review Request Club 2010-07-25 04:40:16


Hello! Welcome to the new Review Request Club thread. This thread is meant to give the club a fresh start and make it a pleasant place to stay. In order to do this, it goes without saying that you must follow the regular BBS rules and read the C&C Advice Thread before posting if you are new to this forum.

This club aims to increase the exposure of the most under-rated Newgrounds music, art and flash artists. The other major purpose of the club is to offer the Newgrounds artists high quality feedback so they can constantly improve their work.

To the requesters:

Every Newgrounds user is allowed to request a review as soon as he submitted something. To get your work reviewed, don't post here without thinking but follow these few rules:

- Post a direct link to the submission(s) you want reviewed.

- Make no more than 3 Flash and Art requests between two updates (that's one week), and no more than 3 Audio Requests between 5 updates (that's four weeks).

- Please respond to reviews, reviewers like it and some of them are statwho... oh wait, interested in stats.

- Be patient. Due to the points system, you may not see reviews until up to two weeks after you requested, or if you requested more than 1 Audio submission, you may not see reviews on your second submission up until 3 weeks after you requested, and you may not see reviews on your third submission up until 4 weeks after you requested.

- Do NOT request without posting a link, be kind, reviewers are not robots.

- Do NOT simply say "Review everything" or just link to your profile.

- Do NOT request reviews for the same submission more than once.

- Do NOT request reviews for a submission with over 50 reviews.

- Do NOT request reviews for spam. Spam is only there to annoy, not to be critically analyzed.

- Unless you are a club member, only request reviews for YOUR OWN submissions.

To the reviewers:

If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you would like to join. Then, regular members will go through your reviews and determine if they are good enough to be part of the club. Your reviews are required to be helpful, developed and well-organised. If you need help with writing good reviews, read Fro's guide to writing helpful reviews.

Once you are accepted, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club, once you understand how the point system works, please post - one or two days before the update - the total points you've earned during the week. This is considered as a sort of application form, and if you fail to do so, you will NOT be added to the club.

Points System:

List updaters will keep track of each member's points in order to build a list. You don't need to post your points before each update but you can keep track of your score on your own so any error can be fixed. This is how points are counted:

5 points for a review on a requested submission (movie, game, art, or audio).

1 point for writing "Review Request Club" at the bottom of a requested review.

3 points for posting at least once throughout the two weeks.

5 points for referring a new member (must mention you in first post).

7 points for reviewing all requests/recommendations between two updates.

Club Updates:

Each Sunday or Monday, a list of all the members is created, counting up their points, featuring various stats and posting a list of requested submissions. Assuming you review the submissions in that list, you will get points for them accordingly in the following members' update, around a week later.

Don't forget the lists are built and updated by humans so it may be possible the update is delayed due to various real life reasons. If it ever occurs, don't get mad; calm down and wait :).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Should we have an FAQ?

I don't know. It kinda seems like overkill.

Why a new thread?

The main idea was to give the club a new and fresh start. Since the old one was flooded by requests and not updated any more, the RRC regulars thought creating a new thread would be best for the club.

Should I link to the club in my forum signature?

There's no obligation to do so, but it's certainly appreciated. Remember that you can put a high number in place of the page number in the URL and if that page doesn't exist yet, Newgrounds will take you to the latest page, whatever it is. For example, "http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/107 2042/999" will take you to the latest page of this club.

RRC Signature?

Yes, at the end of each review, if you want you can write down 'Review Request Club'. There is no obligation to do so, but you'll get +1 point if you put the RRC signature in your review. You can add anything you want to it, E.G.: *Review Request Club*, |Review Request Club|, -Review Request Club-, etc, but as long as 'Review Request Club' is clearly written, you will get the point. You are also allowed to add the sig in any reviews other than requests in this club, as long as you are a club member yourself. It's all the more exposure for the club, and it's very much appreciated.

+1 point if I put the RRC signature in my review... I'm not sure if I get it correctly.

You gain 6 points for a review on a request with "Review Request Club" in the end of it, as opposed to 5 points if you hadn't added the signature at the end. If it's still not clear, read this.

Does the Review Request Club review for non-NG stuff?

No. It must be an NG submission. If you have a non-NG submission which you would like us to review, then use your common sense and upload it to NG. Also, we will only review using the 'Write a Review' method on submissions. We won't send reviews by PM, review in your newspost or review in any particular thread of yours.

Do I have to review all the requests?

No you don't have to, just do your best :). Though completing them all will give you 7 extra points.

Which requests should I review?

If you want to get points for the next member's update, look for the latest requests list in the club thread and review the requests from that list. If you review any requests from various posts in the thread which would have been posted after the latest requests list, you will be getting points for the member's update after the next one.

can u review allz mah flashz guise? kthxbai.


If you have more questions, feel free to post about it in the thread or PM a member and if your question is frequently asked, it'll be added to the FAQ.


That's all about the club, though this new version of the club couldn't be opened without mentioning the old thread regulars who have made it a great place to spend time. Kudos to Freelance-Magician for creating the original club and to milinko959 for maintaining it for so long. Thanks also to Sonofkirk for starting this new thread and doing many updates.

Have fun!

Useful links: RRC - The point system, clarified, Fro's Guide to Writing Helpful Reviews, Fro's Guide to Writing Good Reviews

Resources: Old Review Request Club thread, Club info, Google.

Meet the Mayor.