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Review Request Club

851,965 Views | 8,785 Replies
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Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 08:00:12

Hello again, guys! I want to ask you to review one of my works. It's not new, but I'm still have no detailed reviews for it. So check it out if you can, okay? I will be very grateful. =) Here is the link:

EvilScorpio - Ecliptic

P.S.: If you don't mind, I want to join your club to help other artists like me to have some reviews. ^_^

New song: Twin Pulsar ||||| Recommended Flash: What Can Be Changed ||||| Habitat: Review Request Club

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 14:13:05

OK! Ill do this!

Need a Review? Go to Review Request Club

Also please look at my art!

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 15:34:39

At 7/27/09 01:16 PM, aPerfektFlaw wrote: There you go sir! A fine review, for your fine track! I must say that I loved it to.

Thanks) I'm glad you like my track)

New song: Twin Pulsar ||||| Recommended Flash: What Can Be Changed ||||| Habitat: Review Request Club

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 15:36:57

Looking for some serious reviews on my latest animation. It is my first attempt at stop motion clay type thing.


I do respond to all the reviews you guys leave me! It might just take me a little time =p


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 19:43:33

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 19:45:50

I'd like to request a review for my flash:

I just remembered this thread existed, I should have asked for a review on that flash sooner

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 20:40:30

At 7/27/09 07:43 PM, Blackdoom13 wrote: Hey guys, I'd like to request a review for my pride and joy of a track.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/2 59279

Done! =) I hope my review will help you somehow.

New song: Twin Pulsar ||||| Recommended Flash: What Can Be Changed ||||| Habitat: Review Request Club

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 02:37:33

I wish I could join

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 02:39:17

could you review my art

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 04:27:03

At 7/28/09 02:37 AM, ethliam wrote: I wish I could join

You can join - you need to review the requested pieces on Sonofkirk's list (Page 9, near the bottom) The links on there will take you to all of the most recently requested flash, audio and art submissions.

At 7/28/09 02:39 AM, ethliam wrote: could you review my art

Now, you're not scouted as an artist and to be fair, I'm not really surprised as to why. The drawings that you've done are rather simplistic and they don't seem to look like they've taken you that long to draw. Try putting more time and effort in, rather than just drawing for the sake of submitting.

With your drawing of the shotgun, I'd certainly suggest that you take a lot more time and look at some more detailed pictures, like on Google, for example. A shotgun is not just two cylinders joined by a block at the one end - there's much more detail in it. Adding a splash of colour would assist, though you're going to need to stay between the lines when you do it, unlike with the star you drew.

Finally, if you want reviews for your stuff, when you've submitted more complete images, please supply us with links and perhaps you'll get recommended for scouting to the Art Portal.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 15:09:00

Just a question..why can't we see our art reviews anywhere?
I mean, come on, we can see our flash and audio reviews, why not the art ones?
This is keeping me from writing too many art reviews since l can't really track every one of them and read the rersponse (they also have a VERY high response rate)...
Also, a piece of older art l made got deleted because it infringed copyright..the thing is, it didn't.
They gave me no link, no notification, nothing...only an automated message..l don't even know the mod..
They need to fix this kind of stuff..

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 15:48:59

check out my new song it needs to be mixed but i want people opinion about the composition aspect of it before i spend the time to do that

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 15:54:35

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 18:12:53

Thanks guys, I'll be sure to review them soon. Also, anyone else been losing some reviews here and there? I've lost a couple these past two days.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 18:29:56

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-28 19:23:36

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-29 00:02:15

At 7/28/09 03:09 PM, HeavyTank wrote: Just a question..why can't we see our art reviews anywhere?

They're probably implementing it... I don't think we could see our audio reviews when it just came out either... It'll be implemented when NG decides to D=

At 7/28/09 06:12 PM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Thanks guys, I'll be sure to review them soon. Also, anyone else been losing some reviews here and there? I've lost a couple these past two days.

Really? I don't keep close track D=
I like my reviews T.T

Reviewing is good for your health!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-29 06:03:21

Also, l want to know how the hell do you post links on NG that are, you know, with the icon, rating and everything...l tried all sorts of tricks but they didn't work.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-29 06:12:49

At 7/28/09 09:40 PM, JKMonkey wrote: ^^ I have been too, I guess someone is deleting their submissions

if your going to delete them then why bother asking us to waste our time reviewing them?

In my experience, you only tend to lose 1 or 2 reviews from this and in most cases, this is due to people removing older versions of their submissions, so that they can submit an improved version.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-29 11:43:07

Oooooook, I jut received a message saying one of my reviews was deleted, even though it didn't break any guidelines and the submission is still up.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-29 13:42:28

Hey guys, sorry I've asked for so many reviews lately but could you guys please give me some reviews on my bands song we just re-recorded? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-30 11:21:42

Hey guys, new song, I'd appreciate it if you'd drop a line about what you think. ;)

I once was Reservist.

Swerve - Rip

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-30 14:21:13

I have a new work in progress up and was wondering if yall would review it :D

Thanks much


Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-30 23:29:50

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-31 02:17:11

Hey Guys,

I'd love some people to watch the movie I've just uploaded, and review it. I'd love some constructive criticism.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-31 02:41:45

I have just left reviews on the following;

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/49 9283
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/50 5065
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/50 5267

I'm not fussed as to getting replies to reviews, But it couldn't hurt. I was a fairly frequent member of the old RR Club, So I'm just new to this new division of the club. Here's my start :)

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-31 03:04:51

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-31 06:05:02

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-31 06:17:16

could i join

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-31 06:24:53

Looks like we needed some flash reviews around here, so you can all review this one as well :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature