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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-19 00:55:28

I just want to say through this thread how thankful I am to all of you guys who reviewed my audio. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into them (although I regret flooding you guys with three of mine in the same week!).
Just don't give away those 9's and 10's so easily next time! (And there will be a next time.)
Thanks again!

Hey, I do audio. Check it out!

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-19 04:56:45

All review requests for the past week completed.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-19 14:52:25

At 7/19/09 02:46 PM, JKMonkey wrote:
At 7/19/09 04:56 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote:
going on vacation next week

Where are you headed?

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-19 16:31:07

Well, I'm only doing this because Sonofkirk wants me too. I just hope Multicanimefan and JKMonkey don't catch up...


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-19 21:09:48

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-20 14:11:30

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-20 15:56:01

No update tonight as I've let some members know, I can't use my computer - I'm writing this with my sister's Mac. I've pulled half of the stats today so it'll save me time when I'll update the list, tomorrow.

I have no idea when I'll post the list tomorrow though, it'll be random. Also since I'm leaving for two weeks on Wenesday, there won't be an update next week. Sorry about all of that guys, real life happens to overtake NG life, sometimes.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-21 01:53:34

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/theth inwhale/pyscadellic-birds

Its an art image, I think it's really good but everyone rated it poorly and no one left a comment

please have a look I was thinking of having it as an album cover for my band :(

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-21 08:52:04

Hey there, here is finally the update after two days of passionate waiting :P. The week was very contrasted between members that completed all the requests and those who were almost inactive - myself for instance -.-

I re-implemented the "stars" system that used to be in the old thread, so we know who is inactive and for how long. If you think it should be modified it a bit - if you think we need to change the time of inactivity to get excluded from the list for example - let me know :).

I'm leaving on Wenesday for two weeks and I won't be able to update the list where I will be. I'll come back on Thursday 6th of August, so the list will be updated on Sunday 9th of August, that will make a lot of requests to complete for the update that will follow, so be ready.

Also note that whoever make fun of my current whistle status will get kicked out of the list next update ;). Here are the requests you'll have to complete for the next update, on Sunday 9th of August, that is.

Flash Requests (6)
My girl =] By ninetailedfoxdemon
Super Mario Invaded By sleeeeep
Super Mario Invaded pt.2 By sleeeeep
The ALL Sprites Collab By Nathan Stevenson (segaplaya)
The Shark Dossier By Celx R (Celx-Requin)
Spread His Wings By Insanimation

Audio Requests (10)
Closing Club By no name (mariomusicmaker1)
Drunken Singing By chrisG755
Nonascertainableness By JohnnyCellulose
Paradox (Bestial Remains) By Colt (Blackdoom13)
Tom Fulp, Share Your Chicks! By CountBoogie
-_ You Fucking Win _- By no name (mariomusicmaker1)
(SoD)-Eternal Arcade By statueofdiveo
Fletus Caeli By Alexander (EvilScorpio)
-Drifting- By Trevor Crookston (BlazingDragon)
State of Flux (ft. Bracksta) By jxl180

Art Requests (3)
Cliff Top Perch By EchoRun
Quarter Face Collab By Viridis
Pyscadellic Birds By David Neville (TheThinWhale)

Member's Update #5:
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]

01 ) 571 | 88 / 88 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Coop83
02 ) 547 | 84 / 84 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Fro
03 ) 547 | 84 / 89 | 094.38% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Haggard
04 ) 498 | 79 / 88 | 089.77% || 090 | 15 / 22 | 068.18% SCTE3
05 ) 440 | 67 / 67 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Insanimation
06 ) 400 | 62 / 89 | 069.66% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% MulticanimeFan
07 ) 383 | 59 / 59 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% JKMonkey
08 ) 173 | 29 / 89 | 032.58% || 000 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% milinko959 *
09 ) 139 | 21 / 71 | 029.58% || 000 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% Alfierulz **
10 ) 129 | 20 / 89 | 022.47% || 000 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% lmacow *
11 ) 069 | 11 / 38 | 028.95% || 030 | 05 / 22 | 022.73% AnalPenguinFarming
12 ) 062 | 10 / 59 | 016.95% || 000 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% EpicFail **
13 ) 060 | 08 / 89 | 008.99% || 003 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% Sonofkirk
14 ) 042 | 05 / 71 | 007.04% || 003 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% Metal-Therapy
15 ) 033 | 05 / 89 | 005.62% || 000 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% jew193 **
16 ) 032 | 05 / 57 | 008.77% || 006 | 01 / 21 | 004.76% blackcat2000
17 ) 023 | 04 / 71 | 005.63% || 000 | 00 / 22 | 000.00% Hiphopopotamus **

The stars indicate for how long the user has been inactive in this club. "Inactive" means, that user hasn't gained any points by reviewing OR by posting.
*: User has been inactive last week
**: User has been inactive for the last two weeks
***: User has been inactive for the last three weeks
****: User has been inactive for the last four weeks

If you are inactive for more than three weeks AND if your completion rate falls below 20%, OR if you are inactive for more than four weeks you are excluded from the list. You may rejoin this club, but your points will be lost.

*Requests this week: 22
Total Requests all time: 89
Review made this Week: 103
Average per member: 6.059
Average per request: 4.682

*New To the List: None
Leaving the List: None

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Fro, Haggard, Insanimation, MulticanimeFan and JKMonkey

Member's Update #4

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-21 09:14:18

At 7/21/09 08:52 AM, Sonofkirk wrote:

Thanks for the update Sonofkirk.

Hey there, here is finally the update after two days of passionate waiting :P. The week was very contrasted between members that completed all the requests and those who were almost inactive - myself for instance -.-

Yeah, thanks for making was wait. I don't know when real life is ever more important than updating this list for everyone. Jeeze what were you thinking. ;)

I re-implemented the "stars" system that used to be in the old thread, so we know who is inactive and for how long. If you think it should be modified it a bit - if you think we need to change the time of inactivity to get excluded from the list for example - let me know :).

I never had a problem with this. :P Yeah it's good though so we can see who is starting to become inactive and everything. I think it will work fine the way it is.

I'm leaving on Wenesday for two weeks and I won't be able to update the list where I will be. I'll come back on Thursday 6th of August, so the list will be updated on Sunday 9th of August, that will make a lot of requests to complete for the update that will follow, so be ready.

Yeah, we should be doing them as they are requested if we can so the load isn't as big. I will finally fall down below 100% going back to my dial up, but I'll try to get at least all the art reviews done as they don't have big file sizes. Any songs or flashes without big file sizes I might be able to review also.

Also note that whoever make fun of my current whistle status will get kicked out of the list next update ;). Here are the requests you'll have to complete for the next update, on Sunday 9th of August, that is.


Flash Requests (6)

Not a bad number. I seem to be losing more reviews then I write though. People need to stop deleting their movies.

Audio Requests (10)

Nice this will bump me up to the 800 audio review mark. That will be a nice milestone reached.

Art Requests (3)

I'll try to do these as soon as I'm done with my list. They don't take long to load. :P

01 ) 571 | 88 / 88 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Coop83

Can't you become a BBS mod or something so you find even last time to be able to write these reviews? ;)

02 ) 547 | 84 / 84 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Fro

Woah, from fourth to 2nd in one update. Now just if I wouldn't have requested some things I'd be right up there with Coop. Oh well, I rather get some more reviews then be ranked up higher on the list I guess.

03 ) 547 | 84 / 89 | 094.38% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Haggard

Tied for 2nd in a way.

04 ) 498 | 79 / 88 | 089.77% || 090 | 15 / 22 | 068.18% SCTE3

He kept telling me he's been busy. He also hasn't been on AIM in a long time. Perhaps he will find the time again someday.

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Fro, Haggard, Insanimation, MulticanimeFan and JKMonkey

This is what is starting to become the regular members now. You'd usually expect SCTE3 up here too, but other than that not bad at all.

lol where is the deity whistle?!?!?!

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-21 13:21:32

At 7/21/09 08:52 AM, Sonofkirk wrote: Hey there, here is finally the update after two days of passionate waiting :P.

YAY! It's finally here! Thanks, Sonofkirk!

I'm leaving on Wenesday for two weeks and I won't be able to update the list where I will be. I'll come back on Thursday 6th of August, so the list will be updated on Sunday 9th of August, that will make a lot of requests to complete for the update that will follow, so be ready.

Uh-oh....Never fear, I'll have my new Mac so it'll all be a bitt easier/harder..:/

Also note that whoever make fun of my current whistle status will get kicked out of the list next update ;). Here are the requests you'll have to complete for the next update, on Sunday 9th of August, that is.

HEY GUYS! NICO HAS A SI - Sorry. I'm just surprised that you've managed to get so high in such short time..

Flash Requests (6)
My girl =] By ninetailedfoxdemon
Super Mario Invaded By sleeeeep
Super Mario Invaded pt.2 By sleeeeep
The ALL Sprites Collab By Nathan Stevenson (segaplaya)
The Shark Dossier By Celx R (Celx-Requin)
Spread His Wings By Insanimation

That's not too bad, but the first one is an art submission.

Audio Requests (10)
Closing Club By no name (mariomusicmaker1)
Drunken Singing By chrisG755
Nonascertainableness By JohnnyCellulose
Paradox (Bestial Remains) By Colt (Blackdoom13)
Tom Fulp, Share Your Chicks! By CountBoogie
-_ You Fucking Win _- By no name (mariomusicmaker1)
(SoD)-Eternal Arcade By statueofdiveo
Fletus Caeli By Alexander (EvilScorpio)
-Drifting- By Trevor Crookston (BlazingDragon)
State of Flux (ft. Bracksta) By jxl180

Oh well..what can you do? :(

Art Requests (3)
Cliff Top Perch By EchoRun
Quarter Face Collab By Viridis
Pyscadellic Birds By David Neville (TheThinWhale)

All done.

Member's Update #5:
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]

01 ) 571 | 88 / 88 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Coop83
02 ) 547 | 84 / 84 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Fro
03 ) 547 | 84 / 89 | 094.38% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Haggard
04 ) 498 | 79 / 88 | 089.77% || 090 | 15 / 22 | 068.18% SCTE3
05 ) 440 | 67 / 67 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Insanimation
06 ) 400 | 62 / 89 | 069.66% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% MulticanimeFan

C'mon SCTE3, you're letting the side down! I see the Froggard contest it still raging on...

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Fro, Haggard, Insanimation, MulticanimeFan and JKMonkey

Same as always..


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-21 14:10:43

Insanimation, JKmonkey and fro have been reveiwing basically everyones submissions! good job, I'm workin on a new art piece right now and I'll try to remember what you guys said.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-21 14:30:51

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/theth inwhale/the-flag

I have a good feeling about this new art piece ;)

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-21 17:38:57

At 7/21/09 08:52 AM, Sonofkirk wrote: Hey there, here is finally the update after two days of passionate waiting :P. The week was very contrasted between members that completed all the requests and those who were almost inactive - myself for instance -.-

Real life can be quite busy sometimes. I learned that when I was updating the list for a short time.

I re-implemented the "stars" system that used to be in the old thread, so we know who is inactive and for how long. If you think it should be modified it a bit - if you think we need to change the time of inactivity to get excluded from the list for example - let me know :).

Good good. It worked pretty well in the old club and gave the it a nice fluctuation of members. It also prevents the list from getting too big. It's quite a bitch to update the list if there are 20+ members and about 20 requests. And if one of the requests has about 42 pages of reviews and you have to check every one of them because so many members are inactive...
ah well. The system worked pretty well last time and I'm sure it will work now, too.

I'm leaving on Wenesday for two weeks and I won't be able to update the list where I will be. I'll come back on Thursday 6th of August, so the list will be updated on Sunday 9th of August, that will make a lot of requests to complete for the update that will follow, so be ready.

Thanks for the heads up!

Also note that whoever make fun of my current whistle status will get kicked out of the list next update ;).

LOL YOU ONLY HAVE... oh wait.

Flash Requests (6)
Audio Requests (10)
Art Requests (3)

Actually that's 5 flash requests and 4 art requests, but oh well... the total amount stays the same. -.-
I've already done 3 requests and it should be possible to do the all until 9th of August. But I have to be careful and do some requests every now and then so that the amount of requests next update isn't as big for me.
Also, with such a low amount of flash requests it will take me forever to get into the top 100 reviewers list. I guess I have to review some flashes outside of the club. :/

Member's Update #5:

Thanks for the update!

[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 571 | 88 / 88 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Coop83
02 ) 547 | 84 / 84 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Fro
03 ) 547 | 84 / 89 | 094.38% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Haggard
04 ) 498 | 79 / 88 | 089.77% || 090 | 15 / 22 | 068.18% SCTE3

Oh, SCTE3 missed quite a lot this time, but I hope he will be back for the next update.
On the other hand I finally passed him. Also, still tied with Fro. Couldn't you just forget to add the RRC-signature once? :P

*Requests this week: 22
Total Requests all time: 89

Next update we will break the 100 barrier!

Average per member: 6.059
Average per request: 4.682

Nice numbers again.

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Fro, Haggard, Insanimation, MulticanimeFan and JKMonkey

Good job guys!

At 7/21/09 09:14 AM, Fro wrote: Yeah, we should be doing them as they are requested if we can so the load isn't as big. I will finally fall down below 100% going back to my dial up, but I'll try to get at least all the art reviews done as they don't have big file sizes. Any songs or flashes without big file sizes I might be able to review also.

Ah, so there's my chance to sneak up on second place. The place I took over from Little-Rena in the old club when he quit. But I have never been so close to Coop in the old thread. So watch out there, Coopster! :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 00:59:53

At 7/22/09 12:37 AM, dirtyfarmer wrote: I'd like to join; and I think I should qualify but I don't quite understand how this point system works.

Would someone break it down for me if they please?

Read the 1st post

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 01:38:24

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 02:20:08

At 7/22/09 02:10 AM, dirtyfarmer wrote:
Oh shit I totally didn't think of that.

So if anyone that comprehends english would please step forward this would be great.

Sorry if I misunderstood what you posted that first time. Don't take it the wrong way. I really was trying to help.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 04:36:57

At 7/22/09 12:37 AM, dirtyfarmer wrote: I'd like to join; and I think I should qualify but I don't quite understand how this point system works.

When you review a request posted on this thread, you gain either 6 points if you put "Review Request Club" at the bottom of your review or 5 points if you don't add this little signature. That's the basic points system.

Though, in the old thread, we introduced extra points imputed to the most active users. You can benefit from three sorts of extra points:

1) You gain +7 points if you completed all the requests of the past week - that aims to encourage the members to review more.
2) You gain +3 points if you posted at least once in the thread during the past week - keeps the thread more often on the C&C main page and bring us more attention ;).
3) And finally, you gain +5 points when you refer a new member - the user you referred must mention you in his joining post.

In the end of the week, the list updater - at the present time, I - creates a list according to this point system. I hope this is clearer than the post on the first page and if anyone still doesn't get the system after this accuracy, they can try to complete reviews and wait for the update or just forget this club.

Please refer new members to this news post and to the opening post of the thread.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 09:10:46

I'd love a review or two on this track. It's worth noting that the last part of the song is the bit I'm most invested in, (the last thirty seconds or so, after the dive bombing synth) as that's where I intend this sort of music to head to.

It's also worth noting that I welcome critical reviews.

Thanks all.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 16:02:25

Hey guys!

Begginer voice actor here, looking for some feedback.

Have fun downvoting my crap :D

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 17:15:48

At 7/21/09 08:52 AM, Sonofkirk wrote: 01 ) 571 | 88 / 88 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Coop83
02 ) 547 | 84 / 84 | 100.00% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Fro
03 ) 547 | 84 / 89 | 094.38% || 142 | 22 / 22 | 100.00% Haggard
04 ) 498 | 79 / 88 | 089.77% || 090 | 15 / 22 | 068.18% SCTE3

Thanks for the update, Sonofkirk. Great work.

Just about managed to keep myself in the running for top of the list, when suddenly, SCTE3 missed a few requests. Finally, some breathing space.

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Fro, Haggard, Insanimation, MulticanimeFan and JKMonkey

So we didn't get SCTE3 here this time, but a good bunch of people, nonetheless.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-22 21:17:18

A new VA "demo" for me. Trying out some new things and wanted to get some reviews. Thanks!


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-23 15:41:46

At 7/23/09 01:55 PM, JeanW wrote: Id like to join, but please ignore my earlier reviews and focus more on my more recent ones.

Nice - I think that you've certainly shown signs of improvement from the days of the one line review. I used to write them as well, so we're all guilty at some point. Now they look pretty good - not perfect, but who is?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-24 04:25:42

Hello. Airfaerie95 and I have cooked up a twisted little tale for you. She did the artwork and animation, why I wrote it, made comments here and there, and tracked down the music to use in the flash. We both hope you truly enjoy it, and if you do then we may present to you some future works.

Thank You for your time.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-24 05:58:41

Uhm hello guys, l was a member of this crew a really long time ago, but l stopped for some reason..now l want to review more stuff...it's just that it was kind of annoying to have to write down all the points, especially when l didn't know when to post them since "at the end of the week" can be dfferent depending on where you live...
Anyway l'd like to join and hopefully this time l can keep up with everything...
Oh, and could you please review my art (well, l wouldn't call it art, but anyway...).
Don't be too harsh :(

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/heavy tank/evil
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/heavy tank/black-desert

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-25 16:56:51

Can someone please Review this?

Thank you so much!

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Clan | Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-26 01:01:30

At 7/26/09 12:35 AM, aPerfektFlaw wrote: I would like to take part in this club. I love reviewing; it makes me feel good knowing I can make a positive remark on someone's work without being ignorant. Then have them feel good about it.

Good to hear that.

But on another note, I'm not to sure my reviews are even that good. I was wondering if I could trouble someone for a review on my reviews? I know it sounds confusing but I want to know I can actually write a good review. Any tips would be of great assistance.

While you only have 20 reviews total, they are well thought out and aren't one-liners or just praise. You write them in paragraphs and they look neat and helpful. I'm not in charge, but I believe you'd make a nice addition to the team from what I've seen.

Please and thank you!

No problem.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 01:04:22

At 7/24/09 05:58 AM, HeavyTank wrote: Uhm hello guys, l was a member of this crew a really long time ago...

Ha ha, HeavyTank, haven't I seen you around somewhere before?...
Hmm... I swear HeavyTank sounds like something from the TF2 Crew =3

Nah, couldn't be... right? =D

Reviewing is good for your health!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 02:39:19

Thank you very much for all the reviews to my last work! ^_^ Sorry for late answer, my internet wasn't working a week or more... =(

New song: Twin Pulsar ||||| Recommended Flash: What Can Be Changed ||||| Habitat: Review Request Club

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-07-27 06:13:48

At 7/27/09 01:04 AM, blackcat2000 wrote: Ha ha, HeavyTank, haven't I seen you around somewhere before?...
Hmm... I swear HeavyTank sounds like something from the TF2 Crew =3

Hm...let me think...yeah, now l remember!
I actually AM from the TF2 crew....

Nah, couldn't be... right? =D